* Fixed the Pl3xMap integration
* Made it so Anarchy and Disestablishment gov types can now manage membership as stated on the wiki
* Made it so town upgrades are only blocked if they would intersect with another town. You can still require space between new towns via the config.yml setting
* Fixed an intermittent bug that would prevent town upgrades by reporting an intersection with the town to be upgraded
* Fixed an item duplication bug that occurs when upgrading the cobble quarry to a cobble grinder if the region chest is a double chest
* Removed the Civs prefix from the start of custom menu names. This allows users to create custom images for menus in their resource packs
* Added a new section to upkeeps called "tools" where you can require tools that take damage. Use something like "STONE_PICKAXE*10" to do 10 damage per upkeep
* Fixed a bug with region chests not dropping items when destroyed
* Disabling skills in the config now properly works
* Fixed an issue with town population requirements for towns with no owners
* Updated text component message configs
* Colony gov type towns can now specify the town that rules over them
* Hardship money exchange is now disabled by default
* Added a setting to do damage multipliers for players flying with elytras
* Civs is now backwards compatible at least as far back as 1.16.5. You will still get errors on startup for configs with newer blocks in them, so make sure you adjust your configs for the server version you are on.
* War disabled towns should no longer deny admins the ability to open chests
* Other minor error fixes
* Custom model data is now working COBBLESTONE*4^60 gives you 4 cobble with data 60
* Added use-war-enabled setting to config.yml so you can disable the whole war-enabled system
* Town owners can now destroy buildings in their towns without having to add themselves as an owner of the building first
* Missing requirements and missing blocks should now properly display the correct quantities even if the building is not a perfect cube
* Fixed the BukkitClassProvider bug on startup
* Achievement fireworks no longer damage you
* Slimes should no longer spawn in towns with deny_mob_spawn effect
* All chests in war disabled towns are now protected
* Other minor changes to new 1.19 building requirements
* Updated to include 1.19 features
* Added the obelisk, the first wonder building. Only one can exist. Gives great pvp gear, but makes you a target for every other war town
* Towns and players are now PvE by default. Towns can be attacked once they build war-enabled buildings (like the catapult, weapons factory, outpost, raid porter, etc.) Buildings will say in their description if they are war-enabled. If you want all towns to be war-enabled, then set the council-room or even shelter to war-enabled
* Added the mystic shrine, a building that allows members to fly once they walk inside. Flight is limited to the town boundaries and is cancelled if they enter combat
* Added the allay gathering, a farm for Allay
* Changed the sifter building so that it has a chance to create elytra, nether stars, or god apples
* Added the apothecary to give more potion ingredients
* Added the magma cube farm
* Added the cactus farm
* Fixed a bug with regions that cost money not properly detecting bank balances if there are multiple owners
* Catapults that are auto firing and run out of input (TNT) no longer blow themselves up
* Added a slime farm at level 4
* NPC housing now pays a small amount of money to the region owner every irl hour. This should help decrease the gap between solo and teams of players
* Towns should now alert all players when they are under attack by a catapult
* Catapults can no longer destroy themselves accidentally
* Elytra can now be repaired at the smithy using phantom membrane
* Embassies are no longer limited by player, but by town level
* Added a ceasefire setting so that you can disable town power damage from TNT during certain hours of the day.
* Added a setting for pvp-worlds. If empty, then this feature is disabled and war is enabled on all worlds (which is the default). Any town owner in a non-pvp world is safe from pvp and TNT will do no damage to their town power. However, if they become a member or owner of a town in a pvp-world, then all of their towns become war enabled and pvp is enabled for them.
* Added whitelist-worlds setting, which is the opposite of the blacklist worlds config. If empty, then it is ignored.
* Added a setting that will force players to drop elytras and riptide tridents when they are combat tagged.
* Various fixes to the smithy repairs so that you can now repair armor, bows, and most other combat items.
