AutoPlug | Automatic Updater for Plugins/Mods/Server/Java/Itself icon

AutoPlug | Automatic Updater for Plugins/Mods/Server/Java/Itself -----

First in the world, feature-rich, auto-updater, and server manager with web interface.

2h Premium Trials for @everyone! New and existing users will receive a one time 2h premium trial on If you are logged in right now, log out and re-login to activate the trial. New users will have the trial activated automatically. No need to buy anything or provide payment information, simply register if not already.

  • Let new users experience premium directly when they register to increase sale potential.
  • Stress-test the premium system and find bugs by having more users temporarily.
  • Provide a small gift to long-time regular/free autoplug-web users, you are allowed to open the gates of heaven and take a glimpse at divine programming.
Why only 2 hours?
Having a longer timespan increases the chance of very motivated people creating multiple accounts to abuse the trial.

What is planned next for AutoPlug?
  • Easify the creation of new servers from the panel directly.
  • Increase stability of existing features.
  • Provide search-functionality for plugin meta-data and make the auto-fill of such meta-data more obvious for premium users.

AutoPlug v.8.2.12 released!
  • fix github/jenkins checkers not returning download url if already on latest, which caused issues if you had force-update enabled
  • made plugins top comment regarding this clearer
----------, Sep 22, 2024

  1. AutoPlug v.7.5.16 released!
    • FIX: .ip not working correctly
    • FIX: ids in mods.yml getting replaced every time after a check is performed, thanks to @Zack (Bearbeitet)
    28. April 2024
  2. [​IMG]
    Arman Kandel (Osiris) — 28.04.2024 00:10
    AutoPlug v.7.5.17 released!
    • backup config now has other defaults, that cause no or less warnings to be shown than before
    • added more debug logging to Server.start() and Server.stop() functions and made them synchronized to avoid concurrency issues if both got executed at the same time (Bearbeitet)
  3. [​IMG]
    Arman Kandel (Osiris) — 28.04.2024 00:25
    AutoPlug v.7.5.18 released!
    • added 10min timeout to Server.stop() and added kill() if that timeout is reached to prevent infinite waiting if failing to stop.
    2. Mai 2024
  4. [​IMG]
    Arman Kandel (Osiris) — 02.05.2024 11:57
    AutoPlug-Web maintenance started.
  5. [​IMG]
    Arman Kandel (Osiris) — 02.05.2024 12:34
    AutoPlug-Web maintenance finished:
    • Added /chat for business related live chat with me
    • Fixed home gif
    • Fixed user permissions being possibly outdated, now each usage is directly tied to a db request
    • Removed /ads because no sales with the referals were being made and amazon deleted the account
  6. [​IMG]
    Arman Kandel (Osiris) — 02.05.2024 18:17
    AutoPlug-Web maintenance started.
  7. [​IMG]
    Arman Kandel (Osiris) — 02.05.2024 22:42
    AutoPlug-Web maintenance finished:
    • Enhancements to /chat
    • Fix biography not updating in /settings
    • Fix null exception in file manager permissions and thread lock
    • Fix permissions not checked for uploading files
    • Fix always new chat after restart even though same user
    • Fix working dir nav bar not shown for staff
    6. Mai 2024
  8. [​IMG]
    Arman Kandel (Osiris) — 06.05.2024 02:37
    AutoPlug-Web updated and AutoPlug v.8.0.0 released! @everyone
    • Major release due to various breaking changes in protocol (which makes older versions completely incompatible with web), thus all AutoPlug-Web users should update. However no major new features.
    • FIX: uploading files causing exceptions, and increased upload limit
    • FIX: permissions for uploading files not checking for write perms too
    • FIX: /chat users duplicate chat creation (Bearbeitet)

