Guilds [30% Sale]
[1.8.8-1.21 Support] [90+ Commands] RPG, GUIs, Land Claims, Arenas, Guild Wars, MySQL and more!
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Version History
Cooldowns Are Back! Bug Fixes!
Brand new Cool-downs made from scratch!
Limit how often a guild can buy buffs.
Limit how often someone can go to their guild home.
Limit how often someone can join a guild.
Limit how often someone can request to join a guild.
Limit how often someone can set their guild home.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue with claim commands registering twice.
Fixed an issue where you could create multiple guilds with the same name.
Fixed an issue where members would not be notified when their guild was deleted.
Fixed an issue where an error would throw if you try to upgrade your guild while being the top tier
Fixed an issue where you couldn't translate the public / private string for the guild list GUI.
Fixed an issue where trying to open a vault right after upgrading the guild would throw an error.
Fixed an issue where you couldn't join a public guild.
Fixed an issue where you could put items into the vault selector GUI.
Fixed an issue where members weren't added to claim after joining a guild.
Fixed an issue where members weren't removed from a claim after leaving/being kicked from a guild.
Fixed an issue where the blacklist wouldn't be checked if enabled.
Switched the plugin to load off of run-time dependencies.
The guild list GUI now supports {guild-tier-name} in the lore.
You can now configure which items show in /guild info.
Added in the ability to disable prefixes in the plugin.
Changed the names of the panes for the info GUI to be blank.
Added support for {display-name} in guild chat.
Formatted how numbers look to use commas.
You can now toggle in the config if it should remove the brackets around the placeholder for EssentialsChat.
Known Issues
There is a known issue with claims when you're using FastAsyncWorldEdit. Getting in touch with the authors for a solution.
May 20, 2019
View on SpigotMC
Resource Information
Total Downloads:
First Release:
Apr 24, 2019
Last Update:
Jul 11, 2024
All-Time Rating:
83 ratings
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