This update aims to reduce the toxicity that normally comes with factions servers by incentivizing players to go to war with players who have already attacked others.
* Each player now has a hardship rating that measures how much they've been attacked in war, raids, and hunts. Players with positive hardship get paid whenever they get damages. You can turn this off in config.yml
* Players with more hardship than your money balance can't be hunted.
* Towns with more hardship than your money balance can't be targeted by raidporters
* Towns with more hardship than your money balance hardship can't be damaged with siege machines
* Towns now display their worth in the bottom right of the town menu
* Siege machines now do up to 400 damage per hour, but take longer to evolve
* Towns can no longer lose multiple rings in a day
* Town rings should lag less when created or destroyed
* Fixed a bug that recreated a destroyed town if the council room was destroyed
* Fixed a bug with the region list menu not allowing you to click on regions that aren't in towns
* region file sizes should be reduced for regions that don't have payouts or power production
* You can now buy upgrades for housing and statues even if you already have reached your limit for those buildings
* Gold mine now requires gold ore
* Fixed a bug with chat channels only being selectable for town owners
* Warning messages now display when you are combat tagged or enter a non-allied town
* Adjusted the merchant tutorial to give more loot
* Menus and language files now properly reload