1. Added 2 keys: Inventory-Hide, Priority-Chat to the file VerificationPlayer.yml
2. Added 2 keys: Inventory-Hide, Frezze-All-Players-IP to the file CmdArgStart.yml
3. A few small changes in the code.
4. Added a new file: GlobalFile.yml, which includes the keys: Update-Files-With-New-Content-After-Plugin-Enabled, Commands
5. Removed the command scheck from plugin.yml, and now it will be in the file GlobalFile.yml
6. Fixed the issue where the keys Command-Arg-KnockBack-Messages.WhiteList-Message, Command-Arg-KnockBack.WhiteList-Players were not being used, they now work.
7. Added the WhiteList-Players key to the files CmdArgTrollApple.yml, CmdArgTrollCrash.yml, CmdArgTrollDown.yml, CmdArgTrollInvClear.yml, CmdArgTrollInvDirt.yml, CmdArgTrollLaunch.yml, CmdArgTrollNearby.yml, CmdArgTrollPumpkin.yml, CmdArgTrollRandomTp.yml, CmdArgTrollRotateMouse.yml, CmdArgTrollSpam.yml
8. Added the WhiteList-Message key to the keys Command-Arg-Troll-Crash-Messages, Command-Arg-Troll-InvClear-Messages, Command-Arg-Troll-Pumpkin-Messages, Command-Arg-Troll-RandomTp-Messages, Command-Arg-Troll-RotateMouse-Messages, Command-Arg-Troll-Spam-Messages, Command-Arg-Troll-Launch-Messages, Command-Arg-Troll-Down-Messages, Command-Arg-Troll-Nearby-Messages, Command-Arg-Troll-InvDirt-Messages, Command-Arg-Troll-Apple-Messages in the localization files.
9. Changed the /scheck troll spam command, now the spam will work as intended.
10. Changed the /scheck troll invdirt command, now blocks cannot be placed or broken.
11. Added a check for the correct language setting in the Language.yml file.
12. Added keys: Account-Under-Check, Check-Completed, Blocked-Accounts, Other-Accounts-List in the localization files.
13. Updated messages in the keys Player-Check-Initiated, Player-Join-Start-Check in the localization files.
If you find any bugs, I will try to fix them in the next update.
If you like the plugin, I would really appreciate a positive review.
It will really help!
1. Keys added
Time to file
If you find any bugs, I will try to fix them in the next update.
If you like the plugin, I would greatly appreciate a positive review.
It will really help a lot!
Before updating, be sure to read all changes carefully. This will help avoid the loss of important data and settings.
1. Added the key `Player-Join-Start-Check` to localization files.
2. Added the command `/scheck knockback` to check the player for anti-knockback, as well as a new permission for the command `scheckplayer.knockback`. A new file `CmdArgKnockBack.yml` will be created, along with a main key with messages in localization files `Command-Arg-KnockBack-Messages` and a log file `CmdArgKnockBackLogs.yml`.
3. Added the command `/scheck spec` to track a player, as well as a new permission for the command `scheckplayer.spec`. A new file `CmdArgSpec.yml` will be created, along with a main key with messages in localization files `Command-Arg-Spec-Messages` and a log file `CmdArgSpecLogs.yml`.
4. Added permission `scheckplayer.bypassblockingcommandstarget` to bypass blocked commands for a player during the check.
5. Added Finnish language `fi.yml`.
6. Now the `/scheck info` command can be used regardless of whether the player is being checked.
7. The key `WhiteList-Players` was added to the `CmdArgInfo.yml` file.
8. Messages in the key `No-Player-Info` in localization files were changed.
9. Added 4 keys to localization files: Command-Arg-Info-Messages.Cannot-Info-Self, Command-Arg-Info-Messages.Only-Players, Command-Arg-Info-Messages.WhiteList-Message, Command-Arg-Info-Messages.Exceed-Character-Limit.
10. Fixed teleportation of the player and initiator in newer versions.
11. The keys Reloading-Wait and Reloading-Start were removed from the localization files.
12. Afk-System has been removed from the `CmdArgStart.yml` file and moved to a new file `AfkSystem.yml`.
13. Check-Proximity was removed from the `CmdArgStart.yml` file and moved to a new file `CheckProximity.yml`.
14. Timed-Messages were removed from the `CmdArgStart.yml` file and moved to a new file `TimedMessages.yml`.
15. Trigger-Chat-Messages were removed from the `CmdArgStart.yml` file and moved to a new file `TriggerChatMessages.yml`.
16. Set-Block-Below-Player was removed from the `CmdArgStart.yml` file and moved to a new file `SetBlockBelowPlayer.yml`.
17. Added `WhiteList-Players` to the `AfkSystem.yml` file.
18. Added 11 new trolling commands for players:
/scheck troll [nickname] crash Crash the player.
/scheck troll [nickname] invclear Clear the player's inventory.
/scheck troll [nickname] pumpkin Put a pumpkin on the player's head.
/scheck troll [nickname] randomtp Random teleportation of the player.
/scheck troll [nickname] rotatemouse Randomly rotate the player's mouse.
/scheck troll [nickname] spam Spam the player's chat.
/scheck troll [nickname] launch Launch the player into the sky.
/scheck troll [nickname] down Push the player underground.
/scheck troll [nickname] nearby Teleport the player to a random nearby player.
/scheck troll [nickname] invdirt Replace the player's entire inventory with dirt.
/scheck troll [nickname] apple Give the player a deadly apple.
