1. Fixed minor errors.
2. Added a new key,
Check-Start-Target, to localization files.
Code (YAML):
- ''
- '&f &6&l╓ &c&l!!! CHECK !!!'
- '&f &6&l║ &fYou have been summoned for a check'
- '&f &6&l║ &fSuspected of using cheats!'
- '&f &6&l║'
- '&f &6&l║ &fSend your Discord/Skype to the moderator:'
- '&f &6&l║ &7/scheck msg &6&l
%sender-player% &7your Discord or Skype &b&l(CLICK to write)'
- '&f &6&l║'
- '&f &6&l║ &fAfter the time expires, you will be'
- '&f &6&l║ &fbanned for &e30 &fdays or you can simply'
- '&f &6&l║'
- '&f &6&l║ &fConfess to using cheats
&a/scheck confess'
- '&f &6&l╚'
- ''
And this message will be repeated:
Code (YAML):
- ''
- '&f &6&l╓ &c&l!!! CHECK !!!'
- '&f &6&l║ &fYou are suspected of using cheats!'
- '&f &6&l║'
- '&f &6&l║ &fSend your Discord/Skype to the moderator:'
- '&f &6&l║ &7/scheck msg &6&l
%sender-player% &7your Discord or Skype &b&l(CLICK to write)'
- '&f &6&l║'
- '&f &6&l║ &fAfter the time expires, you will be'
- '&f &6&l║ &fbanned for &e30 &fdays or you can simply'
- '&f &6&l║'
- '&f &6&l║ &fConfess to using cheats
&a/scheck confess'
- '&f &6&l║ &fTime remaining until check ends
%daysLabel% %hours% %hoursLabel% %minutes% %minutesLabel% %seconds% %secondsLabel%'
- '&f &6&l╚'
- ''
3. Renamed the key
Check-Summon-Invited to
Check-Start-Target-Repeat in localization files.
4. Renamed the key
Click-Messages-Summon-Invited to
Click-Messages-Target-Start-Check in the file
5. Renamed the key
Click-Messages-Start-Check to
Click-Messages-Sender-Start-Check in the file
If you've found any bugs in this update, please write about them in Discussions or contact me on Discord at