BungeeTabListPlus icon

BungeeTabListPlus -----

Customize your tab list

This update fixes an issue when using the plugin with the latest version of BungeeCord. Note that as of this update BungeeCord version #1899 or later is required.
----------, Feb 2, 2025

This update improves the experience for players on 1.21.4, in particular the plugin no longer pollutes the tab-completion in chat with additional entries.
----------, Dec 29, 2024

This update adds support for 1.20.4.
----------, Jan 21, 2024

This update fixes two issues (affecting 1.20.2 only):
1. When switching servers the tablist formatting would be messed up in some cases.
2. An error message occurring when a player disconnects has been removed.
----------, Oct 8, 2023

This update adds support for 1.20.2,
----------, Oct 1, 2023

This update addresses a compatibility issue with 1.20 involving geyser. A performance issue with the BukkitBridge potentially leading to resource drain has been fixed.
----------, Jul 22, 2023

In addition to support for Minecraft 1.19.3, this update brings the following new features and bug fixes:
  • Added the ${player vault_prefix_color}, ${player vault_primary_group_color} and ${player vault_player_prefix_color} placeholders.
  • Added a defaultText option, that works similar to defaultIcon.
  • Compatibility with Geyser: The plugin will no longer mess up the tab list of bedrock players.
----------, Jan 29, 2023

This update fixes an issue where icons would not update as expected on 1.19.x.
----------, Aug 23, 2022

This update fixes an issue when using the plugin with the latest BungeeCord.
----------, Jun 14, 2022

This update adds a number of predefined effects, making it easier than ever before to add animations to the tab list.
color_animation_example.gif Check out the wiki: https://github.com/CodeCrafter47/Bu...ations#the-color_animation-custom-placeholder

Another addition is the select custom placeholder.

Lastly, the plugin now uses mineskin.org to create custom icons.
----------, Jun 5, 2022

This update fixes a couple of issues when running the plugin on Minecraft 1.17.
----------, Jun 16, 2021

This update adds three new features.

RGB Color Animations
The new !color_animation custom placeholder allows creating color gradients and rainbow-like animations in a simple way.
color_animation_rainbow.png color_animation_static.png
More info on the wiki: https://github.com/CodeCrafter47/BungeeTabListPlus/wiki/Custom-Placeholders#color_animation.

Custom Player Order
When specifying the player order, you can now specify a custom order.
E.g. assume you want to order players by their rank.
You can tell the plugin the order of different groups directly i.e. Admin first, then Moderator and Default is last.
Compared to the previous approach of sorting players by the weight of their primary group (which is still supported) this is easier to set up.
More info on the wiki: https://github.com/CodeCrafter47/Bu...nk#using-the-primary-group-and-a-custom-order

Progress Bars
The new !progress_bar custom placeholder creates a progress bar.
progress_bar_centertext.png progress_bar_tricolor_shaded.png
More info on the wiki: https://github.com/CodeCrafter47/BungeeTabListPlus/wiki/Custom-Placeholders#progress_bar.

Other Changes

Besides those three main features, there are a few smaller changes:
  • The plugin no longer complains when using luckperms_* placeholders instead of luckpermsbungee_*. luckperms_* will now use the placeholders from PlaceholderAPI.
  • &#RRGGBB and {#123456} can be used for rgb color codes.
  • The permission placeholder can be used in playerOrder.
  • The HEADER_FOOTER tab list type. If that type is used, then there are no type specific options and only the header and footer will be modified by the plugin.
----------, Sep 9, 2020

Fixed the version number in the jar - so the plugin won't claim there an update to be available when there isn't.
----------, Jul 15, 2020

This update fixes a memory leak affecting versions 3.0.0 to 3.3.2 of the plugin.
----------, Jul 14, 2020

fix compatibility with hex color codes of the form &x&r&r&g&g&b&b used by other plugins.
----------, Jul 3, 2020

