sCheckPlayer - ✅Plugin that allows checking players for cheats!✅ icon

sCheckPlayer - ✅Plugin that allows checking players for cheats!✅ -----

cheat, cheats, проверка, читы, чит, проверка на читы, 1.16.5, 1.21, плагин, plugin, check, защита

Update #29 | 3.9
1. Fixed player teleportation issue in version 1.12.2.
2. Fixed issue with executing commands on behalf of players, initiators, and console on Folia, Bukkit.

3. Two new arguments have been added to the /scheck start command:
" --offline: allows the initiator to summon a player for a check in offline mode. When the player logs into the game, they will be automatically summoned for a check, provided that the initiator is online. (If the plugin or server has been restarted, the offline check mode will be reset)"
" --remove: removes the player from the offline check list."

4. Added two new permissions:
" scheckplayer.startoffline: allows the use of offline mode checks."
" scheckplayer.startofflineremove: allows removing a player from the offline check list."

5. Added 10 new keys to the CmdArgStart.yml file:
"Allow-Teleport-To-Executor-At-Distance, Distance, Shows-Commands-Initiator,"
"Blocked-Shows-Commands-Initiator, Check-Proximity, Player-Never-Joined,"
"Title-Timer-End-Target, Title-Timer-End-Initiator, Command-Arg-Start-Offline-Enabled,"

6. Added 16 new keys to the localization files:
"Proximity-Warning, Command-Executed, Plugin-Disabled-Message-Initiator, Plugin-Disabled-Message-Target-Player,"
"Player-Not-Online-Pending, Player-Already-Checked-Offline, No-Permission-Offline, Player-Online-Blocked-Argument,"
"Player-Never-Joined, No-Permission-Offline-Remove, Player-Not-In-List-Offline, Player-Removed-Offline-Success"
"Title-Timer-End-Target, Title-Timer-End-Initiator, Command-Arg-Start-Offline-Disabled-Message,"

7. Changed placeholder %sender-player% to %initiator-player% in the following localization file keys:
"Player-Already-Checked, Player-Quit-Server-Sender, Log-Format,"
"Log-Format-Discord, Hover-Text-Player-Check-Initiated, Check-Start-Target,"
"Check-Start-Target-Repeat, Innocent-Player, Player-Info-Message,"
"Confirmation-Target, StopAll-Successfully-Target, Timer-Successfully-Started-Target,"
"Timer-Successfully-Paused-Target, Timer-Extended-By-Sender, Title-Start-Check,"
"Title-Stop-Check, Title-Confirm, Title-StopAll, Title-Timer-Continue, Title-Timer-Stop,"

8. Changed placeholder %sender-player% to %initiator-player% in the key:
" Click-Messages-Target-Start-Check.Click-Command in the CmdArgStart.yml file"

9. If there are any bugs, I will try to fix them in the next update.
----------, Aug 9, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 4,452
First Release: Jan 14, 2024
Last Update: Feb 18, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
15 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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