New permissions for these commands:
scheckplayer.troll.crash Crash the player.
scheckplayer.troll.invclear Clear the player's inventory.
scheckplayer.troll.pumpkin Put a pumpkin on the player's head.
scheckplayer.troll.randomtp Random teleportation of the player.
scheckplayer.troll.rotatemouse Randomly rotate the player's mouse.
scheckplayer.troll.spam Spam the player's chat.
scheckplayer.troll.launch Launch the player into the sky.
scheckplayer.troll.down Push the player underground.
scheckplayer.troll.nearby Teleport the player to a random nearby player.
scheckplayer.troll.invdirt Replace the player's entire inventory with dirt.
scheckplayer.troll.apple Give the player a deadly apple.
New keys with messages in localization files:
Command-Arg-Troll-Crash-Messages, Command-Arg-Troll-InvClear-Messages
Command-Arg-Troll-Pumpkin-Messages, Command-Arg-Troll-RandomTp-Messages
Command-Arg-Troll-RotateMouse-Messages, Command-Arg-Troll-Spam-Messages
Command-Arg-Troll-Launch-Messages, Command-Arg-Troll-Down-Messages
Command-Arg-Troll-Nearby-Messages, Command-Arg-Usage-Troll-Messages
Command-Arg-Troll-InvDirt-Messages, Command-Arg-Troll-Apple-Messages
New files will be in the SettingsTroll folder:
CmdArgTrollCrash.yml, CmdArgTrollDown.yml
CmdArgTrollInvClear.yml, CmdArgTrollLaunch.yml
CmdArgTrollNearby.yml, CmdArgTrollPumpkin.yml
CmdArgTrollRandomTp.yml, CmdArgTrollRotateMouse.yml
CmdArgTrollSpam.yml, CmdArgTrollInvDirt.yml
19. The `--offline` argument was removed from the `/scheck start` command and renamed to `--start`, then moved to the `/scheck offline --start` command.
20. Added 2 keys: Command-Arg-Offline-Start-Messages, Player-Away-From-Afk in localization files.
21. The permission `scheckplayer.start.offline` was removed.
22. A new permission `scheckplayer.offline.start` was added.
23. The key `Command-Arg-Start-Offline-Enabled` was removed from the `CmdArgStart.yml` file.
24. A new file `CmdArgOfflineStart.yml` will be created.
25. The keys Player-Already-Checked-Offline, Player-Online-Blocked-Argument, Player-Not-Online-Pending, Player-Offline-Check-Already-Initiated, Player-Never-Joined were moved to the key `Command-Arg-Offline-Start-Messages`.
26. The key `No-Permission-Offline` was removed.
27. The key `Player-Never-Joined` was moved from the `CmdArgStart.yml` file to the `CmdArgOfflineStart.yml` file.
28. Added the key `Run-Check-Exited-Afk-Enabled` to the `AfkSystem.yml` file.
29. The key `Allow-Teleport-Back-Target-Player`, which was under the `Teleport-Time-Out` key in the `CmdArgStart.yml` file, was moved to the `Teleport` section and renamed to `Allow-Teleport-Time-Out-Back-Target-Player`.
If you find any bugs, I will try to fix them in the next update.
If you like the plugin, I would greatly appreciate a positive review.
It will really help a lot!
Thank you for downloading my plugin! I love you! Here's a big plugin update:
1. Commands /scheck stop, /scheck confirm, /scheck timer continue, /scheck timer stop, and /scheck timer add can now be used without specifying a player.
2. The /scheck msg command has been removed.
3. The --remove argument has been removed from the /scheck start command.
4. Two parameters Click-Messages-Sender-Start-Check | Quit-Server-Sender-Stop-Check-Enabled have been removed from the CmdArgStart.yml file.
5. Added the VerificationPlayer.yml file, which requires the player to send the message ".help" in chat when joining the server (enabled by default). If the player uses a cheat client, they will not be able to send the ".help" message in chat. If the player plays without cheats, they will be able to send the ".help" message in chat. (This check may not always be reliable).
6. Added a new VerifiedPlayers.yml file to store information about players who have passed the check when joining the server, along with the Verification-Player-Messages key in the localization files.
7. Added the German language. File: de.yml.
8. The /scheck timer add command has been modified: time now needs to be specified in the format 1h (1 hour) or 1d (1 day) instead of a numerical value like 900.
9. Added the Timer-Add-Values key to the CmdArgTimerAdd.yml file.
10. Added the /scheck timer set command and also the Command-Arg-Timer-Set-Messages key to the localization files.
11. Added new files CmdArgTimerSetLogs.yml and CmdArgTimerSet.yml.
12. The Cooldown-Max, Cooldown-Min values from the CmdArgStart.yml file were moved to the CmdArgTimerAdd.yml file and renamed to Max-Time-Timer-Add, Min-Time-Timer-Add.
13. The Cooldown key has been renamed to Check-Time, and the Cooldowns subkey to Time in the CmdArgStart.yml file.
14. Added the permission scheckplayer.bypassblockingcommandsinitiator, which allows bypassing blocked commands listed in Allowed-Commands-Initiator in the CmdArgStart.yml file.
15. Added commands /scheck offline --remove, /scheck offline --info, along with the Command-Arg-Offline-Remove-Messages, Command-Arg-Offline-Info-Messages keys to the localization files.
16. Added new files CmdArgOfflineRemove.yml, CmdArgOfflineInfo.yml.
17. Added permissions scheckplayer.offline, scheckplayer.offline.remove, scheckplayer.offline.info.
18. The scheckplayer.startoffline permission has been changed to scheckplayer.start.offline.
19. Added two parameters Chat-Priority-Player | Chat-Priority-Initiator to the Listeners.yml file.
20. The Enabled key in the ActionBar subkey has been renamed to ActionBar-Player in the CmdArgStart.yml file.
21. Fixed an issue with the /scheck confirm (reason) command. Previously, the command didn't work correctly if the reason contained spaces. Now, everything should work properly.