  9. [​IMG]
    Arman Kandel (Osiris) — 06.05.2024 20:31
    AutoPlug-Web maintenance started.
  10. [20:33]
    AutoPlug-Web maintenance finished:
    • Selfhost subscription is now only available in yearly intervals or one time payment, the other intervals like 1month, 3months,... were removed.
    7. Mai 2024
  11. [​IMG]
    Arman Kandel (Osiris) — 07.05.2024 00:06
    AutoPlug v.8.0.1 released!
    • FIX: server-key invalid key not getting detected properly, thus causing retries.
    8. Mai 2024
  12. [​IMG]
    Arman Kandel (Osiris) — 08.05.2024 11:59
    AutoPlug v.8.0.2 released!
    • Update internal upload library to 0.2.17 (com.github.mwiede:jsch).
    15. Mai 2024
  13. [​IMG]
    Arman Kandel (Osiris) — 15.05.2024 13:41
    AutoPlug v.8.0.3 released!
    • Added enforcer plugin to possibly fix transitive dependencies issues (mainly related to uploading backups)
    • RSA Key Handling: The sftp method now expects the path to the RSA key file instead of a Base64 string. It uses jsch.addIdentity(rsaKeyPath) to load the private key.
    23. Juni 2024
  14. [​IMG]
    Arman Kandel (Osiris) — 23.06.2024 15:48
    AutoPlug v.8.1.4 released!
    • NEW (by @Vengestone dragoon ): custom-check-url: #### Must link to a json file which contains a list/array of plugin versions where each item/object contains specific keys for version ("version_number", "version") and download URL ("download_url", "download", "file", "download_file").
    Also works for mods. (Bearbeitet)
  15. [​IMG]
    Arman Kandel (Osiris) — 23.06.2024 19:19
    AutoPlug v.8.1.5 released!
    • fix issue with force-update being unset
    • added force-update to mods too
    • increase code readability (regarding state/type of a search result)
    24. Juni 2024
  16. [​IMG]
    Arman Kandel (Osiris) — 24.06.2024 02:34
    AutoPlug v.8.1.6 released!
    • enhanced traversing of json for custom check url
    2. Juli 2024
  17. [​IMG]
    Arman Kandel (Osiris) — 02.07.2024 17:09
    AutoPlug v.8.2.1 released!
    • Integrated SSH server (opt-in, see ssh-config.yml) by @zoe
    • check server-updater.version too for plugins/mods updater before checking other places (Bearbeitet)
    7. Juli 2024
  18. [​IMG]
    Arman Kandel (Osiris) — 07.07.2024 21:05
    AutoPlug v.8.2.2 released!
    • updated oshi core to 6.6.1 which also supports current jna version 5.14.0 and should fix bugs related to stats
    16. Juli 2024
  19. [​IMG]
    Arman Kandel (Osiris) — 16.07.2024 01:19
    AutoPlug-Web maintenance started.
  20. [​IMG]
    Arman Kandel (Osiris) — 16.07.2024 03:07
    AutoPlug-Web maintenance finished:
    • small enhancements to /chat
    20. Juli 2024
  21. [​IMG]
    Arman Kandel (Osiris) — 20.07.2024 17:29
    AutoPlug-Web maintenance started.
    • Due to google recaptcha issues.
  22. [17:32]
    AutoPlug-Web maintenance finished:
    • A restart seemed to fix this, however added additional logging if it happens again.
    23. Juli 2024
  23. [​IMG]
    Arman Kandel (Osiris) — 23.07.2024 18:31
    AutoPlug-Web maintenance started.
  24. [​IMG]
    Arman Kandel (Osiris) — 23.07.2024 21:54
    AutoPlug-Web maintenance finished
    26. Juli 2024
  25. [​IMG]
    Arman Kandel (Osiris) — 26.07.2024 01:12
    AutoPlug v.8.2.3 released!
    • Moved away from gradle, now using 1JPM:
    • This also fixes the JNA issues and stat related issues that were happening due to Gradle not enforcing the versions of transitive dependencies.
    • [​IMG] The FileManager bug is still present, but will be fixed next! (Bearbeitet)
    GitHub - Osiris-Team/1JPM: 1 Java Project Manager, is a Maven/Gradl...
    1 Java Project Manager, is a Maven/Gradle alternative with a twist. Its a single Java file itself, which should be edited by you to configure your project. - Osiris-Team/1JPM
  26. [​IMG]
    Arman Kandel (Osiris) — 26.07.2024 14:15
    AutoPlug-Web maintenance started.
  27. [​IMG]
    Arman Kandel (Osiris) — 26.07.2024 15:18
    AutoPlug-Web maintenance finished
  28. [15:19]
    AutoPlug v.8.2.4 released! [​IMG] Important for Web users!
    • Fix FileManager displaying encoded file and including buffer or cutting off the file (Bearbeitet)
    27. Juli 2024
  29. [​IMG]
    Arman Kandel (Osiris) — 27.07.2024 14:23
    AutoPlug v.8.2.5 released!
    • small fixes related to ssh and custom check url
    28. Juli 2024
  30. [​IMG]
    Arman Kandel (Osiris) — 28.07.2024 15:28
    AutoPlug v.8.2.6 released!
    • update jansi to prevent ExceptionInitializerError in JansiLoader.initialize(...)
    31. Juli 2024
  31. [​IMG]
    Arman Kandel (Osiris) — 31.07.2024 19:09
    AutoPlug v.8.2.11 released!
    • fix self-updater issues that were caused by SSH logging on shutdown even though logger was already closed.
    Looks like this issue was not caused by jansi but another dependency I have that was crashing, thus sending a crash signal to the web-panel that was running my jar and thus aborting the self-updating process for ptero users for example. And the actual issue itself still happens, and I just now noticed that the self-updating only works if the jar is run via a start script that ends with "pause" which prevents the actual terminal and jar from fighting for the user input.
----------, Aug 13, 2024