This update fixes an issue with 1.16.1 BungeeCord.
----------, Jun 25, 2020

This update adds ...
  • ... 24 Bit RGB colors. Just use [color=#RRGGBB] anywhere in your text (1.16 only). rgb-colors.png
  • ... the ability to use different fonts by using [font=<name>] anywhere you want. The following image shows the fonts provided by minecraft. You can add your own fonts using a resource pack (1.16 only). fonts.png
  • ... a mergeServers option to the !players_by_server component, allowing you to display multiple servers as one.
    Code (YAML):
    : all_players
    : "> &b${server}"
    : [lobby0, lobby1 ]
  • ... better options for text alignment. Instead of specifying the text in a slots using the text option and its alignment using the alignment option, you can use the left option to specify the text that should be aligned to the left and the center and right options to specify text to be aligned to the center and right.
    You can use all those options at the same time, e.g. to display the player name at the left and the ping on the right.
    Code (YAML):
    playerComponent : {left : "${player name}", right : "${player ping}" }
  • ... experimental options to remove the ~BTLP... entries from tab completion. You can find these options in config.yml.
    option completely removes those entries from tab completion - but only works if the size of the tab list is 80 slots.
    replaces those entries with smileys and other useful unicode characters. It can be used independent of the size of the tab list.
    Please let us know whether those options work for you. You can give feedback either on github or on discord.
  • ... improvements regarding 1.7.x and older clients. In addition to Travertine, BTLP now also supports setups where Viaversion is installed on BungeeCord. A new placeholder allows detecting 1.7.x and older clients in the showTo option more easily:
    Code (YAML):
    showTo : $ {viewer client_version_below_1_8 }
    The warning about the size of the tab list not being correct for a specific client has been made less severe.
  • ... vanish support for StaffFacilities and Nucleus.
  • ... the ability to use placeholders in the icon option of a slot.
----------, Jun 24, 2020

----------, Apr 14, 2020

  • We have a discord for support: https://discord.gg/qYX5AyJ.
  • Added an option to disable the custom tab list for players in spectator mode. As a result those players will see the vanilla tab list of the server. If you do not use this option players in spectator mode will see the fake players created by BungeeTabListPlus in the teleport menu.
    The option is disableCustomTabListForSpectators, can be found in config.yml and is enabled by default.
  • ProtocolVanish is now supported out of the box.
  • Added afk status and nickname placeholders for Nucleus.
  • It is now possible to use the custom placeholder mechanic to create aliases. The following example creates a ${bars} placeholder that will be replaced with =============== when used somewhere in the tab list.
    Code (YAML):
    : "&6==============="
  • Added the /btlp debug hidden command. It displays whether a player is hidden, why he is hidden and whether he can see other hidden players on the tab list. This is useful to debug issues with vanished players.
  • Added support for the latest version of FactionsUUID.
----------, Mar 27, 2020

This update is a major rewrite of the plugin. Large parts of the code have been redesigned to fix various longstanding bugs and to allow faster updates in the future. Along with this several new features have been introduced.

New Features:

Fixed Bugs:
  • Good news for those of you using PremiumVanish. The issue that caused hidden players to appear on the tab list for a short time when initially connecting to the network or switching servers has been fixed.
  • The bug that caused player icons to sometimes be mixed up in DYNAMIC_SIZE mode has been fixed.
  • Error Messages from the plugin are much more understandable now.

Other Changes:

There are a lot of other small improvements and bug fixes - but I am not going to list all of them here.
----------, Jan 19, 2020

This update adds support for Minecraft 1.15 and for LuckPerms v5.
----------, Dec 23, 2019

  • BungeeTabListPlus now works with 1.14.x. It already did before this update, but people keep asking about it. Now you know.
  • Added server count placeholders
    ${server_count total} - total number of servers in BungeeCord config
    ${server_count online} - only counting servers which are up and running
  • Added !compute custom placeholder, for example the following code creates the ${health_percentage} placeholder:
    Code (YAML):
        ($ {viewer health } / $ {viewer max_health } ) * 100
----------, Jul 1, 2019

Fixed tab completion in 1.13: Real players are now shown above the ones created by BungeeTabListPlus.
Improved the /btlp status command.
New default config. Hopefully easier to understand. Only affects new users.
Added an API to query hidden players. See https://github.com/CodeCrafter47/BungeeTabListPlus/commit/95f3a9fab953a7cce081c18eaf2d1f805c74b0d8
Added support for latest BungeeOnlineTime
Fixed fake player skins
Fixed the minSizePerServer option of the !players_by_server component.
Fix: PlaceholderAPI(Sponge) placeholders without underscore now work correctly.
Fix: removed error when using old versions of CMI without vanish api support.
Metrics: Switched from mcStats to bStats
----------, Apr 1, 2019

This update
  • fixes wrong online time being displayed when using the latest version of BungeeOnlineTime
  • adds the ${viewer bungeeonlinetime_days} and ${viewer bungeeonlinetime_hours_of_24} placeholders
----------, Aug 23, 2018

This update fixes a bug that caused that player name tag to appear black in some cases.
----------, Jul 29, 2018