22. Fixed some errors on version 1.12.2+.
23. Fixed a rare issue related to granting or removing flight permissions. Now, everything should work correctly.
24. Fixed an issue where an admin could initiate an offline check on a player who was already being checked by another initiator.
25. Fixed an issue where an admin who initiated an offline check could remove other players from offline checks initiated by other admins.
26. Fixed minor issues with Folia and Bukkit.
27. Minor fixes to the /scheck list command.
28. Added keys Player-Already-Checked-Verification | Afk-Notify-Initiator | Already-Checked-Afk | Afk-Player-Removed | Afk-Player-Not-Removed | Afk-Click-Cancel | Afk-Click-Cancel-Hover | No-Permission-Afk-Remove-Click | Usage-Afk-Remove | Command-Arg-Afk-Remove-Disabled-Message | Timer-Set-Target-Player | Timer-Set-Initiator-Player | Cannot-Set-Timer-Paused | Trigger-Action-Message | Both-Parameters-Enabled | Player-Offline-Check-Already-Initiated | Title-Move-Player | Player-Came-Out-Of-Afk | ActionBar-Initiator | Title-Trigger-Words-Player | Title-Trigger-Words-Initiator | Timed-Messages | Timed-Messages-Title-Chat | Timer-Add-Label | Timer-Set-Label | Reason-Function-Is-Disabled to the localization files.
29. Keys Cannot-Stop-Self | Cannot-Confirm-Self | Cannot-Timer-Continue-Self | Cannot-Timer-Stop-Self | Cannot-Timer-Add-Self | Player-Not-On-Check | Hover-Text-Start-Check-Sender-Text | Interaction-Forbidden-Due-To-Check have been removed from the localization files.
30. Messages have been changed in the localization files for the keys No-Player-Stop-Check | No-Player-Confirm | No-Player-Timer-Continue | No-Player-Timer-Stop | No-Player-Timer-Add.
31. Keys have been changed in the localization files: Bypass to Player-Protection | Title-Start-Check to Title-Start-Target | Title-Initiator to Title-Start-Initiator | Timer-Extended-By-Sender to Timer-Add-Target-Player | Timer-Extended-For-Target to Timer-Add-Initiator-Player | ActionBar to ActionBar-Player | Boss-Bar-Timer-Stop to Boss-Bar-Timer-Stop-Target | Boss-Bar-Timer-Stop-Sender to Boss-Bar-Timer-Stop-Initiator | Log-Format to Log-Format-File | Log-Format-Chat-Initiator to Log-Format-File-Chat-Initiator | Log-Format-Chat-Player to Log-Format-File-Chat-Player.
32. Added keys Message-Appears-Initiator | Message-Appears-Target | Chat-Clear-Lines-Initiator | Chat-Clear-Lines-Target | Afk-System | Click-Messages-Command-Run-Remove-Afk | Kill-Player-Quit | Command-Arg-Afk-Remove-Enabled | Completion-Player-Names | Add-Tab-Completion-Afk-Remove | Trigger-Chat-Messages | Set-Block-Below-Player | Title-Move-Player | ActionBar-Initiator | Timed-Messages | Allow-Teleport-Back-Players-Disabled-Plugin | Safe-Teleport-Enabled | Commands-Plugin-Disabled in the CmdArgStart.yml file.
33. The scheckplayer.notifyadmin permission has been changed. You can now specify permissions for each command and chat separately: scheckplayer.notifyadmin.chatinitiator | scheckplayer.notifyadmin.chatplayer | scheckplayer.notifyadmin.confess | scheckplayer.notifyadmin.confirm | scheckplayer.notifyadmin.start | scheckplayer.notifyadmin.stopall | scheckplayer.notifyadmin.stop | scheckplayer.notifyadmin.timeradd | scheckplayer.notifyadmin.timercontinue | scheckplayer.notifyadmin.timerset | scheckplayer.notifyadmin.timerstop.
34. If both Allow-Teleport-To-Executor and Allow-Teleport-To-Executor-At-Distance parameters from the CmdArgStart.yml file are enabled at the same time, the /scheck start and /scheck start --offline commands will be disabled.
35. Added two permissions scheckplayer.bypass.limit.timerset and scheckplayer.bypass.limit.timeradd, which allow bypassing the timer set and add limit.
36. The display of time in the BossBar and ActionBar has been changed: it will now display as "45 minutes 10 seconds" or "10 hours 10 minutes 10 seconds" instead of "0 days 0 hours 5 minutes 50 seconds".
37. Added the %reason% placeholder, which displays the reason from the Reasons.yml file when the Reasons-Enabled: true setting is enabled. It works in Discord logs, log files, and admin notifications. Supported in Log-Format, Log-Format-Discord, and Notify-Admin-Message.
38. Added the List-Values parameter to the CmdArgList.yml file.
39. Two parameters, Allowed-Players and Commands, were added to Check-Proximity in the CmdArgStart.yml file.
40. Added a new command /scheck info to view information about a player being checked. A new file CmdArgInfo.yml will be created, and the Command-Arg-Info-Messages key will be added to the localization files. Additionally, a new permission for this command: scheckplayer.info has been introduced.
If you find any bugs, I'll try to fix them in the next update. If you enjoyed the plugin, I would greatly appreciate a positive review. It would really help!
1. Fixed player teleportation issue in version
2. Fixed issue with executing commands on behalf of players, initiators, and console on
Folia, Bukkit.
