There are now placeholders and player order options for LuckPerms. Thanks to
@Luck for the work.
New placeholders: ${player luckperms_prefix}, ${player luckperms_suffix}, ${player luckperms_primary_group}.
New player order options: LuckPermsGroupInfo, LuckPermsGroupInfoReversed
There's a new tab list type: DYNAMIC_SIZE_FIXED_COLUMNS
It keeps the number of columns constant while automatically adjusting the number of rows to fit the content. You can find more information on how to use it on the wiki:
There are a few new placeholders for "Clans for Party and Friends Extended for Bungeecord":
Code (Text):
${viewer paf_clans_clan_name}, ${player paf_clans_clan_name}
${viewer paf_clans_clan_tag}, ${player paf_clans_clan_tag}
${viewer paf_clans_clan_member_count}, ${player paf_clans_clan_member_count}
${viewer paf_clans_clan_online_member_count}, ${player paf_clans_clan_online_member_count}
${viewer paf_clans_is_leader}, ${player paf_clans_is_leader}