* Added a copper shop available at the settlement level
* Players can no longer get multiple shelters via a login bug
* Non-town owners can now use chat channels and other menu icons that were previously bugged
* Fixed a bug where you couldn't get mining exp from deepslate ores
* Fixed the teleport region effect. With this effect, you can allow players to build teleporters
* exp notifications are now action bar messages by default (reduces chat spam)
* rebalanced skills to be more challenging to master and provide more reasonable price discounts
* Fixed a bug that prevented the barracks1 and inn1 from appearing in the shop correctly
* Players can now build as many embassies as they want
* Fixed a bug where creating regions in towns without gov type limits would be blocked
* Fixed a bug where regions could not be built below y0
* Added the /cv poweradd and /cv powerrem commands to add and remove power from a town
* You can now restrict regions to only be built under certain gov types
* You can set a gov type to not appear in the menu when choosing a gov type
* Added /cv power [town name] [amount] as an admin command to set town power
* Refunds for destroying your own region are not configurable in config.yml
* Fixed an issue that caused the alliance invite button to not display sometimes
* Fixed the index of the alliance invite button
* Fixed it so enchanting skill exp is awarded even if classes and skills are disabled
* Disallowed items are no longer checked if classes and skills are disabled
* Removes console spam from chunk loading and unloading
* Fixed the warrior path by removing siege machines from it. Added more reward money to help cover costs
* Conveyors now remember the previous region they delivered too (even after a server restart). When a player is not within 5 chunks of the region, it will teleport items directly to the destination instead of spawning a mine cart
* The library now creates lots more exp bottles. This was done to make it a better alternative to mob farms
* Fixed some minor text bugs with alliance requests and alliance chat
* Fixed an incompatibility that allowed you to place shelters in Worldguard protected regions
* Fixed a bug where you could duplicate shelters by keeping one in your inventory, relogging, and grabbing a new one from your blueprints
* Fixed a bug where non-members can place items in empty protected item frames
* Fixed a bug where shelters wouldn't go inactive after 2 weeks of inactivity
* Fixed hunting-lodge, cooldown, and other translation errors. Cleaned up other console log spam on startup
* Black text on civ item lore has been removed
* Missing requirements, reagents, input, output, menus now properly display the full amount of each item (not just 64)
* Civs now properly ignores pvp and other events in blacklisted worlds
* Disabling the combat logger will no longer even track if a player is in combat for other effects like teleporting
* Fixed an NPE when you have an invalid region that tries to upkeep
* Fixed an incompatibility that allowed you to place shelters in Worldguard protected regions
* Fixed a bug where you could duplicate shelters by keeping one in your inventory, relogging, and grabbing a new one from your blueprints
* Fixed a bug where non-members can place items in empty protected item frames
* Fixed a bug where shelters wouldn't go inactive after 2 weeks of inactivity
* Fixed hunting-lodge, cooldown, and other translation errors. Cleaned up other console log spam on startup
* Black text on civ item lore has been removed
* Missing requirements, reagents, input, output, menus now properly display the full amount of each item (not just 64)
* Civs now properly ignores pvp and other events in blacklisted worlds
* Disabling the combat logger will no longer even track if a player is in combat for other effects like teleporting
* Fixed an NPE when you have an invalid region that tries to upkeep
* Updated to 1.18 and fixed errors with new biomes
* Added pl3xmap support (thanks NeumimTo)
* If you are a town owner, your town tag in chat should now reflect the town you own with the highest population
* Prices displayed in non-English languages should now be fixed
* Time (like building cooldowns) displays in the menu are now fixed
* Added a civs.streaming permission that will hide your town and building locations in the menu so that stream snipers can't get your coords
* You can now choose to have no government, which is similar to Anarchy, but anyone can invite themselves to the town.
* Added a transition from Anarchy to No Government after a week of inactivity
* Added a fix that should allow players to finish their tutorials (thanks Rayzr522)
* Fixed a null error on player chat event for 1.17
* Updated to 1.17
* Added the amethyst mine (thanks War Pigeon)
* Added the copper mine
* Added the goat farm
* You can now set regions so that they are added to new player's starting items. See the shelter as an example
* Adding input items one after another into a region will no longer bypass region cooldowns
* More error handling null biomes and invalid player data
* You can now enable safe-worldedit in config.yml so that you can't worldedit inside Civs regions
* Fixed a bug where global chat would break on some outdated server versions
* Re-included translation files in the plugin so you don't need to download the translations separately
* Moved the non-english translations to separate zip folder to reduce file size
* Re-added the kyori adventure library to support chat channel formats
* Added the ability to shift right click to lock on to a target and auto-fire TNT from the catapult
* Added 2 evolved stages to the catapult for faster rates for fire
* Removed the siege machines. Towns now take power damage similar to outposts
* Added customizable chat channel formats in config.yml
* Added Turkish language support
* Jammer traps no longer intercept teleports of 10 blocks or less
* The bank no longer converts emeralds to money
* Fixed a bug where menus would close whenever a refresh action was taken
* Fixed a bug where missing region requirements would appear in placed chests if the next button was clicked and exited between item cycles
* Fixed incorrect ordering of default tutorial steps 3 and 4
WARNING! Translation files for the tutorial are out of date if you aren't using English. Please correct your translations prior to use
* You can now unlock menu icons and shop categories just like you can do with regions
* You can now add your own custom menus
* You can now make clicking a menu icon part of the tutorial
* Redesigned the menus to focus on commonly used actions and eliminate some icons
* Added some steps to the tutorial
* Clicking on a chest of a region that isn't working will make it upkeep
* Regions now go on cooldown even if they didn't work. This eliminates most lag
* Towns now require 10% power before you can upgrade them. (editable in config.yml)
* Siege machines take half the time to evolve now
* You can now limit how many towns a player can join
* You can now click on announcer messages
* Fixed an item duplication issue with moving items in a region chest and logging off
* Fixed an issue that allowed players to take items out of menus in some situations
* Fixed the payout display
* Minor fix for Catapult controllers disappearing when spawned
* Fixed a bug that allowed you to collect bounties on yourself
* Added region standby option in config.yml to make regions never sit idle. This way you regions go on cooldown whether or not an upkeep was successful. This eliminates all lag
* Fixed a bug with regions in unloaded chunks becoming invalid in some cases
* Added links to all announcements so that you can click them to take action
* Added a config option to disable bounties
* Added a config option to turn off player skins in the menu (which was causing lag spikes)
* Fixed some item frame protections. work in progress
* Nerfed Oligarchy
* Fixed the missing items display when a region isn't working
* Fixed caching issues with region working/not working
* Fixed an exploit whereby you could set bounties on yourself and collect on them
* MMOItems 6 support
* Reworked the housing and shop sell prices to be more normal. See the graph and picture below
* Added the Hyphaeworks
* Added the Apiary, gunpowder shop, melting pot, beetroot farm, and cakery
* Fixed a nasty hard crash when doing region upkeeps in worlds that are unloaded
* Siege machine range is now configurable
* The smithy can now repair netherite tools, and turtle shells
* Improvements to the raid porter's destination algorithm
* Added public ports
* Translation fixes for tntcannon effect buildings
* Added French language translations
* You can now use the wonder effect to limit regions to one per server
* Fixed a bug that crashed the recipe menu in some configurations
* Ender pearls no longer combat tag you, but will refresh your combat tag if you are in combat
* Building a nether portal and going through it in the nether will no longer crash the server if the exit portal is created in an enemy town. Instead the teleport event will be cancelled and the exit portal won't be created
* Fixed a bug with renaming towns
* Text wrapping on item lore fixes
* The smithy now allows you to config what block does the repairs
* Various translation fixes
* Netherite pickaxe can now be used in the lapis mine
* More descriptive error messages for region limits and town placement
* Removed more default configs from the empty config set
* Fixed a bug that caused civ items to lose their color and become normal items when placed
* Added hex color support using @{#FF0000}
* Fixed a null when depreciating hardship for invalid players from other plugins
* Fixed a null in the civs heartbeat thread for invalid players from other plugins
* Fixed a bug that allows buy price and refund prices to be unequal due to skill discounts
* Added a bunch of nether blocks to config.yml (Thanks Rumieru)
* You can now create/consume civ items using regions
* You can now put item groups inside other item groups. Do not make a circular dependency
* Fixed some translations for evolved or upgraded buildings
* Fixed a bug that prevented members of towns from seeing their ports
* Fixed some default configs for people using the empty config set
* You can now turn off exp chat notifications in config.yml
* Added a config option to disable skills
* Fixed a bug that prevented some players from using/making enchantments even while classes and spells were disabled
* Fixed a bug that would fail to send action bar messages in 1.16
* Fixed an issue with empty configs failing to load a default class
* Added skills that players can level up to max of 10. These skills provide discounts on various buildings. You can also lock buildings in the shop until a certain skill level has been reached
* Added netherite tools to all buildings (thanks @-1/12)
* Changed the altar to have new upkeeps for different items. Altar now gives netherite gear in addition to other types of gear
* Fixed the missing items display when building a region
* Fixed a bug with breaking blocks in your region not displaying as missing
* Fixed a bug that crashed the menu when viewing a online member in an offline-mode server
* Fixed various null pointers
* Fixed a logic error with the permission
Sorry guys, I left some dependencies in other pants pocket. I'll put out a bigger update on Wednesday
* Fixed biome restrictions for the quartz mine
* Added the netherite sword to the altar, but kept the diamond armor
* Fixed null errors from deleted worlds when creating dynmap markers
This update aims to reduce the toxicity that normally comes with factions servers by incentivizing players to go to war with players who have already attacked others.
