1. Added permission `
scheckplayer.timer` for the `
/scheck timer` argument. (Auto-tab completion).
2. Fixed the `
/scheck timer continue` command that did not display messages from `
3. Added two keys `
Sound-Player-On-Check, Sound-Initiator-On-Check` to the `
Listeners.yml` file.
4. Added chat logs for the player under inspection and the initiator.
5. Added two keys `
Log-Format-Chat-Player, Log-Format-Chat-Initiator` to the localization files.
6. Added two keys `
Log-File-Initiator-Chat, Log-File-Player-Chat` to the `
Listeners.yml` file.
7. Fixed the issue where the plugin created the `
sCheckPlayer` folder with all files, causing command arguments to be disabled.