Added an option to disable the custom tab list for players in spectator mode. As a result those players will see the vanilla tab list of the server. If you do not use this option players in spectator mode will see the fake players created by BungeeTabListPlus in the teleport menu. The option is disableCustomTabListForSpectators, can be found in config.yml and is enabled by default.
It is now possible to use the custom placeholder mechanic to create aliases. The following example creates a ${bars} placeholder that will be replaced with =============== when used somewhere in the tab list.
Code (YAML):
bars: "&6==============="
Added the /btlp debug hidden command. It displays whether a player is hidden, why he is hidden and whether he can see other hidden players on the tab list. This is useful to debug issues with vanished players.
Added support for the latest version of FactionsUUID.