This update fixes 1.13 clients crashing on login and an error in the bridge plugin.
----------, Jul 23, 2018

This update fixes the error that occurred on previous versions when using the latest (1.13) BungeeCord build. It comes with some more changes to make sure everything will work fine on 1.13. Also there's experimental support for vanished players when using CMI.
----------, Jul 19, 2018

This update fixes several bugs:
  • DYNAMIC_SIZE_FIXED_COLUMNS mode is no longer broken
  • custom icons should work slightly better, if you had issues with these in the past, now would be a good time to try again
  • errors in the config are now less likely to crash the plugin
----------, May 22, 2018

This update fixes an issue when using BungeeTabListPlus with the latest version of LuckPerms. It also fixes some other small bugs, but none quite so relevant.
----------, Feb 7, 2018

This update fixes the following bugs:
  • Header/ Footer not centered correctly in some cases #273
  • BungeeTabListPlus does not work on recent BungeeCord builds #288
  • SpongeBridge not working correctly with LuckPerms #275
  • Custom Placeholder API on BungeeCord not working correctly #267
  • Some minor issues
----------, Nov 9, 2017

  • The excludeServers and hiddenServers options in config.yml now support regular expressions.
  • When using Sponge you can use placeholders from https://ore.spongepowered.org/rojo8399/PlaceholderAPI similar to using PlaceholderAPI's placeholders when using Bukkit.
  • Fixed server crashes when using the BukkitBridge and Gringotts.
  • Fixed support for SpongeAPI 7.0.0 (Permission API changes).
  • Fixed the client_version placeholder for 1.12.1. It now displays that version if a client uses it.
----------, Aug 7, 2017

Warning: You need to update the BungeeCord and the Bukkit/ Sponge plugin for this update to work.

New Features:

Hide servers from the tab list

There's a new option to !players_by_server component called hiddenServers it allows hiding specific servers from the tab list. Here's an example how to use it:
Code (Text):
- !players_by_server
  playerSet: all_players
  - '&b&l>&3 ${server}(${server_player_count}):'
  showServers: ALL
  hiddenServers: [server4, server7]
  playerComponent: "${player name}"
  morePlayersComponent: '... and ${other_count} others'
Cut off long player names

It is now possible to cut of long player names. Check the wiki to learn how to do it: https://github.com/CodeCrafter47/BungeeTabListPlus/wiki/Alignment-and-Long-Text.

New options for the !container component

The !container component now has the minSize and maxSize options.

API Changes:

Create server scoped placeholders from your plugin

The API has been expanded to facilitate the creating of server scoped placeholders. Have a look at the Javadoc for more information:

Other Changes:

Support for the old (pre 2.6.0) config format has been removed.

Bug Fixes:

Version 2.7.4 had a bug that prevented it from running on any but the most recent BungeeCord versions. This update fixes that bug, so you can run it, no matter which BungeeCord version you're using.

A lot of issues related to the bridge plugins, especially with the Sponge bridge have been fixed.
----------, Jul 8, 2017

This update fixes a bug that in some cases prevents loading of config files when using the new (1.12) BungeeCord version.
----------, Jun 8, 2017

The reverse player order options have been broken, this is now fixed.

New placeholders to display the server name have been added: ${viewer server name}, ${player server name} and ${server name}
They support the usual syntax for displaying a prefix. E.g. you can use ${viewer server name 3} to display only the first 3 characters of the server name.
----------, Mar 5, 2017

There are now placeholders and player order options for LuckPerms. Thanks to @Luck for the work.
New placeholders: ${player luckperms_prefix}, ${player luckperms_suffix}, ${player luckperms_primary_group}.
New player order options: LuckPermsGroupInfo, LuckPermsGroupInfoReversed

There's a new tab list type: DYNAMIC_SIZE_FIXED_COLUMNS
It keeps the number of columns constant while automatically adjusting the number of rows to fit the content. You can find more information on how to use it on the wiki: https://github.com/CodeCrafter47/BungeeTabListPlus/wiki/DYNAMIC_SIZE_FIXED_COLUMNS.

There are a few new placeholders for "Clans for Party and Friends Extended for Bungeecord":
Code (Text):
${viewer paf_clans_clan_name}, ${player paf_clans_clan_name}
${viewer paf_clans_clan_tag}, ${player paf_clans_clan_tag}
${viewer paf_clans_clan_member_count}, ${player paf_clans_clan_member_count}
${viewer paf_clans_clan_online_member_count}, ${player paf_clans_clan_online_member_count}
${viewer paf_clans_is_leader}, ${player paf_clans_is_leader}
----------, Feb 23, 2017

This update adds a new server order option: yourServerFirst. It makes the players server show up as first of the list.