* Each player now has a hardship rating that measures how much they've been attacked in war, raids, and hunts. Players with positive hardship get paid whenever they get damages. You can turn this off in config.yml
* Players with more hardship than your money balance can't be hunted.
* Towns with more hardship than your money balance can't be targeted by raidporters
* Towns with more hardship than your money balance hardship can't be damaged with siege machines
* Towns now display their worth in the bottom right of the town menu
* Siege machines now do up to 400 damage per hour, but take longer to evolve
* Towns can no longer lose multiple rings in a day
* Town rings should lag less when created or destroyed
* Fixed a bug that recreated a destroyed town if the council room was destroyed
* Fixed a bug with the region list menu not allowing you to click on regions that aren't in towns
* region file sizes should be reduced for regions that don't have payouts or power production
* You can now buy upgrades for housing and statues even if you already have reached your limit for those buildings
* Gold mine now requires gold ore
* Fixed a bug with chat channels only being selectable for town owners
* Warning messages now display when you are combat tagged or enter a non-allied town
* Adjusted the merchant tutorial to give more loot
* Menus and language files now properly reload
* Warehouse is working again
* Town power has been rebalanced. Max power has been increased and daily power has been decreased (more emphasis on buildings).
* Outposts, Keeps, and siege machines have had their cost decreased.
* Siege machines now pay you $2 for every power you strip from your enemy's town
* The cost has been reduced and output increased for the gunpowder mine and weapons factory.
* Added a new region at level 4: Vault. Increases the town's max power by 500 and gives power periodically.
* Power is no longer consumed by shops
* The Inn and Barracks have been moved to level 1. They are no longer ports
* You can now destroy required blocks in your own region, but the region won't work until you put them back.
* Ports have been restricted. Shelters only port for the shelter owners. Council rooms only port for town members. Embassies only port for embassy members.
* You can now buy buildings that rebuild from other buildings in the shop even if you are at your limit.
* NPC housing no longer needs to be rebuilt on top of housing.
* Dropping Civ items now puts them in your blueprints menu. The exception is if you have your blueprints menu open, then it will refund you 100% instead.
* Added /cv book (gives you the Civ book)
* Hunting lodge now has a cooldown and is not going to suffocate you.
* Merged the community menu with the main menu.
* The catapult no longer gives you a stick if you fail to build it.
* Fixed a bug that prevented removing index 0 items in unloaded chunks.
* Cooperative governments won't take a cut of your payout if no one gets paid.
* Fixed a bug that would dupe alliances when an unrelated alliance splits
* Fixed town and alliance chat
* Opening the Civs book for the first time displays your first guide step instead
* Fixed a bug with LuckPerms and civs.bypasspvp preventing players from viewing the PeopleMenu
* Added dynmap markers for towns and regions. Check out the wiki for more information
* Removed the achievement accept menu for new players. I didn't see a purpose for it, everyone just accepts anyways
* Fixed a bug that prevented offline mode servers from adding/managing players for regions and towns
* Added new permission civs.port (enabled by default) that allows players to use Civs ports
* Permission civs.bypasspvp now defaults to false. You'll need to give this permission to any player that doesn't want to be affected by Civs pvp mechanics (jammer traps, bounties, showing up in the player list, etc)
* Intruder effect now sounds like a bell instead of a wolf
* Fixed a bug preventing interaction in blacklisted worlds
* Fixed a bug that would load disabled configs
* Fixed a bug that allowed unauthorized members of towns to manage other members
* Fixed an npe with mana (unfinished feature)
* Fixed an incompatibility bug with Citizens
* Fixed the buy region menu
* Fixed the sell region command
* Fixed an incompatibility with other plugins that use the reflections library, but added a new incompatibility for plugins that use outdated reflections
* Updated the price for non-english translations
* Fixed an item sync glitch that occurred when updating the unloaded inventory of a chest
* MMOItems now properly have the correct amounts
* Fixed a bug that rarely could cause server crashes when loading a player's civ item info in a null state
* Better error logging on configs that don't load properly
* Optimized unloaded chunk to save close to 50% of all lag generated by Civs
* Added effect sign_use for if you want to block interaction with signs
* Double chests now work with region chests
* Region chests will work as long as the output has a place to go. In the past, the region would not upkeep unless there was an empty space in the chest. (minor qol fix)
* You can now set text wrap length per language in config.yml
* If using MMOItems, you are required to also use MMOLib now
* You can now switch between the following channels: global, local, friends, town, alliance. This will remove recipients from your chat messages depending on the channel you're in.
