BungeeTabListPlus icon

BungeeTabListPlus -----

Customize your tab list

Added new placeholders | Fixed issues with Citizens | Added SpongeBridge
It's time for another update. This update features some new placeholders, fixes issues with the Citizens plugin, fixes issues with scoreboard teams, a Sponge bridge similar to the Bukkit bridge has been added and support for PermissionsEx has been improved.

The following new placeholders have been added: {tps:server}, {vault_primary_group_prefix}, {vault_player_prefix}, {bungeeperms_primary_group_prefix} and {bungeeperms_player_prefix}.

The new Sponge bridge allows basic placeholders like {world}, {health}, {balance} and many others to work with Sponge servers. Also it comes with an API allowing Sponge plugins to create custom placeholders. There are no plugin specific placeholders yet, if you think that placeholders for a specific Sponge plugin should be added post in the discussion thread.

There have been several issues when using PermissionsEx, like the plugin not being able to detect the correct primary group of a player, or just not sorting the players correctly. These issues have been fixed and there is a new entry in the wiki explaining how to setup PermissionsEx and BungeeTabListPlus to work together without issues. I recommend reading this to anyone who uses PermissionsEx.

For many months there were issues when using BungeeTabListPlus together with a Bukkit plugin that uses Scoreboard teams. Most of these issues have been fixed now. Using the Citizens plugin will no longer make your tab list look disordered, plugins like NameTagEdit and AnimatedNames will be able to run without issues when BungeeTabListPlus is installed, and many other plugins that previously caused issues will work without problems now.

There are some more changes, but these are rather small. First of all the {clientVersion} placeholder now recognizes 1.10. Another one is that you now require at least build #995 of BungeeCord for the plugin to work (unless you haven't updated BungeeCord for more than a year this won't be a problem for you). Last change is that "permissionSource: BUKKITPERMISSIONSEX" has been removed in favour of using BUKKIT. This change is just to simplify the configuration of the plugin and does not affect functionality.
----------, Jun 24, 2016
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 146,251
First Release: Jan 16, 2014
Last Update: Feb 2, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
381 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings