You can now create your own gov types that inherit one of the basic types (see wiki for details)
Regions can now have multiple villagers per region (see wiki)
You can now require an owner of a region to have a permission node to run specific upkeeps (see wiki)
potion effects can now have a chance to be applied for every second a player is inside the region/town (see wiki)
You can now add "exempt-housing" to a town effects so that it doesn't require housing in order to add players
Regions are now destroyed if TNT explodes nearby. Previously it would check the blocks to see if the region was missing requirements (which could be laggy). This way waterfall/obsidian councilrooms are no longer indestructible
You can now place a town block to upgrade a town (instead of having to use the /cv town command)
Used delayed saving of files to aggregate save attempts and improve performance. If your server crashes, then you may lose some pending saves.
Rather than wait for chunks to load, regions in unloaded chunks will asynchronously load and run upkeeps. Hopefully this will reduce chunk lag.
Added a debug-logger if you want to see how often your regions/towns are saving, how many chunks you are loading, and what your most active regions are. (see the wiki on config.yml)
The announcer now uses the region cache instead of checking which regions have items.
Fixed MMOItem integration. You should now be able to properly create/consume MMOItems using regions. I'm still working on allowing you to use them in the menu as icons (look for an update soon with custom menus)
Fixed a bug that would duplicate or cause regions/towns to go missing based on operating system specific save files.