  1. [​IMG]
    Arman Kandel (Osiris) — 14.02.2024 14:30
    AutoPlug v.7.5.11 released!
    • FIX: java updater always downloading latest jdk version instead of provided one.
    26. Februar 2024
  2. [​IMG]
    Arman Kandel (Osiris) — 26.02.2024 17:21
    AutoPlug v.7.5.12 released!
    • FIX: early access java builds / betas like version 21 not getting fetched.
    28. Februar 2024
  3. [​IMG]
    Arman Kandel (Osiris) — 28.02.2024 18:20
    AutoPlug v.7.5.13 released!
    • Possible fix for: Minecraft server sometimes fails to start during scheduled restart #230
    10. März 2024
  4. [​IMG]
    Arman Kandel (Osiris) — 10.03.2024 23:19
    AutoPlug-Web maintenance started. AutoPlug-Web maintenance finished: Restart to update certificate.
    11. März 2024
  5. [​IMG]
    Arman Kandel (Osiris) — gestern um 14:07 Uhr
    AutoPlug v.7.5.14 released!
    • new: set backup output folder path
    12. März 2024
  6. [​IMG]
    Arman Kandel (Osiris) — heute um 14:36 Uhr
    AutoPlug v.7.5.15 released!
----------, Mar 12, 2024

  • FIX: Java installation not found on Mac.
  • FIX: mc server version being found but not used.
  • FIX: .ip always failing to retrieve mc version even if provided in config
  • FIX: internal values updated at autoplug boot, even though it should only show after user modifies a config.
    • The 10second cooldown between events was removed.
  • Critical update if on 7.5.0! Make sure to update immediately from 7.5.0.
  • FIX: 100% cpu usage due to: user limit of inotify instances reached. Users having this issue will need to restart their machine.
  • FIX: shared/synchronized-files always enabled after editing its config.
  • FIX: shared/synchronized-files not cleaning old when refreshed config
  • FIX: Backup nullpointer error<init>(Unknown Source)
  • NEW: Server version can now easily be defined in general.yml (useful for CLI versions of autoplug). See comments in the config for details. This also removes the need of having multiple versions for each updater individually.
  • FIX: Wrong status of isRunning for proxies and steam game servers resulting in set to private even though they are running.
  • NEW: Added console output when configs are modified to make users understand that they are live configs. Note It's recommended to disable auto-save while editing configs to prevent console spam. Many options that previously required a restart now do not anymore.
----------, Jan 31, 2024

