Guilds [30% Sale] icon

Guilds [30% Sale] -----

[1.8.8-1.21 Support] [90+ Commands] RPG, GUIs, Land Claims, Arenas, Guild Wars, MySQL and more!

1.17.1 Support! New Ally Chat! New Features!
Please make a full backup of your Guilds data before applying this update. I have tested it in some scenarios and have not had problems but I can not account for every single person.


- Implemented support for Minecraft 1.17.1

- Implemented a new GuildUpgradeEvent that is fired when a guild upgrades their tier

- Implemented a brand new ally chat feature! This comes with a bunch of new additions around the plugin including new commands. First up, "/guild chat" has been changed to "/gc" and ally chat has been changed to "/ac". These both can be toggled as well as sending messages directly through via the command

- Implemented PlaceholderAPI placeholder support inside of the guild chat and ally chat messages

- Implemented new permissions that allow players to bypass the same guild pvp checks. For same guild, the permission node is "guilds.ffa". This has been requested for awhile to allow more creativity. The next update will introduce the same feature for allies. Currently a bug in the implementation that is still being tested.

- Implemented a cost option for /guild rename

- Implemented a new placeholder to get a guild's balance in a raw format %guilds_balance_raw%

Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that caused problems for people using the API in Guilds to obtain some of the data

- Hopefully fixed a bug with some of the language keys not properly updating

- Changed the logic of guild deletion. This will now happen on-demand when a guild is deleted in-game instead of waiting for the next save interval

- Fixed a bug in admin transfer command tab completions throwing nasty console errors


- Changed some internal logic in the admin upgrade command to allow it to be ran from console
----------, Aug 11, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,052
First Release: Apr 24, 2019
Last Update: Jul 11, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
83 ratings
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