Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with the plugin.yml not updating the version when I pushed it causing the plugin update checker to always think there was an update
- Removed an unneeded API check in the placeholder class
- Fixed a rare WG issue
- Implemented a temp / perm-temp solution to the /guild list GUI not opening sometimes
- Fixed an issue with players not getting role/tier perms when creating a guild until they relog
- Converted the project to Gradle (easier to build)
- Modified how runtime dependencies work. Will now only download excess stuff like MySQL when using MySQL in the config
- Removed the needed for the language update command. Language files will now automatically update (let me know if you have issues)
- I converted a lot of the project to Kotlin to be cleaner and more efficient.
- Designed a new system from scratch to load the commands. Please let me know if you have any issues.
- Updated the compiled guava (fixes some issues across MC versions)
- Redesigned all the GUI backends
- Cleaned up the utilization of upgrade tickets
Note: I had to make a last-minute change to this update to make something work. Please let me know if you have issues loading the plugin.