With the help of @RighT Hand Man
  • NEW: Support for modrinth plugins.
  • NEW: .install plugin 'name' | Search and install by plugin name (early access).
  • NEW: More repo options for the .install plugin and mod commands.
  • FIX: github url maformat
----------, Dec 6, 2023

AutoPlug v.7.3.4 released!
  • Increased File-Manager timeout to 60s, to avoid read-timeout exception.
AutoPlug v.7.3.3 released!
  • Fixed tasks not working on Apple M1
AutoPlug v.7.3.2 released!
  • Added skipSystemCheck startup argument. Example usage: java -jar AutoPlug-Client.jar skipSystemCheck
AutoPlug v.7.3.1 released!
  • Fixed modloader check not getting executed, thus by default falling back on forge
----------, Aug 26, 2023

Install any plugin with ONE click (and mods soon)! Available for all Premium users at under the "Plugins" tab! Also supports install on multiple servers at once.
New commands:
- .install plugin spigot<id>/bukkit<id> | Installs a new plugin (.ip)
- .install mod modrinth<id>/curseforge<id> | Installs a new mod (.im)
----------, Jun 17, 2023

NEW: Support for new fabric.mod.json for Minecraft mods updater.

AutoPlug v.7.2.9 released!
NEW: More status details when updating Minecraft server software.
FIX: Error details not shown/logged when updating Minecraft server software.

AutoPlug v.7.2.8 released!
NEW: Experimental support for plugin .zip and .tar.gz file types.
FIX: Command arguments having no spaces.

AutoPlug v.7.2.7 released!
NEW: Support for all Steam games! Simply replace the server-software inside /autoplug/updater.yml with the app-id of your desired game, and run .check server to install all necessary files automatically.
NEW: Execute arguments as commands. Example: java -jar AutoPlug-Client.jar .start .stop

AutoPlug v.7.2.6 (beta) released!
NEW: Support for all Steam games! Simply replace the server-software inside /autoplug/updater.yml with the app-id of your desired game, and run .check server to install all necessary files automatically.

AutoPlug v.7.2.5 released!
Relevant for AutoPlug-Web users. FIX: auto-reconnect.

AutoPlug v.7.2.4 skipped.
----------, Mar 18, 2023

FIX: .cr command and simplified package. Now warnings won't be shown if a connection is closing.

FIX: Error When Starting Client - java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "" because "writer" is null

FIX: Cpu stats not getting retrieved.
FIX: Spigot updater causing AutoPlug to exit.
FIX: Plugin exclude value getting ignored.
----------, Feb 16, 2023

This update fixes one of the most annoying things, namely setting missing plugin information. Starting tomorrow 100% of your plugins will be directly updatable by AutoPlug without needing further setup. However this feature is only available to premium users. It works by fetching the missing information from the AutoPlug-Web database, that is populated with daily reports of all recent plugin checks of all AutoPlug-Web users. As you can see it relies on the checks done by registered servers, so register your server on AutoPlug-Web today and contribute your plugin details to expand the database and make the information more reliable. The fetched information is used by the AutoPlug-Client only if 50 other servers also use it (this can be changed or disabled in /autoplug/updater.yml)

- Simplified "Check" tab and made it respond to current checks and results
- Added /api/minecraft-plugin-details endpoint
- Fixed console hints layouts
----------, Nov 16, 2022

- Mandatory update for web-panel users, due to protocol changes.
- FIX(web): Read timeout issues for main connection.
- NEW: Public and local/device IP addresses in .server info/.si command.
- FIX(web): Various connection issues and online console problems.
- FIX(web): Performance and page loading issues.
- SOON: Online system console.
----------, Oct 10, 2022

