compatibility with scoreboard plugins, better performance, lots of other fixes
+ added the ability to hide players on some servers from the tablist
+ automatic bug reporting
* fixed Gringotts support
* improved compatibility with various scoreboard plugins
* fixed a bug that massively impacted performance by requiring multiple file writes every time the tablist is refreshed to a player
* update tablist more quickly after reload
* fixed {insertIfServersDifferent:...} and {insertIfServersSame:...}
* fixed a bug where excessive use of [COLUMN=?] causes the layout to be screwed up
* fixed a bug where the tablist shows "... and X others" even if there is enough space for all players
* The plugin now also respects the useScoreboardToBypass16CharLimit option when running on a server that supports 1.8 clients. Please note that that option only affects 1.7 clients.
* When using /btlp reload changes to the useScoreboardToBypass16CharLimit option are now applied immediately
* When using /btlp reload changes to the autoShrinkTabList option are now applied immediately
* autoShrinkTabList is now selectable per tablist
* fixed adminFirst sort rule
* improved update notifications: now you will only get them if there really is a new version available
* made some changes, so the plugin will also work with Minecraft 1.9