sCheckPlayer - ✅Plugin that allows checking players for cheats!✅ icon

sCheckPlayer - ✅Plugin that allows checking players for cheats!✅ -----

cheat, cheats, проверка, читы, чит, проверка на читы, 1.16.5, 1.21, плагин, plugin, check, защита

Update #30 | 4.0
Thank you for downloading my plugin! I love you! Here's a big plugin update:

1. Commands /scheck stop, /scheck confirm, /scheck timer continue, /scheck timer stop, and /scheck timer add can now be used without specifying a player.
2. The /scheck msg command has been removed.
3. The --remove argument has been removed from the /scheck start command.
4. Two parameters Click-Messages-Sender-Start-Check | Quit-Server-Sender-Stop-Check-Enabled have been removed from the CmdArgStart.yml file.

5. Added the VerificationPlayer.yml file, which requires the player to send the message ".help" in chat when joining the server (enabled by default). If the player uses a cheat client, they will not be able to send the ".help" message in chat. If the player plays without cheats, they will be able to send the ".help" message in chat. (This check may not always be reliable).
6. Added a new VerifiedPlayers.yml file to store information about players who have passed the check when joining the server, along with the Verification-Player-Messages key in the localization files.

7. Added the German language. File: de.yml.
8. The /scheck timer add command has been modified: time now needs to be specified in the format 1h (1 hour) or 1d (1 day) instead of a numerical value like 900.
9. Added the Timer-Add-Values key to the CmdArgTimerAdd.yml file.
10. Added the /scheck timer set command and also the Command-Arg-Timer-Set-Messages key to the localization files.
11. Added new files CmdArgTimerSetLogs.yml and CmdArgTimerSet.yml.
12. The Cooldown-Max, Cooldown-Min values from the CmdArgStart.yml file were moved to the CmdArgTimerAdd.yml file and renamed to Max-Time-Timer-Add, Min-Time-Timer-Add.
13. The Cooldown key has been renamed to Check-Time, and the Cooldowns subkey to Time in the CmdArgStart.yml file.
14. Added the permission scheckplayer.bypassblockingcommandsinitiator, which allows bypassing blocked commands listed in Allowed-Commands-Initiator in the CmdArgStart.yml file.

15. Added commands /scheck offline --remove, /scheck offline --info, along with the Command-Arg-Offline-Remove-Messages, Command-Arg-Offline-Info-Messages keys to the localization files.
16. Added new files CmdArgOfflineRemove.yml, CmdArgOfflineInfo.yml.
17. Added permissions scheckplayer.offline, scheckplayer.offline.remove,

18. The scheckplayer.startoffline permission has been changed to scheckplayer.start.offline.
19. Added two parameters Chat-Priority-Player | Chat-Priority-Initiator to the Listeners.yml file.
20. The Enabled key in the ActionBar subkey has been renamed to ActionBar-Player in the CmdArgStart.yml file.

21. Fixed an issue with the /scheck confirm (reason) command. Previously, the command didn't work correctly if the reason contained spaces. Now, everything should work properly.
22. Fixed some errors on version 1.12.2+.
23. Fixed a rare issue related to granting or removing flight permissions. Now, everything should work correctly.
24. Fixed an issue where an admin could initiate an offline check on a player who was already being checked by another initiator.
25. Fixed an issue where an admin who initiated an offline check could remove other players from offline checks initiated by other admins.
26. Fixed minor issues with Folia and Bukkit.
27. Minor fixes to the /scheck list command.

28. Added keys Player-Already-Checked-Verification | Afk-Notify-Initiator | Already-Checked-Afk | Afk-Player-Removed | Afk-Player-Not-Removed | Afk-Click-Cancel | Afk-Click-Cancel-Hover | No-Permission-Afk-Remove-Click | Usage-Afk-Remove | Command-Arg-Afk-Remove-Disabled-Message | Timer-Set-Target-Player | Timer-Set-Initiator-Player | Cannot-Set-Timer-Paused | Trigger-Action-Message | Both-Parameters-Enabled | Player-Offline-Check-Already-Initiated | Title-Move-Player | Player-Came-Out-Of-Afk | ActionBar-Initiator | Title-Trigger-Words-Player | Title-Trigger-Words-Initiator | Timed-Messages | Timed-Messages-Title-Chat | Timer-Add-Label | Timer-Set-Label | Reason-Function-Is-Disabled to the localization files.

