+ added {insertIfServersDifferent:...}
+ supports essentials vanish, i.e. when using essentials vanish command you will also be hidden from tablist
+ supports SuperVanish
+ supports factionsUUID
+ added general variables:
- {maxHealth}
- {posX}
- {posY}
- {posZ}
- {XP}
- {totalXP}
+ added more faction variables:
- {factionPower} power of the faction
- {factionsPlayerPower} power of the player
- {factionMembers} number of members of the faction of the player
- {factionRank} the rank of the player in its faction
+ added simple clans variables
- {SimpleClans_ClanName}
- {SimpleClans_ClanMembers}
- {SimpleClans_OnlineClanMembers}
- {SimpleClans_ClanTag}
- {SimpleClans_ClanTagLabel} tag with colored brackets around
- {SimpleClans_ClanColorTag}
+ it's now possible to use an auto-resizing tablist. just set autoShrinkTablist to true in config.yml
* fixed a glitch that happened if a player has a name that starts with 0000
* the glitch where wrong player heads appear at the bottom right on tab_size < 80 is now fix in most cases. The only case where it still happens is, if a player is on the same server as the one who looks at the tablist, but is not listed in the tablist.
* an issues that could have caused the slots at the bottom right to screw up have been fixed
* better performance of the BukkitBridge, now it only fetches the variables you use in your tablist
* fixed a bug where a player in spectator mode would screw up the tablist if ip_forwarding is enabled
- removed /btlp hide command as BungeeTabListPlus now properly integrates with VanishNoPacket, SuperVanish and Essentials vanish