3. Two new arguments have been added to the
/scheck start command:
--offline: allows the initiator to summon a player for a check in offline mode. When the player logs into the game, they will be automatically summoned for a check, provided that the initiator is online. (If the plugin or server has been restarted, the offline check mode will be reset)"
--remove: removes the player from the offline check list."
4. Added two new permissions:
scheckplayer.startoffline: allows the use of offline mode checks."
scheckplayer.startofflineremove: allows removing a player from the offline check list."
5. Added 10 new keys to the CmdArgStart.yml file:
"Allow-Teleport-To-Executor-At-Distance, Distance, Shows-Commands-Initiator,"
"Blocked-Shows-Commands-Initiator, Check-Proximity, Player-Never-Joined,"
"Title-Timer-End-Target, Title-Timer-End-Initiator, Command-Arg-Start-Offline-Enabled,"
6. Added 16 new keys to the localization files:
"Proximity-Warning, Command-Executed, Plugin-Disabled-Message-Initiator, Plugin-Disabled-Message-Target-Player,"
"Player-Not-Online-Pending, Player-Already-Checked-Offline, No-Permission-Offline, Player-Online-Blocked-Argument,"
"Player-Never-Joined, No-Permission-Offline-Remove, Player-Not-In-List-Offline, Player-Removed-Offline-Success"
"Title-Timer-End-Target, Title-Timer-End-Initiator, Command-Arg-Start-Offline-Disabled-Message,"
7. Changed placeholder
%sender-player% to
%initiator-player% in the following localization file keys:
"Player-Already-Checked, Player-Quit-Server-Sender, Log-Format,"
"Log-Format-Discord, Hover-Text-Player-Check-Initiated, Check-Start-Target,"
"Check-Start-Target-Repeat, Innocent-Player, Player-Info-Message,"
"Confirmation-Target, StopAll-Successfully-Target, Timer-Successfully-Started-Target,"
"Timer-Successfully-Paused-Target, Timer-Extended-By-Sender, Title-Start-Check,"
"Title-Stop-Check, Title-Confirm, Title-StopAll, Title-Timer-Continue, Title-Timer-Stop,"
8. Changed placeholder
%sender-player% to
%initiator-player% in the key:
Click-Messages-Target-Start-Check.Click-Command in the
CmdArgStart.yml file"
9. If there are any bugs, I will try to fix them in the next update.
Big update release with 800 downloads! Thank you for choosing my plugin!
1. Now to extend the timer, you need to use the command
/scheck timer add (nickname) (time in seconds, e.g., 600).
2. Added 8 keys
Max-Time-Exceeded, Invalid-Time-Value, Min-Time-Exceeded, Reason-Not-Found, Reason-Not-Provided, Title-Initiator, Command-Blocking-Initiator, Interaction-Forbidden-Due-To-Check, Usage-Reason to localization files.
3. Added 3 keys
Cooldown-Max, Cooldown-Min, Allowed-Commands-Initiator to the
CmdArgStart.yml file.
4. In the command
/scheck confirm (nickname) (reason from Reasons.yml), you can now write your own reason from the file; if not needed, it can be disabled. (By default, this is disabled.)
5. Added
Reasons.yml file.
6. Added key
Commands-Confirm-Reason-Player to
CmdArgConfirm.yml file.
7. Added key
Title-Confess-Check-Initiator to CmdArgConfess.yml file.
8. Added key
Title-Confirm-Initiator to CmdArgConfirm.yml file.
9. Added key
Title-Start-Check-Initiator to CmdArgStart.yml file.
10. Added key
Title-Stop-Check-Initiator to CmdArgStop.yml file.
11. Added key
Title-StopAll-Initiator to CmdArgStopAll.yml file.
12. Added key
Title-Timer-Add-Initiator to CmdArgTimerAdd.yml file.
13. Added key
Title-Timer-Continue-Initiator to CmdArgTimerContinue.yml file.
14. Added key
Title-Timer-Stop-Initiator to CmdArgTimerStop.yml file.
15. Added keys
Block-Break-Sound, Block-Place-Sound, Inventory-Click-Sound, Player-Drop-Item-Sound, Player-Item-Consume-Sound, Player-Item-Held-Sound, Player-Swap-Hand-Items-Sound to
Listeners.yml file.
16. Fixed an issue where the boss bar would disappear and then reappear if the
/scheck stop command was used with a nickname not in the check list, provided the initiator had a player under check.
17. Fixed an issue where the boss bar for the check initiator would not be removed if the
/scheck stopall command was executed by another player or via console.
18. Added parameters:
delay: (in seconds) - Executes the command after the specified time,
player: (command) - Executes on behalf of the player under check,
player-initiator: (command) - Executes on behalf of the player who initiated the check. |
Commands-Confess-Player in CmdArgConfess.yml, Commands-Confirm-Player in CmdArgConfirm.yml, Commands-End-Time, Commands-Leave-Player, Commands-Leave-Sender, Commands-Start-Check in CmdArgStart.yml, Commands-Stop-Check in CmdArgStop.yml, Commands-StopAll-Player in CmdArgStopAll.yml, Commands-Timer-Add in CmdArgTimerAdd.yml, Commands-Timer-Continue-Player in CmdArgTimerContinue.yml, Commands-Timer-Stop-Player in CmdArgTimerStop.yml.
19. Now, if the initiator initiates a player check, other administrators will not be able to use the commands
/scheck stop, /scheck confirm, /scheck timer add, /scheck timer continue, and /scheck timer stop for the player under check unless they initiated the check.