It also fixes the BungeeOnlineTime placeholders and a few other small bugs.

If you haven't updated to 2.7.x yet, checkout the 2.7.0 update announcement, to get an overview of the new features.
----------, Feb 10, 2017

New placeholders:
Code (Text):
${viewer vault_balance2} and ${player vault_balance2} which formats balance like 247K or 355M
${viewer bungeeonlinetime_hours} and ${player bungeeonlinetime_hours}
${viewer bungeeonlinetime_minutes} and ${player bungeeonlinetime_minutes}
${viewer bungeeonlinetime_seconds} and ${player bungeeonlinetime_seconds}
${viewer redisbungee_server_id} and ${player redisbungee_server_id}
${viewer askyblock_island_level} and ${player askyblock_island_level}
${viewer askyblock_island_name} and ${player askyblock_island_name}
${viewer askyblock_team_leader} and ${player askyblock_team_leader}
New playerOrder options:
Code (Text):
vaultPrefix - sorts players by prefix alphabetically
connectedFirst - players in the order they joined the server
connectedLast - player who joined last first

Players by server component changes:

The includeEmptyServers option has been superseded by the new showServers option. That option allows for the ALL, ONLINE and NON_EMPTY values. ALL equals to includeEmptyServers set to true. NON_EMPTY equals to includeEmptyServers set to false. ONLINE shows all running servers.
Usage example:
Code (Text):
- !players_by_server
  playerSet: all_players
  - '&b&l>&3 ${server}(${server_player_count}):'
  showServers: ONLINE
  playerComponent: "${player name}"
  morePlayersComponent: '... and ${other_count} others'
There's an option for a custom server order:
Code (Text):
- !players_by_server
  playerSet: global
  serverOrder: custom
  customServerOrder: [spawn, survival, creative]
  # ...
The fillSlotsVertical option is now also available for the players_by_server component.

New container component:
The container component contains other components. It also has a fillSlotsVertical option, which makes it ideal to replace the verticalMode option present in previous versions of the plugin.
Code (Text):
fillSlotsVertical: true
- "Admins:"
- !players
  playerSet: admin
  playerComponent: "${player vault_prefix}${player name}${afk_tag}"
  morePlayersComponent: {text: "&7... and &e${other_count} &7others", icon: "colors/gray.png", ping: 0}
- !players_by_server
  playerSet: global
  serverOrder: "playercount,online,alphabetically"
  - {text: "&e&n${server}&f&o (${server_player_count}):", icon: "colors/yellow.png", ping: 0}
  playerComponent: "${player vault_prefix}${player name}${afk_tag}"
  morePlayersComponent: {text: "&7... and &e${other_count} &7others", icon: "colors/gray.png", ping: 0}
Command changes:
The /btlp fake addrandom command has been removed.
----------, Jan 29, 2017

The excludeServers option had been broken for 1.7 clients. That's fixed now.

A serverOrder option has been added to the players by server component. With it the order of the servers can be customized. Example:
Code (Text):
- !players_by_server
  playerSet: global
  serverOrder: "alphabetically"
Possible options:
Code (Text):
serverOrder: "alphabetically"
serverOrder: "playercount" # Server with most players at the top
serverOrder: "online" # Servers that are running above servers which are offline
# Multiple options can be chained like this:
serverOrder: "playercount,online"
serverOrder: "playercount,online,alphabetically"
----------, Sep 29, 2016

The excludeServers config option is now working correctly again.

A bug that in some cases prevented players from showing up on the tab list has been fixed.

New placeholders: ${viewer bungeecord_primary_group} and ${player bungeecord_primary_group}

A fillSlotsVertical option has been added to the !players component. @rufusmaiwald
Here's what it does:
Without: [​IMG]
Code (Text):
    filter: "true"
size: 40
defaultIcon: colors/dark_gray.png
defaultPing: 1000
- !players
  playerSet: global
  playerOrder: 'alphabetically'
  playerComponent: "${player name}"
  morePlayersComponent: {text: "&7... and &e${other_count} &7others", icon: "colors/gray.png", ping: 0}
- !spacer {}
- {text: "&cTime: &6${time H:mm:ss}", icon: "default/clock.png", ping: 0}
- {text: "&cPlayers: &6${playerset:global size}", icon: "default/players.png", ping: 0}
Code (Text):
    filter: "true"
size: 40
defaultIcon: colors/dark_gray.png
defaultPing: 1000
- !players
  playerSet: global
  playerOrder: 'alphabetically'
  playerComponent: "${player name}"
  morePlayersComponent: {text: "&7... and &e${other_count} &7others", icon: "colors/gray.png", ping: 0}
  fillSlotsVertical: true
- !spacer {}
- {text: "&cTime: &6${time H:mm:ss}", icon: "default/clock.png", ping: 0}
- {text: "&cPlayers: &6${playerset:global size}", icon: "default/players.png", ping: 0}
----------, Sep 23, 2016

