sCheckPlayer - ✅Plugin that allows checking players for cheats!✅ icon

sCheckPlayer - ✅Plugin that allows checking players for cheats!✅ -----

cheat, cheats, проверка, читы, чит, проверка на читы, 1.16.5, 1.21, плагин, plugin, check, защита

Update #31 | 4.1
Before updating, be sure to read all changes carefully. This will help avoid the loss of important data and settings.

1. Added the key `Player-Join-Start-Check` to localization files.
2. Added the command `/scheck knockback` to check the player for anti-knockback, as well as a new permission for the command `scheckplayer.knockback`. A new file `CmdArgKnockBack.yml` will be created, along with a main key with messages in localization files `Command-Arg-KnockBack-Messages` and a log file `CmdArgKnockBackLogs.yml`.
3. Added the command `/scheck spec` to track a player, as well as a new permission for the command `scheckplayer.spec`. A new file `CmdArgSpec.yml` will be created, along with a main key with messages in localization files `Command-Arg-Spec-Messages` and a log file `CmdArgSpecLogs.yml`.
4. Added permission `scheckplayer.bypassblockingcommandstarget` to bypass blocked commands for a player during the check.
5. Added Finnish language `fi.yml`.
6. Now the `/scheck info` command can be used regardless of whether the player is being checked.
7. The key `WhiteList-Players` was added to the `CmdArgInfo.yml` file.
8. Messages in the key `No-Player-Info` in localization files were changed.
9. Added 4 keys to localization files: Command-Arg-Info-Messages.Cannot-Info-Self, Command-Arg-Info-Messages.Only-Players, Command-Arg-Info-Messages.WhiteList-Message, Command-Arg-Info-Messages.Exceed-Character-Limit.
10. Fixed teleportation of the player and initiator in newer versions.
11. The keys Reloading-Wait and Reloading-Start were removed from the localization files.
12. Afk-System has been removed from the `CmdArgStart.yml` file and moved to a new file `AfkSystem.yml`.
13. Check-Proximity was removed from the `CmdArgStart.yml` file and moved to a new file `CheckProximity.yml`.
14. Timed-Messages were removed from the `CmdArgStart.yml` file and moved to a new file `TimedMessages.yml`.
15. Trigger-Chat-Messages were removed from the `CmdArgStart.yml` file and moved to a new file `TriggerChatMessages.yml`.
16. Set-Block-Below-Player was removed from the `CmdArgStart.yml` file and moved to a new file `SetBlockBelowPlayer.yml`.
17. Added `WhiteList-Players` to the `AfkSystem.yml` file.
18. Added 11 new trolling commands for players:
/scheck troll [nickname] crash Crash the player.
/scheck troll [nickname] invclear Clear the player's inventory.
/scheck troll [nickname] pumpkin Put a pumpkin on the player's head.
/scheck troll [nickname] randomtp Random teleportation of the player.
/scheck troll [nickname] rotatemouse Randomly rotate the player's mouse.
/scheck troll [nickname] spam Spam the player's chat.
/scheck troll [nickname] launch Launch the player into the sky.
/scheck troll [nickname] down Push the player underground.
/scheck troll [nickname] nearby Teleport the player to a random nearby player.
/scheck troll [nickname] invdirt Replace the player's entire inventory with dirt.
/scheck troll [nickname] apple Give the player a deadly apple.
New permissions for these commands:
scheckplayer.troll.crash Crash the player.
scheckplayer.troll.invclear Clear the player's inventory.
scheckplayer.troll.pumpkin Put a pumpkin on the player's head.
scheckplayer.troll.randomtp Random teleportation of the player.
scheckplayer.troll.rotatemouse Randomly rotate the player's mouse.
scheckplayer.troll.spam Spam the player's chat.
scheckplayer.troll.launch Launch the player into the sky.
scheckplayer.troll.down Push the player underground.
scheckplayer.troll.nearby Teleport the player to a random nearby player.
scheckplayer.troll.invdirt Replace the player's entire inventory with dirt. Give the player a deadly apple.
New keys with messages in localization files:
Command-Arg-Troll-Crash-Messages, Command-Arg-Troll-InvClear-Messages
Command-Arg-Troll-Pumpkin-Messages, Command-Arg-Troll-RandomTp-Messages
Command-Arg-Troll-RotateMouse-Messages, Command-Arg-Troll-Spam-Messages
Command-Arg-Troll-Launch-Messages, Command-Arg-Troll-Down-Messages
Command-Arg-Troll-Nearby-Messages, Command-Arg-Usage-Troll-Messages
Command-Arg-Troll-InvDirt-Messages, Command-Arg-Troll-Apple-Messages
New files will be in the SettingsTroll folder:
CmdArgTrollCrash.yml, CmdArgTrollDown.yml
CmdArgTrollInvClear.yml, CmdArgTrollLaunch.yml
CmdArgTrollNearby.yml, CmdArgTrollPumpkin.yml
CmdArgTrollRandomTp.yml, CmdArgTrollRotateMouse.yml
CmdArgTrollSpam.yml, CmdArgTrollInvDirt.yml
19. The `--offline` argument was removed from the `/scheck start` command and renamed to `--start`, then moved to the `/scheck offline --start` command.
20. Added 2 keys: Command-Arg-Offline-Start-Messages, Player-Away-From-Afk in localization files.
21. The permission `scheckplayer.start.offline` was removed.
22. A new permission `scheckplayer.offline.start` was added.
23. The key `Command-Arg-Start-Offline-Enabled` was removed from the `CmdArgStart.yml` file.
24. A new file `CmdArgOfflineStart.yml` will be created.
25. The keys Player-Already-Checked-Offline, Player-Online-Blocked-Argument, Player-Not-Online-Pending, Player-Offline-Check-Already-Initiated, Player-Never-Joined were moved to the key `Command-Arg-Offline-Start-Messages`.
26. The key `No-Permission-Offline` was removed.
27. The key `Player-Never-Joined` was moved from the `CmdArgStart.yml` file to the `CmdArgOfflineStart.yml` file.
28. Added the key `Run-Check-Exited-Afk-Enabled` to the `AfkSystem.yml` file.
29. The key `Allow-Teleport-Back-Target-Player`, which was under the `Teleport-Time-Out` key in the `CmdArgStart.yml` file, was moved to the `Teleport` section and renamed to `Allow-Teleport-Time-Out-Back-Target-Player`.

If you find any bugs, I will try to fix them in the next update.
If you like the plugin, I would greatly appreciate a positive review.
It will really help a lot!
----------, Dec 11, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 4,452
First Release: Jan 14, 2024
Last Update: Feb 18, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
15 ratings
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