- NEW: Auto-start on system boot.
- NEW: System-Tray with GUI, with console, and recent checks tabs.
- NEW: Server updater now supports more software out of the box: spigot, windspigot, bungeecord, patina, pufferfish, mirai, pearl and sponge. Thanks @HSGamer
- NEW: Scheduled checks.
- NEW: Background service for those who don't want AutoPlug to wrap around their server, instead use the new scheduled checks.
- NEW: CMD-Tool, for those that want to run AutoPlug once in a while manually.
- FIX: Modrinth mods updater issues.
- NEW: Console log saved up to 14 days.
- NEW: Console auto-suggestions based on previous input.
- NEW: AutoPlug now fetches a console mirror log instead of the actual log file that is specifically formatted for files and not for consoles.
- FIX: Log inconsistencies and scroll issues.
- FIX: Some layout issues.
----------, Jul 22, 2022

This update is mandatory for all AutoPlug-Web users, because of client-web protocol changes.
- NEW: CPU usage is now also shown on the web panel, together with the CPU GHz.
- NEW: CPU usage is now also shown in the .server info command.

AutoPlug v.5.11.9 released!
- FIX: curseforge mods update failing by upgrading API

AutoPlug v.5.11.8 released!
- FIX: infinite initializing for new users

AutoPlug v.5.11.7 released!
- FIX: NumberFormatException that caused failed plugin checks

AutoPlug v.5.11.5 released!
- FIX: Broken update for purpur #140
- FIX: Server updater not replacing the jar when AUTOMATIC, but creating a new one in server root. #166

AutoPlug v.5.11.4 released!
This update requires you to specify your target software manually!!!
- NEW: Removed first setup, now its minimal and mainly over the website.
- NEW: Started supporting Minecraft clients and Mindustry servers.
- FIX: Server jar path not getting encapsulated in quotes when converting old general config format to new one, which made autoplug unable to find the server jar if the path contained spaces.
- FIX: First setup does not support creation of new servers.
- FIX: .kill causing restart
- Updated live tasks underlying API
- Added optional AutoPlug system-tray icon to provide GUI for regular Minecraft players (clients) with AutoPlug installed (in early dev)
- Added more debugging for fabric updater
- Enhanced server executable/jar finding
- Removed first setup completely. Now AutoPlug only prompts the user for data if it tries it best in finding it but still failed.
----------, Jun 22, 2022

- NEW: Automatic updates for mods! Fabric and Forge mods supported!
- NEW: Modrinth and Curseforge websites used for downloading mods, with automatic finding of ids.
- NEW: `.check mods` command.
- Alternative updating methods for mods over Github and Jenkins, or custom download url are also supported for mods!
- Added support for velocity plugins.
- Bukkit plugins now have ignore content type set to true by default, since curseforge isn't fixing it.
- Performance optimizations.
- Paths for ./plugins and ./mods directories can be changed in the updater config.
- FIX: Plugin gets excluded (no author) from check even if id/alternative methods are provided #156
- Rework flags/arguments and jar detection #153
- First install: Removed presets. Fast preset is now default.
- First install: Added asking for server start command.
- Removed a lot of general config sections: server java-path, jar-path, flags and arguments. All now in single config section: server start-command. (AutoPlug automatically merges old data to new config)
----------, Apr 10, 2022

- [NEW] Auto-Update for fabric thanks to @Ryukuma the Wayward Shaman
- [FIX] Connection issues with AutoPlug-Plugin when running multiple servers on the same network. Upgrade to the latest AutoPlug-Plugin version too!
(updated download url)
----------, Mar 20, 2022

- Updated core, which fixes some issues with YAML
- Added skip-hash-check to server updater
- Fixed a smaller bug related to writing results to the log file
- Changed the connection retry logic, to decrease console spam if the webserver is down for a longer period of time.
- Fixed some plugins getting checked twice.
- Fixed tasks results not shown when ran via command
- Fixed server updater result showing "Searching for updates..." when no update was found, in alternative updating logic
Breaking changes to the backup-config.
- Reworked backup manager
- Excluding files from the backup now works like intended
- Simplified backup configuration file and removed old modular backup creation
- Code cleanup
----------, Mar 9, 2022

Mandatory update for all web users to guarantee proper functionality.
- Added support for switching between drives in the file manager
- Fixed not reconnecting even though web is online
- Updated core
- Added more debugging details for connections
----------, Feb 17, 2022