20. Now, if a command is used incorrectly and the player does not have permissions for these commands, it will no longer display how to use the command but will simply state that the player does not have permission.
21. Removed keys
Console-Name-Timer-Stop, Console-Name-Timer-Continue from localization files.
22. Commands
/scheck start, /scheck stop, /scheck confess, /scheck msg, /scheck confirm, /scheck timer continue, /scheck timer stop, /scheck timer add are now forbidden to use from the console.
23. If there are any bugs, I will try to fix them in the next update.
1. Removed
config.yml file.
2. Added keys
Block-Break-Message-Delay, Block-Place-Message-Delay, Entity-Damage-By-Entity-Message-Delay, Inventory-Click-Message-Delay, Player-Drop-Item-Message-Delay, Player-Item-Consume-Message-Delay, Player-Item-Held-Message-Delay, Player-Pickup-Item-Message-Delay, Player-Swap-Hand-Items-Message-Delay to the
Listeners.yml file.
3. Now the event handler is set to
true by default. Set the value to
true to enable and
false to disable. Keys affected:
Block-Break-Enabled, Block-Place-Enabled, Entity-Damage-By-Entity-Enabled, Entity-Damage-Enabled, Inventory-Click-Enabled, Player-Command-Preprocess-Enabled, Player-Drop-Item-Enabled, Player-Exp-Change-Enabled, Player-Item-Consume-Enabled, Player-Item-Held-Enabled, Player-Move-Enabled, Player-Pickup-Item-Enabled, Player-Swap-Hand-Items-Enabled, in the
Listeners.yml file.
4. Fixed a bug with disabling the
Entity-Damage-By-Entity-Enabled method in the Listeners.yml file.
5. Added keys
Notify-Admin-Message-Player-Enabled, Notify-Admin-Message-Initiator-Enabled, Notify-Console-Message-Player-Enabled, Notify-Console-Message-Initiator-Enabled to the
Listeners.yml file.
6. Added keys
Notify-Admin-Player-Message, Notify-Admin-Initiator-Message, Notify-Admin-Message to the localization files.
7. Added key
Notify-Message-Admin to the
CmdArgConfess.yml, CmdArgConfirm.yml, CmdArgMsg.yml, CmdArgStart.yml, CmdArgStop.yml, CmdArgStopAll.yml, CmdArgTimerAdd.yml, CmdArgTimerContinue.yml, CmdArgTimerStop.yml files.
8. Fixed a bug with colors not being cleared for the
/scheck msg command.
9. Fixed a bug with colors not being cleared for the initiator and the player when they wrote in the chat with the
Global-Message-Player-In-Check-Visibility-Enabled, Global-Message-Initiator-In-Check-Visibility-Enabled options enabled.
10. Fixed a bug where the delay for the initiator and the player in the chat was not issued with the
Global-Message-Player-In-Check-Visibility-Enabled, Global-Message-Initiator-In-Check-Visibility-Enabled options enabled.
11. Fixed a bug where the minimum and maximum number of characters in a message did not work for the initiator and the player with the
Global-Message-Player-In-Check-Visibility-Enabled, Global-Message-Initiator-In-Check-Visibility-Enabled options enabled.
12. Fixed a bug where chat messages were not recorded to a file and to Discord for the initiator and the player with the
Global-Message-Player-In-Check-Visibility-Enabled, Global-Message-Player-In-Check-Visibility-Enabled options enabled.
13. Added permission
scheckplayer.notifyadmin (
this permission might change) to see messages about the start of a check, etc.
If there are any bugs, I will try to fix them in the next update.
1. Reduced file size (due to
FoliaLib library).
2. Fixed a bug where logs for the
/scheck timer add command were not being disabled.
3. Added logs to
Discord for commands and chat.
4. Added keys
Log-Format-Discord, Log-Format-Discord-Chat-Player, Log-Format-Discord-Chat-Initiator to localization files.
5. Added key
Log-Discord to files
CmdArgConfess.yml, CmdArgConfirm.yml, CmdArgMsg.yml, CmdArgStart.yml, CmdArgStop.yml, CmdArgStopAll.yml, CmdArgTimerAdd.yml, CmdArgTimerContinue.yml, CmdArgTimerStop.yml.
6. Added keys
Log-Discord-Player-Chat, Log-Discord-Initiator-Chat to file
7. Added key
Freezing-Player to file
CmdArgStart.yml, which freezes the player at the start of the check.
8. Added key
Sound-Confess-Check-Initiator to file
9. Added keys
Sound-Confirm-Check-Target, Sound-Confirm-Check-Initiator to file
10. Added key
Sound-Stop-Check-Initiator to file
11. Added keys
Sound-StopAll-Check-Target, Sound-StopAll-Check-Initiator to file
12. Added keys
Sound-Timer-Add-Check-Target, Sound-Timer-Add-Check-Initiator to file
13. Added keys
Sound-Timer-Continue-Check-Target, Sound-Timer-Continue-Check-Initiator to file
14. Added keys
Sound-Timer-Stop-Check-Target, Sound-Timer-Stop-Check-Initiator to file
15. Added keys
Sound-Start-Time-Expired-Check-Target, Sound-Start-Time-Expired-Check-Initiator to file
16. Mobs will no longer attack players at the start of the check.
Don't ignore update 2.7 below, read it!
1. Parameters have been added to the file
2. A new key
World-Not-Found-Message was added to the localization files.
Don't ignore update 2.7 below, read it!
1. Added support for
2. Minor changes in all files and code.
Don't ignore update 2.7 below, read it!
1. Messages in chat containing color codes
(& and RGB) will now be displayed without considering the color.