* Fixed a bug with the recipe menu back button
* Fixed ownership checks for towns with voting gov types
* Fixed ownership checks for changing gov types of towns you aren't in
* Fixed the destroy button on regions
* Fixed errors thrown when PlaceholderAPI isn't in your plugins
* The blueprints menu will now work in languages other than en
* Fixed arrow_traps not being purchasable due to a misspelling of their evolve effect
* Fixed region borders not appearing
* Fixed an NPE that was causing performance issues on block break
* Fixed Jammer traps
* Hunt effect can now require upkeep when used
* Fixed various broken placeholders
* folders and groups now display properly in the region type list menu
* The shop menu is no longer a cluttered mess for admins
* Fixed a bug where bounties were not being saved sometimes if the player logged out after dying
* Added a bell to the bell tower
Important! Default configs are now inside the jar file. If you want to override them, then uncomment the configs provided in the zip file. Please comment out or delete any unmodified configs you have from v1.5.8
* Updated to 1.15.1
* Default configs are now inside the jar file. You can disable certain item-types or gov-types by adding enabled: false to their configs
* There is a new config folder for menus. You can now customize the icons, their index, and what they do. You can even make them MMOItems if you have the MMOItems plugin. I'd love your feedback on this.
* Fixed tons of bugs related to the menu including alliances. I have more work to do regarding alliances so look for some improvements soon as I'll be adding nations soon.
* Fixed a bug that allowed non-town members to view membership of voting government type towns
* Added an option to config.yml to let you disable regions in unloaded chunks. This will likely remove any lag in Civs, but your regions will not work while no players are nearby.
* Added an option to config.yml to allow regions to delay upkeeps until a chunk is loaded. Hopefully reduces lag when waiting for chunks to load
* Region upkeep is now spaced out over 2 seconds instead of doing all region upkeeps once every 2 seconds. This should help with lag while having no impact on gameplay.
* Spawners, spawn eggs, and dispensed eggs now spawn mobs in towns.
* Slight improvements to warehouse to reduce lag
* Added an option to set a minimum distance between towns in config.yml (please keep in mind that outposts need to be within 150 blocks a town for sieges to work)
* Fixed a bug where towns could intersect under certain conditions
* Fixed an NPE in the new conveyor system that would occur with invalid region chest caching
This version has automatic updates for your configs. If you don't want the plugin to update your existing configs, then add the following to your config.yml:
last-version: 1.5.6
* Added an updater for configs. This will add idiocracy and the jammer trap as well as make some changes to many other files. The files that come with the .zip archive are already updated to 1.5.6
* Added idiocracy, a gov type that determines that town owner by number of fireworks launched and number of signs placed with the player's name on it
* Added the jammer trap. This building will intercept teleporting players if they travel close to the trap. I'll create a video about this.
* NPC housing can now be upgraded. Buildings can now be rebuilt into one of several buildings (previously it was just one)
* The shelter will now set a respawn point when constructed (like sleeping in a bed). You can remove this by removing the bed effect from the shelter
* Added an option (enabled by default) to display town enter and exit messages as titles instead of chat
* Added an option to allow players to get money from killing a player even if that player had no money
* Added an option to disable teleporting in hostile towns
* Embassies can now be built in the settlement. Council room will no longer teleport allies.
* Fixed various bugs and improved the design of the conveyor and warehouse. Further improvements to conveyors might be coming, but this update looks pretty good
* Fixed a bug that allowed town members to break into town regions they didn't own using pistons
* Fixed a bug that had potion effects lasting longer than they should
* Fixed a bug that allowed players to use custom items to repair tools/armor at the smithy
* Fixed a bug that would prevent a town from being destroyed when the council room was destroyed
* Fixed a bug that prevented some MMOItems from being used as region inputs (Thanks
@crston )
* The council room should not take more horizontal space when upgraded, but it will get taller.