- Changes to reconnection logic on loss of connection. Now you will have to manually reconnect if the cause of the connection loss is known.
- Moved auto-stop to its own section
- Some other smaller changes
----------, Jan 20, 2022

- Increased compatibility with bungee/proxy plugins
- Added port to web-config
- Fixed #95 ( for
- Fixed deprecation warning comment not being shown in the config files
- ConFileManager: Removed sending of parent directory as first
- Some config tweaks
----------, Jan 13, 2022

- Mandatory update for those using AutoPlug-Web, since some protocols were updated. - Split up the server details into two connections: private and public details, to allow more precise control and increase network efficiency (see web-config for details) - Fixed MOTD causing the server shown as offline - Probably fixed online console send sometimes not working correctly - Added command .con reload to refresh all connections - Fixed max cpu = 0 - Some smaller changes to some other commands
----------, Jan 5, 2022

- New installer to make installation as easy as possible even for beginners
- Added color workaround (see logger config), by checking the log for certain words like error, exception, warn etc...
- Enhanced warning message of plugins updater jenkins
- Fixed github/jenkins plugins updater to support all kinds of version names (check the plugins config and update your artifact/asset names)
- Fixed dynmap download error #107
- Fixed custom download url not working for plugins updater
- Fixed warning message having deprecated command
----------, Dec 25, 2021

- Added Jenkins support to plugins updater. You now can install beta builds of EssentialsX for example by adding this to your plugins config:
artifact-name: EssentialsXdev+dae.jar
build-id: 0
- Added new commands, for forcing checks (ignores cooldown):
.check (.c)
.check java (.cj)
.check server (.cs)
.check plugins (.cp)
----------, Dec 12, 2021

- Added github as alternative for plugins updating. Now its possible to update highly demanded plugins like EssentialsX. Simply add this to the Essentials section in your plugins config:
Code (YAML):
: EssentialsX/Essentials
: EssentialsX.jar
- NEW: .server info (.sinfo) (for debugging maily)
- Upgraded Java-Updater API and fixed issues with updating Java 17 etc. (thanks @kuma the Wandering Shaman )
- Potential fix for infinite loop of "Enabled HtmlUnit logger!"
- Optimized stats connection and updated its protocol
- Fixed outdated website link
----------, Dec 7, 2021

- NEW: Online File-Manager now supports: UPLOAD, COPY, CUT and PASTE. (For all premium features visit
- NEW: Directory-Cleaner (see /autoplug/general-config.yml for further details)

Enter .r to restart your server. AutoPlug will update itself automatically
----------, Nov 4, 2021

- NEW: Online File-Manager for Premium users!
- Fixed server jar getting deleted, before actually checking if download was successful
- New options in system config: autoplug-web-ip and autoplug-web-port (mainly useful for debugging and testing)
- Simplified online console settings (you may need to re-enable it in the web-config)
- Optimized online console reconnector
- Optimized online consoles' scroll behavior

Current features of File-Manager:
- Browse files
- Create files
- Rename files
- Delete files
- Cut files
- Copy files
----------, Oct 28, 2021

- NEW: shared-files/servers.
- NEW: Added option to disable http content-type checking for each plugin
- FIX: Server details connection not reconnecting
- Removed leftovers from SPPU
- And some more bug fixes
----------, Oct 17, 2021

- Fixed console not reconnecting after connection loss to AP-Web
- Fixed server details connection not reconnecting after connection loss to AP-Web
- Added CPU and RAM details to web
- Added task status printing for people that dont use live tasks
----------, Sep 12, 2021

- Added CPU and RAM details to web
- Added task status printing for people that dont use live tasks
----------, Sep 7, 2021

AutoPlug v.4.9 released! - Fixed connection reconnect loop for certain affected servers - Maybe fixed debug the spamming problem
----------, Aug 27, 2021

