My discord snon_s is no more
My page is here VitalikSpigo | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft
Sorry for the lags
✔ Execution of commands when a player leaves the server.
✔ Execution of commands when checking a player starts.
✔ Execution of commands when a player confesses to using cheats.
✔ Execution of commands when a player is declared innocent.
✔ Execution of commands when a player's time runs out.
✔Messages to bossbar.
✔Action bar messages.
✔ Messages on the screen.
✔ Clickable messages.
✔ Logging of commands.
✔ Setting up sounds.
✔ Possibility to prohibit breaking or placing blocks (etc).
✔ Ability to specify a list of allowed commands.
✔ Protection from calling a player for verification.
✔ Ability to teleport a player to the command executor.
✔ Ability to teleport a player to their previous location before teleportation.
✔ Ability to disable command arguments.
✔ Automatic check for new plugin version.
✔ RGB color support 𞉀
✔And much more!
%scheckplayer_on_check% - Displays the current player being checked.
%scheckplayer_on_check_Nickname% - Displays the specified player on check.
%scheckplayer_checks_count% - Displays the number of times the player has been checked.
%scheckplayer_finished_checks_count% - Displays the number of times the player was found not guilty during verification.
%scheckplayer_confirm_checks_count% - Displays the number of times a player was banned for cheating during verification.
/scheck - Main command.
/scheck start [nickname] - Call a player for a check.
/scheck stop - Declare a player clean in the check.
/scheck confess - Confess to using cheats.
/scheck reload - Reload all files.
/scheck list - View all players currently under check.
/scheck confirm - Confirm that the player has cheats.
/scheck stopall - Stop checking for all players.
/scheck timer continue - Start a timer for the player.
/scheck timer stop - Stop the player's timer.
/scheck timer add [time] - Extend timer for player.
/scheck timer set [time] - Set a timer for a player.
/scheck version - Check the new version of the plugin.
/scheck offline --remove - Removes a player who is on offline check.
/scheck offline --info - Allows you to view the player who is on offline check.
/scheck offline --start [nickname] - Allows the use of verification in offline mode.
/scheck info [nickname] - View information about a player under review.
/scheck knockback [nickname] - Checking a player for anti-kickbacks.
/scheck spec [nickname] - Tracking a player.
/scheck troll [nickname] crash - Crash Crash the player.
/scheck troll [nickname] invclear - Invclear Clear the player's inventory.
/scheck troll [nickname] pumpkin - Pumpkin Put a pumpkin on the player's head.
/scheck troll [nickname] randomtp - Randomtp Randomly teleport the player.
/scheck troll [nickname] rotatemouse - Rotatemouse Randomly rotate the player's mouse.
/scheck troll [nickname] spam - Spam Spam the player's chat.
/scheck troll [nickname] launch - Launch Launch the player into the sky.
/scheck troll [nickname] down - Down Push the player underground.
/scheck troll [nickname] nearby - Nearby Teleport the player to a random player nearby.
/scheck troll [nickname] invdirt - Invdirt Replace the player's entire inventory with dirt.
/scheck troll [nickname] apple - Apple Give the player a deadly apple.
scheckplayer.start - Call a player for a check.
scheckplayer.stop - Declare a player clean in the check.
scheckplayer.confess - Confess to using cheats.
scheckplayer.reload - Reload all files.
scheckplayer.list - View all players currently under check.
scheckplayer.confirm - Confirm that the player has cheats.
scheckplayer.stopall - Stop checking for all players.
scheckplayer.timer - /scheck timer
scheckplayer.timer.continue - Start a timer for the player.
scheckplayer.timer.stop - Stop the player's timer.
scheckplayer.timer.add - Extend timer for player.
scheckplayer.timer.set - Set a timer for a player.
scheckplayer.version - Check the new version of the plugin.
scheckplayer.bypass - Protection against calling a player for verification.
scheckplayer.joinviewnewversion - Get the new version of the plugin when you log in.
scheckplayer.autoviewnewversion - Get the new plugin version automatically.
scheckplayer.afkremoveclick - Allows you to remove a player from AFK checking.
scheckplayer.bypassblockingcommandsinitiator - Allows the initiator to bypass blocked commands.
scheckplayer.bypassblockingcommandstarget - Allows the player to bypass blocked commands.
scheckplayer.offline /scheck offline
scheckplayer.offline.remove - Removes a player who is on offline check. - Allows you to view the player who is on offline check.
scheckplayer.offline.start - Allows the use of verification in offline mode.
scheckplayer.notifyadmin.chatinitiator - Sends a message to admins when the initiator types in chat.
scheckplayer.notifyadmin.chatplayer - Sends a message to admins when a player types in chat.
scheckplayer.notifyadmin.confess - Sends a message to admins when a player confesses to using cheats.
scheckplayer.notifyadmin.confirm - Sends a message to admins when the initiator confirms a player is using cheats.
scheckplayer.notifyadmin.start - Sends a message to admins when a check starts.
scheckplayer.notifyadmin.stopall - Sends a message to admins when the check is stopped for all players.
scheckplayer.notifyadmin.stop - Sends a message to admins when the check is stopped for a player.
scheckplayer.notifyadmin.timeradd - Sends a message to admins when a timer is added for a player.
scheckplayer.notifyadmin.timercontinue - Sends a message to admins when a timer is resumed for a player.
scheckplayer.notifyadmin.timerset - Sends a message to admins when a timer is set for a player.
scheckplayer.notifyadmin.timerstop - Sends a message to admins when a timer is stopped for a player.
scheckplayer.notifyadmin.* - Sends all of the above messages to admins.
scheckplayer.bypass.limit.timerset - Allows you to bypass the time setting limit.
scheckplayer.bypass.limit.timeradd - Allows you to bypass the time addition limit. - View information about a player under review.
scheckplayer.knockback - Checking a player for anti-kickbacks.
scheckplayer.spec - Tracking a player.
scheckplayer.troll.crash - Crash Crash the player.
scheckplayer.troll.invclear - Invclear Clear the player's inventory.
scheckplayer.troll.pumpkin - Pumpkin Put a pumpkin on the player's head.
scheckplayer.troll.randomtp - Randomtp Randomly teleport the player.
scheckplayer.troll.rotatemouse - Rotatemouse Randomly rotate the player's mouse.
scheckplayer.troll.spam - Spam Spam the player's chat.
scheckplayer.troll.launch - Launch Launch the player into the sky.
scheckplayer.troll.down - Down Push the player underground.
scheckplayer.troll.nearby - Nearby Teleport the player to a random player nearby.
scheckplayer.troll.invdirt - Invdirt Replace the player's entire inventory with dirt. - Apple Give the player a deadly apple.
bStats - sCheckPlayer