* Fixed an NPE that could occur sometimes when a region evolves
Please update your siege machines (and their evolutions) along with your towns and embassy.
* Added DiscordSRV support. When a siege machine or raid porter targets your town, it will mention you and your other town owners in the discord chat channel
* made it so you can build the embassy in the hamlet level
* siege machines are now much more TNT efficient, but will not reduce power any faster than before
* You can now specify if allies, town members, region members, or region owners can use specific region port
* Anti-camp is not purchasable after you die in PvP in your town. It's still automatic if you die 3 times in town without killing anyone.
* You can now deposit into your town bank. You can also configure how much can be stored in the town bank using config.yml
* Potions effects from towns or regions can now have a cooldown
* Upgrade a region while holding multiple civ items will no longer remove all held civ items
* Fixed a bug with first time warehouse recording placed chests
* Fixed a bug in tracking who placed TNT that explodes in a power_shield town
* Fixed a logic error with port cooldowns
* Added the ability to use particles instead of stained glass for region bounding boxes. (use-particle-bounding-boxes: true in config.yml)
* Fixed a bug that was introduced in v1.5.3 that caused all regions outside of towns to fail to pay players
- You can now create your own gov types that inherit one of the basic types (see wiki for details)
- Regions can now have multiple villagers per region (see wiki)
- You can now require an owner of a region to have a permission node to run specific upkeeps (see wiki)
- potion effects can now have a chance to be applied for every second a player is inside the region/town (see wiki)
- You can now add "exempt-housing" to a town effects so that it doesn't require housing in order to add players
- Regions are now destroyed if TNT explodes nearby. Previously it would check the blocks to see if the region was missing requirements (which could be laggy). This way waterfall/obsidian councilrooms are no longer indestructible
- You can now place a town block to upgrade a town (instead of having to use the /cv town command)
- Used delayed saving of files to aggregate save attempts and improve performance. If your server crashes, then you may lose some pending saves.
- Rather than wait for chunks to load, regions in unloaded chunks will asynchronously load and run upkeeps. Hopefully this will reduce chunk lag.
- Added a debug-logger if you want to see how often your regions/towns are saving, how many chunks you are loading, and what your most active regions are. (see the wiki on config.yml)
- The announcer now uses the region cache instead of checking which regions have items.
- Fixed MMOItem integration. You should now be able to properly create/consume MMOItems using regions. I'm still working on allowing you to use them in the menu as icons (look for an update soon with custom menus)
- Fixed a bug that would duplicate or cause regions/towns to go missing based on operating system specific save files.
- Fixed various other errors
Permission to run /cv reload is now designated for civs.admin
* Added support for MMOItems. You can now use "mi:TYPE.NAME" to reference any MMOItem. Don't use this for region or town icons.
* Warehouse and Conveyor lag should be practically eliminated. You might still experience some lag from region upkeeps, but I'm looking into that too.
* Fixed black-list-worlds incorrect naming in the config
* Made it easier to understand where your region boundaries are with the glass outline.
* Fixed various other errors
* civs.admin players now have all regions unlocked
* When building a region, the bounding box of the region will not disappear until the menu is opened again
* Various other error fixes
* Added vi.yml to translations
* Added barrels, blast furnaces, and composters to "chest_use" protections
* Fixed an array out of bounds error when looking at some build requirements
* Shelters should now reappear in the blueprints after you destroy your shelter chest by hand
* Fixed translations for region evolution
* Fixed a bug that prevented the creation of siege machines under some circumstances
* Fixed missing translations for the Inn and other error messages
* Optimization fixes for siege machines to reduce lag
* Added the ability to restrict certain buildings to specific worlds.
This update should have a big performance boost. I was able to drastically reduce the amount of chunk loading that the plugins was doing.
* Finally reduced chunk loading lag by only loading a chunk when removing or adding an item to a chest.
* Added a config option to stop mobs from dropping items or exp in safe zones
* Fixed various minor errors
* Changed the automatic town transition to only happen once every 24 hours.