- NEW: auto-eula (generates a eula.txt file with eula=true inside, if not existing)
- NEW: Config presets at first install, to make installation/configuration of AutoPlug easier and faster
- FIX: Server-Updater not working when there is no server jar. This enables easier testing of AutoPlug on first install. Simply put AutoPlug in an empty folder, run it, select the fast preset and AutoPlug will download the latest paper version and run it automatically.
----------, Aug 23, 2021

- Added support for receiving commands from the AutoPlug-Plugin
- Added global cool-down for updaters, to reduce startup time
- Removed 3 second counter before starting the server
- FIX: Java download problems on windows
- FIX: Throwable not being caught in tasks
----------, Aug 22, 2021

- Fixed restarter not executing commands in right order
----------, Jul 23, 2021

- FIX: Self-Updater (manual installation of this update needed)
----------, Jul 17, 2021

- NEW: Added space between important config sections to make the config files more readable
- FIX: Web-Commands (specifically regular Minecraft commands, autoplug commands work fine) are not being executed
- FIX: Old JVM installation not getting deleted automatically
----------, Jul 16, 2021

- Moved everything to /autoplug and renamed the configs.
- You will have to rename your configs (simply remove autoplug-) and move them to the /autoplug folder (this is not done automatically)
- NEW: Update your server-software via Jenkins! This means that all server-software is supported that has a Jenkins server (like Purpur)!

- Hotfix for self-updater that broke because of the movement to /autoplug dir
----------, Jul 14, 2021

Hotfix: Better error handling if self-updater fails
----------, Jul 14, 2021

- Hotfix for jenkins server jar not being installed in AUTOMATIC mode
----------, Jul 14, 2021

- Moved everything to /autoplug and renamed the configs
- NEW: Update your server-software via Jenkins! This means that all server-software is supported that has a Jenkins server (like Purpur)!
----------, Jul 14, 2021

- `general config` Renamed jar to jar-path
- `general config` Instead of only the jar name without its extension, now you need to enter a full path instead. Example: `./server.jar` instead of `server`, if you chose to not use auto-find. Read its comment for further details.
- `updater config` Added info to the self-updater comment on how to fix the corrupted jar issue for Linux users using screen. If you are experiencing this problem read this:
- You can now rename the AutoPlug-Client.jar without fearing to break the server jar auto-find feature

- NEW: Self-Updater now can detect a renamed autoplug-client jar and still install the update and keep the name, related to "Name of the AutoPlug Jar can be changed in the Config #70"
- NEW: Added deprecation warnings for config sections
- FIX (not tested): Corrupted jar after the self-updater installs the update, by waiting until the sub-process actually started to prevent close by screen
- Enhanced os architecture detection for amd64
- Duplicate plugins won't stop the complete update checking
- Plugins without a name won't stop the complete update checking
- Better error handling and logging for plugins updater
----------, Jul 13, 2021

- NEW: Java-Updater (see updater config)
- NEW: Restart on crash feature (see general config)
- FIX (not tested): Server cannot be started, when the directory/name contains Russian characters. #55
- FIX: Commands not beeing executed by online consoles of other hosts (somehow)
- FIX: Removed annoying info message that pops up when entering a mc server command
- FIX: Values in configs are seemingly resetting randomly... #67
- FIX: Spamming of 'Online-Console-SEND functionality is disabled.' #66
- FIX: Plugin getting excluded if the author/version was missing but one of the ids was there
- Added more debug information for failed console commands
- Arguments are now disabled by default
- Various config comments improvements
- Renamed 'java-version' to 'java-path' in general-config

- Server status is now visible via the player count
- Server icons are now shown instead of the server status icon
- Fixed displayed FQDN jumpting back to Ip-Address
- Fixed customFQDN resetting
----------, Jul 10, 2021

Hotfix for bug that causes infinite loop after downloading an update
----------, Jun 29, 2021

Compatibility update with latest AutoPlug-Web version.