This update fixes a bug concerning 1.7 clients.

When updating from a version prior 2.6.0 it is recommended you update your configuration files (best to delete them and create new ones). The update instructions on the wiki might come in handy.
----------, Sep 19, 2016

A serverFooter and a serverSeparator option have been added to players by server component. @dwilson390

This update fixes an issue that prevented the following sorting rules from being recognized by the plugin: vaultGroupInfo, vaultGroupInfoReversed, bungeePermsGroupInfo, bungeePermsGroupInfoReversed, bungeeCordGroups, bungeeCordGroupsReversed. @PrinzKenny1 This should fix your issue.

Handing of configuration errors has been improved. This should lead to less spam in the console and more user friendly error messages.
----------, Sep 17, 2016

This update includes huge changes to the configuration files. If you intend to update it is highly recommended to revise your configuration files. See https://github.com/CodeCrafter47/BungeeTabListPlus/wiki/Updating for more information.

Here are some of the highlights belong the new features:
  • It is now possible to animate every single slot of the tab list.
  • There's an option for centered text.
  • The 'showTo' option is now way more flexible.
  • The bungee side API has been improved.
This update completely changes how the tab list configuration files work. Your old configuration files will continue to work for now, but if you install this update it is recommended you update them, to be able to profit of the new features. The best place to start is to have a look at the examples in the wiki. That will help you get an idea of what is possible with this update. It is also recommended to read the wiki page about updating to 2.6.0 which provides you with all the essential information. If you have the time you might also have a look at all the other wiki pages.

Besides the huge changes to the configuration files there are new commands to manage fake players.

The documentation for the API changes can be found on the wiki: https://github.com/CodeCrafter47/BungeeTabListPlus/wiki/Developers.

There are probably some more changes I've forgotten about. If you miss anything, have a suggestion or something is unclear don't hesitate to ask.
----------, Sep 12, 2016

This release fixes the "Not in EventLoop" issue some people have been experiencing. It also reduces the outgoing traffic on cracked servers by not sending the heads in the tab list.

This release is a very stable version of the plugin, the 2.6.0 release (which is to come soon) will most likely be far less stable due to the high amount of changes.
----------, Aug 7, 2016

1. Using scoreboard objectives in the tab list on offline mode servers is now slightly more compatible with this plugin.
2. Fixed log spam when using BungeePerms 2.x.
----------, Jul 15, 2016

This update addresses to bugs:

1. There was a bug affecting offline mode server, that caused errors to appear in the log.

2. When the tab list was configured to look like vanilla, the plugin sometimes showed wrong skin/ player pairs.
----------, Jul 3, 2016

The 2.5.0 update could cause unusually high memory usage in some cases. The memory usage in these cases has been reduced.

Two bugs that could cause the slots in the tab list to be in the wrong order and the icons to be in the wrong places have been fixed.

BungeeTabListPlus no longer breaks the instant skin update function of SkinRestorer.
----------, Jun 30, 2016

It's time for another update. This update features some new placeholders, fixes issues with the Citizens plugin, fixes issues with scoreboard teams, a Sponge bridge similar to the Bukkit bridge has been added and support for PermissionsEx has been improved.

The following new placeholders have been added: {tps:server}, {vault_primary_group_prefix}, {vault_player_prefix}, {bungeeperms_primary_group_prefix} and {bungeeperms_player_prefix}.

The new Sponge bridge allows basic placeholders like {world}, {health}, {balance} and many others to work with Sponge servers. Also it comes with an API allowing Sponge plugins to create custom placeholders. There are no plugin specific placeholders yet, if you think that placeholders for a specific Sponge plugin should be added post in the discussion thread.

There have been several issues when using PermissionsEx, like the plugin not being able to detect the correct primary group of a player, or just not sorting the players correctly. These issues have been fixed and there is a new entry in the wiki explaining how to setup PermissionsEx and BungeeTabListPlus to work together without issues. I recommend reading this to anyone who uses PermissionsEx.

