Guilds [30% Sale] icon

Guilds [30% Sale] -----

[1.8.8-1.21 Support] [90+ Commands] RPG, GUIs, Land Claims, Arenas, Guild Wars, MySQL and more!

MySQL & SQLite Support!
MySQL and SQLite is finally here!

First and foremost, I want to give a huge shoutout to @simpleauthority who helped make this update a possibility for the project. I had been working on a version of SQL and he came along and said "Glare you're trash, let me fix this for you", so I let him. He has gone above-and-beyond what I could ask of him and has designed a system to help make this plugin super efficient in the backend! So, again, thank you @simpleauthority so much for your kind generosity of time and effort into the project.

- Implemented MySQL storage
- Implemented SQLite storage
- Data migration is now here!

Note: Previous cooldown data will be deleted. We've implemented a cleaner system to handle cooldowns that will work better in the long-run as we scale up.

This update requires a language update.

How to update languages:
From console,
1) guild console update-languages
2) guild confirm

Migrating Data
Migrating your data is super simple. In the past few updates we've introduced some console-only commands, and this is another one of these!

The new /guild console migrate <type> is finally here!

Possible migrations:

Keep in mind that for now, the previous data will not be deleted in case something goes wrong, it is HIGHLY SUGGESTED that you run /guild console backup before doing anything.

Side-Note: This has not been tested on Bungee. We are not responsible for any kind of data loss utilizing that. We always recommend that you make a backup before trying anything not tested. That will be our next focus as that is a little more complicated. Stay tuned for that.

- {loser} placeholder for wars has been added
----------, Aug 25, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,052
First Release: Apr 24, 2019
Last Update: Jul 11, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
83 ratings
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