* Automatic town transitions now process a single town every 20 ticks to help space out performance impact
* Fixed protections for doors not opening for region members
* Fixed a bug that wasn't removing region bounding boxes when they should
* Added a config option to turn off bounding boxes in config.yml
* Added missing translations
* Fixed a couple of inventory click errors and null pointers
* Added the fireworks factory starting at the village level. I added this to make it easier for people with elytras
* More performance improvements for the warehouse
* Smithy repairs now work on left and right click (can now repair armor, bows, and other items that are used with right click)
* Added End stone to the blocks available for building
* Allowed members of regions to use flint and steel inside their region. Fire protections are still on for non-members
* Added some missing translations
* Added translations for folder names and descriptions in the shop
* Added a caching system for warehouse chests
* Added performance improvements to the warehouse and conveyor systems
Known Issues:
* Many error messages do not use the translated region names. I plan on fixing this in an upcoming update
* Finished Portuguese and Spanish translations
* Fixed a bug that was preventing item descriptions from displaying
* Fixed a bug that caused towns to load as inactive (and transition to Anarchy) after a server reboot
* Fixed a caching issue that would cause regions to halt production sometimes.
* Anarchy and Libertarian governments can no longer be joined without an invite from someone in the town.
* Drastically reduced the CPU usage of conveyor minecarts
* Utilized caching to avoid checking chest states when possible
* Added the "foreign" role to help distinguish between non-town member allies and town members
* Fixed an NPE with custom item names
* Custom items are no longer translated in config.yml. They are now translated like everything else
* Bugfixes with protections that should be applied to allies and not non-members.
* Fixed errors across the plugin when retrieving the Civ item key from a translated itemstack
* Fixed a bug that allowed a player to unally a town that has already been unallied
* Fixed a bug that treated the allies of your allies as your allies also.
* Forced government transitions are no longer applied to towns with a human population of 2 or less.
* Re-worked how translations are done throughout the plugin. This has caused some translations to be incomplete. We'll finish the rest of the translations shortly.
* Added Chinese as a supported language
* Added Danish as a supported language (incomplete)
* Added Spanish as a supported language (incomplete)
* Added 3 new ways to force a change in government for a town (configurable for each gov type). Inactive owners, revolt, and wealth inequality
* There is now a 1 day cooldown on changing your gov type (you can override this by modifying the town's yml file)
* Added a new role "recruiter" which can invite players to a town
* Added the cobble_grinder (produces just cobblestone) as an upgrade from the cobble_quarry
* Added the boot_grinder (leather boots to leather)
* The main menu now has quick links to the town and region you're standing in
* Fixed a bug with gov type payout buffs giving way too much money
* Fixed a bug with door protection in 1.14
* Fixed a bug with max power buffs not being applied properly for gov types
* Upgrading a region will now replace the base region's chest. Upgrading a region now refunds 50% of the base region's cost
* Fixed a bug where restarting the server would orphan all conveyor minecarts
* Region cooldowns are now displayed in hours minutes and seconds (instead of just seconds)
* The announcer now does not repeat itself until you relog
Sorry I missed a test case in the last update
* Fixed a bug that prevented players from taking Civ items from their blueprints.
* Made it so you get your shelter in your blueprints (without needing to relog) after you destroy it using the barrier button in the menu
* Added Hungarian language support
* Added periodic hints that are hopefully useful. If not, then you can toggle them on/off with /cv toggleann
* Fixed a bug that prevented users from returning to 0 karma over time
* Improved the look of the town list menu
* Added a government type leaderboard in the community menu
* Fixed the town name display in the withdraw command
* Added clickable text to the town invite command
* Fixed a NPE when clicking a town in the list view after clicking the back button
* Fixed a bug with chunk unnecessary chunk loading for regions (typically arrow turrets) that weren't nearby players. This was causing servers to slow down and crash over 12 hours or so.
* Fixed a bug when upgrading a shack to an npc shack where the shack would get removed before checking if the npc shack was too close to another region.
* Conveyor minecarts now work properly in unloaded chunks, which makes them much more reliable.
* Added greater customization of messaging through config.yml. Use these settings to add colors to all Civs messages and change the Civs prefix.
* Bugfix for abandoned shelters sometimes losing protections too early
* Bugfix for item group displays in region block requirements
* Nerfed the sand pit cooldowns from 30s to 60s.
* Increased the change of getting cobblestone from the cobble quarry.