For many months there were issues when using BungeeTabListPlus together with a Bukkit plugin that uses Scoreboard teams. Most of these issues have been fixed now. Using the Citizens plugin will no longer make your tab list look disordered, plugins like NameTagEdit and AnimatedNames will be able to run without issues when BungeeTabListPlus is installed, and many other plugins that previously caused issues will work without problems now.

There are some more changes, but these are rather small. First of all the {clientVersion} placeholder now recognizes 1.10. Another one is that you now require at least build #995 of BungeeCord for the plugin to work (unless you haven't updated BungeeCord for more than a year this won't be a problem for you). Last change is that "permissionSource: BUKKITPERMISSIONSEX" has been removed in favour of using BUKKIT. This change is just to simplify the configuration of the plugin and does not affect functionality.
----------, Jun 24, 2016

The plugin has been updated to fix a few issues caused by the 1.9.4 update.

* The error that occurred on startup when using 1.9.4 BungeeCord has been fixed
* {clientVersion} now recognizes 1.9.4
* Fixed some minor issues.
----------, May 13, 2016

* fixed an issue related to scoreboard teams
* {clientVersion} now recognizes 1.9.1 and 1.9.2
* fixed reload causing issues with plugins using the API
----------, Apr 5, 2016

Fixed huge console spam after previous update if using certain variables.
----------, Mar 15, 2016

+ added [sort=AFKLast]
+ new variable {clientVersion}
* supports the latest version of ProtocolSupportBungee
* fixed issues with excludeServers
* fixed some minor issues
----------, Mar 13, 2016

Fixed a bug that prevented the {prefix}, {prefixColor} and {prefixFormat} placeholders from working correctly.

If you haven't read it yet I recommend you check out the change log for version 2.4.0 to benefit of all the exciting new features.
----------, Mar 2, 2016

+ it is now possible to use any image for the heads in the tab list, more info see below
+ all variables are now shown correctly for player on another BungeeCord instance connected via RedisBungee
+ added [MINSLOTS=?] for use with {fillplayers:...}
+ added {insertIfAFK:..} and {insertIfNotAFK:..}, currently only works with Essentials
+ added some variables to make configuring prefixes easier:
Code (Text):
    {config_prefix} // prefix as defined in config.yml, depends on the value of permissionSource to determine from where to get the group information for the player
+ added an api allowing to control fake players
* rank based player sorting (via [SORT=adminFirst]) now respect the permissionSource config option.
* compatibility with the Waterfall BungeeCord fork
* compatible with 1.9
* improved how the plugin interacts with BungeePerms
* when using PEX unranked groups are ignored now
* fixed using variables after {fillplayers:...}
* fixed many other small issues

Using custom images for the heads in the tab list:
1. create a 8x8 pixel image.
2. we assume you called the image file myHead.png
3. put myHead.png in the BungeeTabListPlus/heads folder
4. use [SKIN=myHead.png] somewhere in the config
5. reload the config using /btlp reload
6. Enjoy the fancy tab list

At this point I'd like to thank @Janmm14 for making the minecraft-change-skin library and the CustomSkins plugin and making these open source. Without his work the custom heads feature would not have been possible.

Of cause all these new features work with minecraft 1.8 too.
----------, Mar 1, 2016

+ added {prefixFormat} which will be replaced by the first 4 characters of the prefix
+ added {suffixColor} which will be replaced by the first 2 characters of the suffix
+ added {suffixFormat} which will be replaced by the first 4 characters of the suffix
+ support more vault enabled permission plugins when sorting players by permission rank
* fixed some bugs
----------, Jan 30, 2016

I fixed some bugs people discovered in the last update:
* fixed [SORT=playerServerFirst]
* fixed update notifications causing an error in the console
* reversed order in [SORT=adminFirst] when using PEX because lowest rank is highest rank (huh?)
* added [SORT=adminLast], just in case...
----------, Jan 19, 2016

It's been exactly 2 years since the first version of BungeeTabListPlus has been released. Back then it had been a simple plugin with only few functionality. As time passed more features were added and the plugin became very popular. Today it runs on almost one thousand servers, which means that the plugin is used by over 10% of all BungeeCord servers. The plugin consists of over 10000 lines of code, made up of 474 commits on github.