2. Added a new file
CmdArgTimerAdd.yml, which implements a new command
/scheck timer add [nickname] to extend the player's timer to the maximum time.
3. Added the main key
Command-Arg-Timer-Add-Messages in localization files.
4. Players without the necessary permissions can no longer see the list of players when using commands.
5. The timer now adds exactly the time specified in
CmdArgStart.yml; it used to be 14 minutes 59 seconds and now will be 15 minutes 0 seconds.
Don't ignore update 2.7 below, read it!
1. Added
%initiator-player% everywhere commands are used.
2. Maximum nickname length is now set to
32 characters.
3. Added chat delay for both players and initiators.
4. Added maximum and minimum message length limits for players and initiators.
5. Added sounds for players and initiators upon receiving messages in chat: when a player sends a message, the initiator hears a sound; when an initiator sends a message, the player hears a sound.
6. Added a sound for the initiator during timer countdown.
7. Added a sound for the initiator at the start of a check.
8. Added 2 keys,
Sound-Start-Check-Initiator and Sound-Start-Time-Check-Initiator, to the
CmdArgStart.yml file.
9. Added 4 keys
(Max-Message-Length-Blocked, Min-Message-Length-Blocked, Chat-Cooldown, Exceed-Character-Limit) to localization files.
10. Added 14 keys
(Max-Message-Player-Length-Blocked-Enabled, Max-Message-Player-Length, Min-Message-Player-Length-Blocked-Enabled, Min-Message-Player-Length, Max-Message-Initiator-Length-Blocked-Enabled, Max-Message-Initiator-Length, Min-Message-Initiator-Length-Blocked-Enabled, Min-Message-Initiator-Length, Cooldown-Chat-Player-Enabled, Cooldown-Chat-Player, Cooldown-Chat-Initiator-Enabled, Cooldown-Chat-Initiator, Receiving-Sound-Player-From-The-Initiator-On-Check, Receiving-Sound-Initiator-From-The-Player-On-Check) to the
Listeners.yml file.
Don't ignore update 2.7 below, read it!
1. Added permission `
scheckplayer.timer` for the `
/scheck timer` argument. (Auto-tab completion).
2. Fixed the `
/scheck timer continue` command that did not display messages from `
3. Added two keys `
Sound-Player-On-Check, Sound-Initiator-On-Check` to the `
Listeners.yml` file.
4. Added chat logs for the player under inspection and the initiator.
5. Added two keys `
Log-Format-Chat-Player, Log-Format-Chat-Initiator` to the localization files.
6. Added two keys `
Log-File-Initiator-Chat, Log-File-Player-Chat` to the `
Listeners.yml` file.
7. Fixed the issue where the plugin created the `
sCheckPlayer` folder with all files, causing command arguments to be disabled.
Don't ignore update 2.7 below, read it!
1. Added two parameters:
Clear-Chat-Initiator-Player-Enabled and
Clear-Chat-Target-Player-Enabled to the
CmdArgStart.yml file.
2. Fixed a minor issue where messages for the player would trigger simultaneously with
Check-Start-Target and
Check-Start-Target-Repeat. Now,
Check-Start-Target will trigger first, and
Check-Start-Target-Repeat will trigger 20 seconds later, as specified in the
Message-Delay key in the
CmdArgStart.yml file.
3. Changed the
Enabled key to
Chat-No-Repeat-Enabled in the
CmdArgStart.yml file.
4. Added the
Chat-Repeat-Enabled key to the
CmdArgStart.yml file.
5. Fixed an issue where, after changing the command in the
plugin.yml file from
scheck to another command, arguments following the command were not displayed. This should now work correctly.
6. Almost all errors will be recorded in the
LogsErrors folder.
7. Fixed plugin reloading.
8. Minor code changes.
Don't ignore update 2.7 below, read it!
1. Removed the
Player-Chat-Enabled parameter from
2. Added a separate chat for the player under inspection.
3. Added parameters
Chat-Mode, Global-Message-Player-In-Check-Visibility-Enabled, Initiator-Message-Radius-Enabled, Initiator-Seen-Messages-Radius-Player, Online-Players-Seen-Messages-Radius-Player to
4. Added parameters
Initiator-No-Seen-Messages-Player, Online-Players-No-Seen-Messages-Player, Chat-Messages-Player-In-Check-Seen-Initiator, Chat-Messages-Player-In-Check-Seen-Online-Players to localization files.
5. Added a separate chat for the check initiator.
6. Added parameters
Initiator-Chat-Enabled, Global-Message-Initiator-In-Check-Visibility-Enabled, Initiator-Message-Radius-Enabled, Player-Seen-Messages-Initiator-Radius, Online-Players-Seen-Messages-Initiator-Radius to
7. Added parameters
Player-No-Seen-Messages-Initiator, Online-Players-No-Seen-Messages-Initiator, Chat-Messages-Initiator-In-Check-Seen-Player, Chat-Messages-Initiator-In-Check-Seen-Online-Players to localization files.
Don't ignore update 2.7 below, read it!
1. Log corrections (I forgot to change the file names).
Don't ignore update 2.7 below, read it!
Attention! Important message before updating:
Before updating, carefully read through the entire list of changes and improvements to avoid data loss, such as messages and plugin settings.
It is recommended to back up all files before starting the update process and delete all old files.
1. Fixed the command
/scheck msg.
2. Fixed an issue where players could use ender pearls and other items during checks.
3. Added a boss bar for the player displayed when the timer for the player is paused.
4. Added a boss bar for the checker displayed when the timer for the player is paused.
5. Removed parameters
Check-Chat-Format-Target, Check-Chat-Format-Sender, Chat-Mode, Chat-Check-Radius-Target, Chat-Check-Sender-Enabled, Chat-Check-Radius-Sender from Listeners.yml as they were not functioning correctly (may add back later).
