This update adds three new features.
RGB Color Animations
The new
!color_animation custom placeholder allows creating color gradients and rainbow-like animations in a simple way.
More info on the wiki:
Custom Player Order
When specifying the player order, you can now specify a custom order.
E.g. assume you want to order players by their rank.
You can tell the plugin the order of different groups directly i.e.
Admin first, then
Moderator and
Default is last.
Compared to the previous approach of sorting players by the weight of their primary group (which is still supported) this is easier to set up.
More info on the wiki:
Progress Bars
The new
!progress_bar custom placeholder creates a progress bar.
More info on the wiki:
Other Changes
Besides those three main features, there are a few smaller changes:
- The plugin no longer complains when using luckperms_* placeholders instead of luckpermsbungee_*. luckperms_* will now use the placeholders from PlaceholderAPI.
- &#RRGGBB and {#123456} can be used for rgb color codes.
- The permission placeholder can be used in playerOrder.
- The HEADER_FOOTER tab list type. If that type is used, then there are no type specific options and only the header and footer will be modified by the plugin.