During these two years working on BungeeTabListPlus I have learned a lot, my Java skills improved greatly which allowed me making the plugin even better. It has been a great time and I enjoyed every second working on the plugin. I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to all of you. You helped making this plugin what it is today. Especially I want to thank all the people who helped by testing new versions of the plugin, reporting bugs, suggesting awesome new features or writing some code to improve the plugin. Without you the plugin wouldn't be what it is today.

I hope everyone likes this plugin as much as I do ;) and hopefully even more awesome features will be added in the future.

And before everyone stops reading, here is the change log for version 2.3.1:
+ made tab_size configurable per tab list (1.8 only)
+ added {MVWorldAlias}
+ Better support for PermissionsEx
+ sorting players by permission rank now works with PEX (maybe)
+ added sorting rule [SORT=worldName] to sort players by the world they are in (worlds alphabetically)
+ added sorting rule [SORT=playerWorldFirst] to make players in the same world appear at the top of the list
+ added sorting rule [SORT=serverAlphabetically] to sort players by the server they are playing on (alphabetically)
+ added sorting rule [SORT=playerServerFirst] to make players which are playing on same server as the viewing player appear at the top
* adjacent {fillplayers} now show only one "and X more players"
* fixed a bug with spectator mode, there was in issue when joining the server while being in spectator mode and switching to another game mode later
* fixed some minor bugs

I forgot to mention @VanStorm and lordmampf from github who are responsible for the improved PermissionsEx support you find in this update.
----------, Jan 16, 2016

+ Added {balance2}. It provides an alternative formatting for big numbers. For example it adds an "K" to the amount and divide it by 1,000 or "M" and divides the amount by 1,000,000.
* fixed fakePlayers
* fixed bug in api. Registering multiply external variables on bukkit cause confusion
* fixed some minor bugs
----------, Dec 1, 2015

* change how the plugin gets the groups of players if no permission plugin is used
* the plugin now makes better use of network compression, resulting in less traffic being generated by it
* uses less bandwidth on cracked servers
* some performance optimizations
----------, Oct 10, 2015

In version 2.2.5 was a bug that resulted in the tab list header and footer only being updated if both had changed. This is fixed now.
----------, Oct 4, 2015

* slightly better performance
* fixed another bug with [COLUMN=?]{fillplayers:...}
* fixed a crash that happened if autoShrinkTabList is enabled and more than 80 player play on the backing spigot server
* fixed some minor bugs

For better performance:
* don't use {server_rplayer_count}
* don't use BungeePerms
* If you are still experiencing performance issues and want to help fixing them contact me.
----------, Oct 1, 2015

* fixed {gcount}
* fixed [COLUMN=0]{fillplayers:...}
* allowed use of variables in prefixes in config.yml. e.g. you can now use {color} in a prefix
----------, Sep 29, 2015

* fixed vertical mode
* fixed an error caused by different guava versions
----------, Sep 28, 2015

* fixed a bug that caused players to show up multiple times/ not to show up when using server aliases
* fixed a few other minor bugs
----------, Sep 27, 2015

+ added header & footer animations
+ [skin=<whoever>] can be used in the replacement text for {onlineState:<server>}
+ [SKIN={player}] works now
+ [PING={ping}] works too
+ added a config option to permanently hide players from the tab list
+ added some empty lines to the config to make it look nice
+ added sorting rule [SORT=teamfirst] to make the own team appear at the top of the player list
+ added sorting rule [SORT=teams] to sort players by teams (teams alphabetically)
+ added {team} which shows the internal name of the scoreboard team the player is assigned to
+ added sorting rule [SORT=factionfirst] to make the own faction appear at the top of the player list
+ added sorting rule [SORT=factions] to sort players by faction (factions alphabetically)
+ added support for PlaceholderAPI, lots of new variables for you
+ add an api allowing third-party plugins to register variables on bukkit side
+ support uuids in showTo: "player:<uuid>"
+ for each tab list you can now set a priority. In the case that multiple tab lists apply for a player
the plugin will use the one with the highest priority
* refactored bungee side api
* when using {onlinestate} the plugin will only ping servers for which the variable is used,
also the plugin will set the pingInterval to 10 if using {onlineState} but server pings are disabled
* BungeeTabListPlus reloads on /greload to avoid issues
* fixed some small bugs and adjusted some error messages
* probably slightly better performance
* Variables from bukkit are updated more reliably
* fixed reloading bukkit caused bukkit variables to stop updating
* all variables are case-insensitive now
* fixed skin and ping in {fillbukkitplayers}
* nerved server alias map warning
* error messages are printed on the tablist for those people who can't access the server logs
- removed the the showCorrectPlayerSkins and sendPing config options