6. Added parameter
Player-Chat-Enabled to Listeners.yml.
7. Added placeholders:
%scheckplayer_checks_count%, %scheckplayer_finished_checks_count%, %scheckplayer_confirm_checks_count%.
8. Files
ChecksCount.yml, ConfirmChecksCount.yml, FinishedChecksCount.yml will be created in the
Data folder to store placeholder values.
9. Fixed an issue where a player did not receive flight after clicking "Respawn" during a check, causing them to be kicked if they were in the air.
10. Values "yes" and "no" from the placeholder
%scheckplayer_on_check% are moved to a new file
11. Changed plugin reload procedure.
12. Now only one player can be called for a check.
13. Added a boss bar for the checker showing how much time the player has left on the check.
14. Case sensitivity in player names is now considered (e.g.,
"Test" and "test" are now different nicknames).
15. Added parameter
Quit-Server-Sender-Stop-Check-Enabled in CmdArgStart.yml to determine cancellation of a check when the checker leaves the server.
16. Fixed an issue with item pickup for the player on check not displaying all items the player cannot pick up.
17. Fixed an issue with RGB colors in clickable messages and text hover.
18. Added key
Commands-Leave-Sender in
CmdArgStart.yml to execute commands on the player after the checker leaves the server.
19. Added key
Allow-Teleport-Back-Target-Player in CmdArgStart.yml to determine whether to teleport the player back to the original location after the checker leaves.
20. Support for version
1.12.2 (possible bugs on this version).
21. Renamed files:
CmdArgConfessCheck.yml to CmdArgConfess.yml || CmdArgListCheck.yml to CmdArgList.yml || CmdArgMsgCheck.yml to CmdArgMsg.yml || CmdArgStartCheck.yml to CmdArgStart.yml || CmdArgStopCheck.yml to CmdArgStop.yml.
22. Renamed log files:
ConfessCheckLogs.yml to CmdArgConfessLogs.yml || ConfirmCheckLogs.yml to CmdArgConfirmLogs.yml || MsgCheckLogs.yml to CmdArgMsgLogs.yml || StartCheckLogs.yml to CmdArgStartLogs.yml || StopAllCheckLogs.yml to CmdArgStopAllLogs.yml || StopCheckLogs.yml to CmdArgStopLogs.yml || TimerContinueCheckLogs to CmdArgTimerContinueLogs.yml || TimerStopCheckLogs.yml to CmdArgTimerStopLogs.yml.
23. Changed keys
Command-Arg-Confess-Check to Command-Arg-Confess in CmdArgConfess.yml || Command-Arg-List-Check to Command-Arg-List in CmdArgList.yml || Command-Arg-Msg-Check to Command-Arg-Msg in CmdArgMsg.yml || Command-Arg-Start-Check to Command-Arg-Start in CmdArgStart.yml || Command-Arg-Stop-Check to Command-Arg-Stop in CmdArgStop.yml.
24. Changed keys
Command-Arg-Start-Check-Messages to Command-Arg-Start-Messages || Command-Arg-Stop-Check-Messages to Command-Arg-Stop-Messages || Command-Arg-Confess-Check-Messages to Command-Arg-Confess-Messages || Command-Arg-Msg-Check-Messages to Command-Arg-Msg-Messages || Command-Arg-List-Check-Messages to Command-Arg-List-Messages in localization files.
1. Added the placeholder
%scheckplayer_on_check%, which indicates whether the current player is under review. Additionally, the placeholder
%scheckplayer_on_check_NickName% indicates whether another specified player is under review. If the player is under review, it will show "
yes"; if not, it will show "
1. Permission setting was removed from all files.
Enabled-Color-Warning-Message setting was removed from the config.
3. Plugin startup fixed for version
4. Minor changes made to all files and code.
JoinSymbolCheck.yml file was deleted.
6. Player limit added in auto-tab complete – now shows 10 players.
7. Player search limit set in auto-tab complete.
8. If a player has a permission like
scheckplayer.start, that argument will be shown to the player.
9. RGB color conversion method changed.
10. Might have forgotten something as the update was done a month ago.
1. Restored
Spigot support.
2. Added sending of anonymous statistics.
3. Removed the command
/scheck lang.
4. Changed the way commands are filled in. If you type
/scheck s, it will show all arguments that start with the character '
1. Tabulation in commands has been changed.
1. Added to the files
CmdArgTimerStop.yml two keys
Path-Full before section
2. Minor changes in the code.
If you find any bugs in this update, please write to Discussions. Or send me snon_s on discord
1. Fixed minor errors.
2. Added a new key,
Check-Start-Target, to localization files.
Code (YAML):
- ''
- '&f &6&l╓ &c&l!!! CHECK !!!'
- '&f &6&l║ &fYou have been summoned for a check'
- '&f &6&l║ &fSuspected of using cheats!'
- '&f &6&l║'
- '&f &6&l║ &fSend your Discord/Skype to the moderator:'
- '&f &6&l║ &7/scheck msg &6&l
%sender-player% &7your Discord or Skype &b&l(CLICK to write)'
- '&f &6&l║'
- '&f &6&l║ &fAfter the time expires, you will be'
- '&f &6&l║ &fbanned for &e30 &fdays or you can simply'
- '&f &6&l║'
- '&f &6&l║ &fConfess to using cheats
&a/scheck confess'
- '&f &6&l╚'
- ''
And this message will be repeated:
Code (YAML):
- ''
- '&f &6&l╓ &c&l!!! CHECK !!!'
