1.16 | 24Bit RGB Colors | Different Fonts | Merge Servers | and more
This update adds ...
... 24 Bit RGB colors. Just use [color=#RRGGBB] anywhere in your text (1.16 only).
... the ability to use different fonts by using [font=<name>] anywhere you want. The following image shows the fonts provided by minecraft. You can add your own fonts using a resource pack (1.16 only).
... a mergeServers option to the !players_by_server component, allowing you to display multiple servers as one.
... better options for text alignment. Instead of specifying the text in a slots using the text option and its alignment using the alignment option, you can use the left option to specify the text that should be aligned to the left and the center and right options to specify text to be aligned to the center and right. You can use all those options at the same time, e.g. to display the player name at the left and the ping on the right.
Code (YAML):
playerComponent: {left
: "${player name}", right
: "${player ping}"}
... experimental options to remove the ~BTLP... entries from tab completion. You can find these options in config.yml. The experimentalTabCompleteFixForTabSize80 option completely removes those entries from tab completion - but only works if the size of the tab list is 80 slots. The experimentalTabCompleteSmileys replaces those entries with smileys and other useful unicode characters. It can be used independent of the size of the tab list. Please let us know whether those options work for you. You can give feedback either on github or on discord.
... improvements regarding 1.7.x and older clients. In addition to Travertine, BTLP now also supports setups where Viaversion is installed on BungeeCord. A new placeholder allows detecting 1.7.x and older clients in the showTo option more easily:
Code (YAML):
showTo: $
{viewer client_version_below_1_8
The warning about the size of the tab list not being correct for a specific client has been made less severe.
... vanish support for StaffFacilities and Nucleus.
... the ability to use placeholders in the icon option of a slot.