* Lag seems to be gone with 1.14.2
* Fixed a bug with setting town taxes
* Shelters now lose protection if an owner or member does not set foot in them for 2 weeks
* German language support added
* /cv reload
* Added the ability to configure the Civs prefix for items and chat separately.
* Added the hunting lodge-- a building that allows you to teleport to a random block 200 blocks away target player
* Added shop icons. Instead of just seeing a mostly chests in the shop, buildings will show icons that make it easy to see what each one does without having to hover over them.
* Greatly improved the algorithm that detects region bounds. Makes creating a region a lot easier.
* Lowered the block requirement for all regions by half so regions are a lot easier to make now too.
* Admins can now properly override membership of regions using the menu
* Membership commands now work on offline players
* Opening the leaderboard for the first time no longer lags. The leaderboard is now properly sorted by kill points
* Cooperatives now divide region payouts more equitably based on the number of upkeeps each member is contributing to the town.
* Players who can't build a region because they've hit a max group limit will now get a relevant error message saying ("You can't build more than 3 houses") rather than ("You can't build more shacks")
* Town upgrades will now work even if you use the name of the base town (/cv town mytown) will still work if you are upgrading a town called "mytown"
* Combat tag duration has been fixed
Change Log:
* Added the ability for town owners to change their government type in their town menu (if they are the sole owner of the town).
* Added the Leather Shop
* Added the Hunting Lodge (write the name of a player on a sign above the center block. Then right click the block to teleport somewhere nearby that player)
* Added configurable buff for each government type
* Added the following government types:
* Optimization of town ring creation. Reduced lag on startup.
* Fixed a null error thrown when igniting TNT inside a protected region
* Fixed the roof requirements for the council room and it's upgraded versions
* Fixed a bug that would cause the tutorial path selection options to mutate
* Fixed a bug with the player list that would throw an invalid command
* Dropped CivItems should now re-appear in your blueprints stash
* Changing your language should no longer make your current menu book fail to work
* Fixed a broken indicator of the cooldown on the region menu
* Added a setting (default is on) that stops item-based regions from working while in unloaded chunks. This should eliminate lag until a better solution is found.
* Fixed errors with the dye_works and embassy items
* Optimization of town ring creation. Reduced lag on startup.
* Fixed a null error thrown when igniting TNT inside a protected region
* Fixed the roof requirements for the council room and it's upgraded versions
* Fixed a bug that would cause the tutorial path selection options to mutate
* Fixed a bug with the player list that would throw an invalid command
* Dropped CivItems should now re-appear in your blueprints stash
* Changing your language should no longer make your current menu book fail to work
* Fixed a broken indicator of the cooldown on the region menu
* Optimization of town ring creation. Reduced lag on startup.
* Fixed a null error thrown when igniting TNT inside a protected region
* Fixed the roof requirements for the council room and it's upgraded versions
* Fixed a bug that would cause the tutorial path selection options to mutate
* Fixed a bug with the player list that would throw an invalid command
* Dropped CivItems should now re-appear in your blueprints stash
* Changing your language should no longer make your current menu book fail to work
* Fixed a broken indicator of the cooldown on the region menu
* Added a setting (default is on) that stops item-based regions from working while in unloaded chunks. This should eliminate lag until a better solution is found.
* Fixed errors with the dye_works and embassy items
* Optimization of town ring creation. Reduced lag on startup.
* Fixed a null error thrown when igniting TNT inside a protected region
* Fixed the roof requirements for the council room and it's upgraded versions
* Fixed a bug that would cause the tutorial path selection options to mutate
* Fixed a bug with the player list that would throw an invalid command
* Dropped CivItems should now re-appear in your blueprints stash
* Changing your language should no longer make your current menu book fail to work
* Fixed a broken indicator of the cooldown on the region menu
- Same update for Nations, but for 1.14 instead of 1.13
- Added the ability to ally with multiple towns to form alliances. These alliances can be renamed.
- Added the PAPI placeholder %civs_nation% to show a player's biggest alliance.
- Fixed a bug that would bring up the player profile menu instead of inviting a player to the town.
- Added the ability to ally with multiple towns to form alliances. These alliances can be renamed.
- Added the PAPI placeholder %civs_nation% to show a player's biggest alliance.
- Fixed a bug that would bring up the player profile menu instead of inviting a player to the town.
* Only includes updates to 1.14. Has the exact same feature set as 1.13