- '&f &6&l║ &fYou are suspected of using cheats!'
- '&f &6&l║'
- '&f &6&l║ &fSend your Discord/Skype to the moderator:'
- '&f &6&l║ &7/scheck msg &6&l
%sender-player% &7your Discord or Skype &b&l(CLICK to write)'
- '&f &6&l║'
- '&f &6&l║ &fAfter the time expires, you will be'
- '&f &6&l║ &fbanned for &e30 &fdays or you can simply'
- '&f &6&l║'
- '&f &6&l║ &fConfess to using cheats
&a/scheck confess'
- '&f &6&l║ &fTime remaining until check ends
%daysLabel% %hours% %hoursLabel% %minutes% %minutesLabel% %seconds% %secondsLabel%'
- '&f &6&l╚'
- ''
3. Renamed the key
Check-Summon-Invited to
Check-Start-Target-Repeat in localization files.
4. Renamed the key
Click-Messages-Summon-Invited to
Click-Messages-Target-Start-Check in the file
5. Renamed the key
Click-Messages-Start-Check to
Click-Messages-Sender-Start-Check in the file
If you've found any bugs in this update, please write about them in Discussions or contact me on Discord at
1. Fixed an issue where players could use the command
/scheck msg after confessing.
2. Fixed an issue where the initiator of the check, while sending a message in chat, also sent regular messages if another chat was enabled.
3. Added a new file
JoinSymbolCheck.yml, which requires the player to send the message "
.help" in chat upon joining the server. (By default, this is disabled) If a player is using a cheat client, they won't be able to send the "
.help" message in chat. If a player is playing without cheats, they will be able to send the "
.help" message in chat. (This check may not always prevent cheating)
If you find a bug in this update, please report it in the Discussions.
1. The format of
RGB colors has been changed; the format was
{#000000} now it will be
1. The
en.yml file has been updated and the
Check-Chat-Format-Sender key has been added:
Code (YAML):
- '&b
- '&b
] &8- &fPlayer &c&l
%sender-player% &fis checking player(s) &6&l%target-players-list%'
- '&b
] &8- &fPlayer &e&l
%sender-player% &fwrote messages: &d%message%'
- '&b
2. The
Listeners.yml file was updated and two keys were added:
Chat-Check-Sender-Enabled and
Code (YAML):
# Enable another chat for the check initiator?
# Включить ли другой чат для инициатора проверки?
: true
# Chat radius for the check initiator, where all players will see messages.
# Радиус чата для инициатора проверки, в котором все игроки будут видеть сообщения.
: 10
3. The
Player-Already-Checked key in the
en.yml file has also been updated which adds
%sender-player% which shows the initiator of the check:
Code (YAML):
- '&b
] &8- &cPlayer &6
%target-player% &cis already under investigation! Checks it out &6%sender-player%'
1. Added the "
version" argument to the
/scheck command, designed for checking plugin updates. A new file,
CmdArgVersion.yml, will be created.
2. The plugin now automatically checks for updates every
30 minutes. It will send messages to the console or to players with the appropriate permissions.
3. Upon a player's entry to the server, they will be notified of any available plugin updates (if any). All features can be disabled or configured according to your preferences.
If you encounter any bugs in this update, please report them in the Discussions section.
1. A modification has been made to the
en.yml file: the
Check-Chat-Format key is now
2. Another change has been applied to the
Listeners.yml file: the
Chat-Check-Radius key is now
3. Added
PlaceholderAPI support for the
Check-Chat-Format-Target key in the
en.yml file.
4. Introduced a new parameter,
%sender-player%, to the
Check-Chat-Format-Target key, displaying information about the executor of the player check command.
1. Added two arguments to the
/scheck timer command, the first of which is
/scheck timer continue to start a timer for the player during the check. Second argument
/scheck timer stop stops the player's timer during a check.
1. Added the
stopall argument to the
/scheck command, which stops the check for all players.
2. Unnecessary code has been removed.
3. Added setting to the
CmdArgStartCheck.yml file:
Code (YAML):
# Should I include a whitelist of players who cannot be called for review?
# Нужно ли включать белый список игроков, которых нельзя вызвать на проверку?
: false
# Specify a list of players.
# Укажите список игроков.
- Snon_SS
1. Now if the server version is
lower than 1.13, the plugin will be disabled.
2. Now the plugin will not work on
Spigot, etc. for it to work you need
Paper or other forks.
3. Blank message corrections.
4. Minor bugs fixed.
1. Added a
confirm argument to the
/scheck command, which confirms that the player has cheats during the check.
2. A new
CmdArgConfirm.yml file will also be created in the
Settings folder.
3. Also in the
CmdArgConfessCheck.yml file the following parameter was added:
Code (YAML):
# Allow teleporting the target player back to their original location
# after executing the /scheck confess command.
# Разрешить телепортацию целевого игрока обратно на исходное местоположение
# После команды /scheck confess
: false
3. And also a parameter was added to another
CmdArgStartCheck.yml file:
Code (YAML):
# Allow teleporting the target player back to their original location
# After the time is up.
# Разрешить телепортацию целевого игрока обратно на исходное местоположение
# После окончании времени.
: false
4. Also added messages from the
/scheck confirm command
If you find a bug in this update, write to Discussions.
1. Fixed a problem in the CmdArgStartCheck.yml file with the parameter:
Code (YAML):
: 900
2. Now, when a player is called for a check, the one who called the check will be in the air; the player who is being checked will not be kicked from the server that he is hanging in the air (for flying).