In addition to that updated the wiki with all the new features.
----------, Sep 27, 2015

Hopefully last update for today.
----------, Sep 16, 2015

In the last version there was a bug that caused the tablist to stop updating when there were more than 80 players online. I fixed it.
----------, Sep 16, 2015

+ added back the /btlp hide command
+ added a config option to change the time zone
* fixed support for per user prefixes added in BungeePerms 3.0
* fixed some small bugs and adjusted some error messages
----------, Sep 16, 2015

+ added the ability to hide players on some servers from the tablist
+ automatic bug reporting
* fixed Gringotts support
* improved compatibility with various scoreboard plugins
* fixed a bug that massively impacted performance by requiring multiple file writes every time the tablist is refreshed to a player
* update tablist more quickly after reload
* fixed {insertIfServersDifferent:...} and {insertIfServersSame:...}
* fixed a bug where excessive use of [COLUMN=?] causes the layout to be screwed up
* fixed a bug where the tablist shows "... and X others" even if there is enough space for all players
* The plugin now also respects the useScoreboardToBypass16CharLimit option when running on a server that supports 1.8 clients. Please note that that option only affects 1.7 clients.
* When using /btlp reload changes to the useScoreboardToBypass16CharLimit option are now applied immediately
* When using /btlp reload changes to the autoShrinkTabList option are now applied immediately
* autoShrinkTabList is now selectable per tablist
* fixed adminFirst sort rule
* improved update notifications: now you will only get them if there really is a new version available
* made some changes, so the plugin will also work with Minecraft 1.9
----------, Sep 15, 2015

+ added support for ProtocolSupportBungee
* fixed errors on shutdown caused by server pings
* fixed an error related to BungeePerms
* fixed an error on bukkit that could cause lots of console spam
* fixed spamming superperms no group permissions error on bukkit
* fixed error if BungeePerms is available but not enabled
* limited the number of decimals on numeric variables
----------, Aug 30, 2015

Code (Text):
 + added {insertIfServersDifferent:...}
+ supports essentials vanish, i.e. when using essentials vanish command you will also be hidden from tablist
+ supports SuperVanish
+ supports factionsUUID
+ added general variables:
   - {maxHealth}
   - {posX}
   - {posY}
   - {posZ}
   - {XP}
   - {totalXP}
+ added more faction variables:
   - {factionPower} power of the faction
   - {factionsPlayerPower} power of the player
   - {factionMembers} number of members of the faction of the player
   - {factionRank} the rank of the player in its faction
+ added simple clans variables
   - {SimpleClans_ClanName}
   - {SimpleClans_ClanMembers}
   - {SimpleClans_OnlineClanMembers}
   - {SimpleClans_ClanTag}
   - {SimpleClans_ClanTagLabel} tag with colored brackets around
   - {SimpleClans_ClanColorTag}
+ it's now possible to use an auto-resizing tablist. just set autoShrinkTablist to true in config.yml
* fixed a glitch that happened if a player has a name that starts with 0000
* the glitch where wrong player heads appear at the bottom right on tab_size < 80 is now fix in most cases. The only case where it still happens is, if a player is on the same server as the one who looks at the tablist, but is not listed in the tablist.
* an issues that could have caused the slots at the bottom right to screw up have been fixed
* better performance of the BukkitBridge, now it only fetches the variables you use in your tablist
* fixed a bug where a player in spectator mode would screw up the tablist if ip_forwarding is enabled
- removed /btlp hide command as BungeeTabListPlus now properly integrates with VanishNoPacket, SuperVanish and Essentials vanish
----------, Jul 29, 2015

* fixed various errors causing players to be sorted in a wrong way
* fixed plugin not working with latest BungeeCord
* fixed compatibility with latest BungeePerms version
* fixed {onlineFactionMembers}
* improved performance with RedisBungee
* fixed an error that could occur while fetching skins
* {rplayers} is now an alias of {players}
* allow {serverPrefix:<server>}
* fixed an issue causing an error during startup when BungeeYAML was installed
----------, May 21, 2015

* fixed NPE when 1.7 clients on 1.8 protocol builds connect to an excluded server
* fixed a couple of issues with BungeePerms
* fixed console spam when using RedisBungee
* better log output when experiencing issues while fetching skins
* round health
* added a workaround for playerpoints error (plugin no longer unhooks playerpoints on error)
----------, Feb 24, 2015

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 146,251
First Release: Jan 16, 2014
Last Update: Feb 2, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
381 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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