29. Keys Cannot-Stop-Self | Cannot-Confirm-Self | Cannot-Timer-Continue-Self | Cannot-Timer-Stop-Self | Cannot-Timer-Add-Self | Player-Not-On-Check | Hover-Text-Start-Check-Sender-Text | Interaction-Forbidden-Due-To-Check have been removed from the localization files.

30. Messages have been changed in the localization files for the keys No-Player-Stop-Check | No-Player-Confirm | No-Player-Timer-Continue | No-Player-Timer-Stop | No-Player-Timer-Add.

31. Keys have been changed in the localization files: Bypass to Player-Protection | Title-Start-Check to Title-Start-Target | Title-Initiator to Title-Start-Initiator | Timer-Extended-By-Sender to Timer-Add-Target-Player | Timer-Extended-For-Target to Timer-Add-Initiator-Player | ActionBar to ActionBar-Player | Boss-Bar-Timer-Stop to Boss-Bar-Timer-Stop-Target | Boss-Bar-Timer-Stop-Sender to Boss-Bar-Timer-Stop-Initiator | Log-Format to Log-Format-File | Log-Format-Chat-Initiator to Log-Format-File-Chat-Initiator | Log-Format-Chat-Player to Log-Format-File-Chat-Player.

32. Added keys Message-Appears-Initiator | Message-Appears-Target | Chat-Clear-Lines-Initiator | Chat-Clear-Lines-Target | Afk-System | Click-Messages-Command-Run-Remove-Afk | Kill-Player-Quit | Command-Arg-Afk-Remove-Enabled | Completion-Player-Names | Add-Tab-Completion-Afk-Remove | Trigger-Chat-Messages | Set-Block-Below-Player | Title-Move-Player | ActionBar-Initiator | Timed-Messages | Allow-Teleport-Back-Players-Disabled-Plugin | Safe-Teleport-Enabled | Commands-Plugin-Disabled in the CmdArgStart.yml file.

33. The scheckplayer.notifyadmin permission has been changed. You can now specify permissions for each command and chat separately: scheckplayer.notifyadmin.chatinitiator | scheckplayer.notifyadmin.chatplayer | scheckplayer.notifyadmin.confess | scheckplayer.notifyadmin.confirm | scheckplayer.notifyadmin.start | scheckplayer.notifyadmin.stopall | scheckplayer.notifyadmin.stop | scheckplayer.notifyadmin.timeradd | scheckplayer.notifyadmin.timercontinue | scheckplayer.notifyadmin.timerset | scheckplayer.notifyadmin.timerstop.

34. If both Allow-Teleport-To-Executor and Allow-Teleport-To-Executor-At-Distance parameters from the CmdArgStart.yml file are enabled at the same time, the /scheck start and /scheck start --offline commands will be disabled.
35. Added two permissions scheckplayer.bypass.limit.timerset and scheckplayer.bypass.limit.timeradd, which allow bypassing the timer set and add limit.
36. The display of time in the BossBar and ActionBar has been changed: it will now display as "45 minutes 10 seconds" or "10 hours 10 minutes 10 seconds" instead of "0 days 0 hours 5 minutes 50 seconds".
37. Added the %reason% placeholder, which displays the reason from the Reasons.yml file when the Reasons-Enabled: true setting is enabled. It works in Discord logs, log files, and admin notifications. Supported in Log-Format, Log-Format-Discord, and Notify-Admin-Message.
38. Added the List-Values parameter to the CmdArgList.yml file.
39. Two parameters, Allowed-Players and Commands, were added to Check-Proximity in the CmdArgStart.yml file.

40. Added a new command /scheck info to view information about a player being checked. A new file CmdArgInfo.yml will be created, and the Command-Arg-Info-Messages key will be added to the localization files. Additionally, a new permission for this command: has been introduced.

If you find any bugs, I'll try to fix them in the next update. If you enjoyed the plugin, I would greatly appreciate a positive review. It would really help!
----------, Sep 14, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 4,452
First Release: Jan 14, 2024
Last Update: Feb 18, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
15 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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