AutoPlug-Web updates: The server icon now displays your servers status: Blue: AutoPlug and your server are running. Yellow: AutoPlug is running, your server is not. Red: Both are not running. Added start,stop,restart buttons. Added notification badge, that shows the amount of available updates from the last check. Enhanced the update check results view. You can now click on a plugin to go to its page. Its now clearer if a plugin update was installed or just downloaded (needs AutoPlug-Client v2.8+).
----------, Jun 29, 2021

Fixed problems with ANSI on unsupported terminals

Log files are now better organized. Example: /user/server/autoplug-logs/2021/June/27 Sun/11-15-22 2021-06-27.log
Improved results display of live-tasks and some minor improvements to some messages.
----------, Jun 27, 2021

- Fixed error related to downloading plugin updates for spigot plugins
----------, Jun 22, 2021

-Fixed plugins updater async mode. Can now be also disabled.
----------, Jun 22, 2021

Important update!
Install this update manually, since the versions before had a broken Self-Updater!

- Self-Updater fixed
- Another Online-Console bug fixed
----------, Jun 22, 2021

Registration is now completely optional, thus the update checking was moved into the client!
Update checking on the client should be faster thus it's asynchronous.

- Fixed AutoPlug-Commands received by the Online-Console not being executed as AutoPlug-Commands
- Fixed AutoPlug-Output not being shown in the Online-Console
- Actually removed the annoying sl4j message this time
- Enhanced AutoPlug-Restarter
- Updated Core
- Run before server startup tasks from the command: .run tasks
- Sends check result to web

- Restarter showing exceptions when trying to create new restart jobs with the same id/name
- OkHttp body not being closed when download fails

Note that you will have this new option in `autoplug-restarter-config.yml`:
# Executes these commands as console, before restarting the server.
# You can execute multiple/single commands at any given second of the countdown.
# The countdown starts at the highest given number.
0: say [Server] Server is restarting...
1: say [Server] Server is restarting in 1.
2: say [Server] Server is restarting in 2.
3: say [Server] Server is restarting in 3.
- say [Server] Server is restarting in 10 seconds.
- say [Server] Please allow up to 2min for this process to complete.
So make sure to configure it. If you want no countdown something like this should work:

New in `autoplug-general-config.yml`:
# Stops AutoPlug when your server stops. Enabling this feature is not recommended.
autoplug-stop: false
# AutoPlug uses this command to stop your server.
stop-command: stop
This update enables full AutoPlug functionality on proxies.

Added functionality to exclude/include specific files/folders for each backup option in `autoplug-backup-config.yml`:
# Add specific files or folders you want to exclude from the backup, to the list below.
# Windows/Linux formats are supported. './' stands for the servers root directory.
enable: false
- ./example/directory
- ./specific-file.txt
- C:\Users\Example Windows Directory
# Add specific files or folders you want to include in the backup, to the list below.
# Windows/Linux formats are supported. './' stands for the servers root directory.
# Note that, if you enter a file/folder in the include list AND in the exclude list, that file/folder will get included.
enable: false
- ./example/directory
- ./specific-file.txt
- C:\Users\Example Windows Directory
Removed HtmlUnit dependency and reduced AutoPlugs size to around 7mb.
----------, Jun 21, 2021

- Updated JsonTools
- Fixed nullpointer for user input console send
----------, Jun 7, 2021

- Added support for downloading external plugins updating.
- Fixed Online-Console once for all
- Dependencies regarding console output/live tasks and log-file writing were updated.
- Comments inside configs enhanced

Self-Updater: Simply enter .r to restart your server and let AutoPlugs Self-Updater install the update (automatic profile must be selected).
This release also gets downloaded if you have beta-builds selected.
----------, Jun 4, 2021

This update is mandatory for all registered users!
AutoPlug-Web now uses a DDOS-Protection.
To be able to connect to it and
continue using the Plugins-Updater you'll need
this version of AutoPlug-Client.

- Removed annoying slf4j message.
- Fixed a bunch of bugs related to the Online-Console

- With Dream-Yaml 4.0, yaml files editing performance should have been improved a lot, again!
- Plugin devs can now add their plugins bukkit/spigot-id directly to their plugin.yml file
and benefit from autoplugs updater.
Add the "AutoPlugged" badge to your plugins spigot page and flex with it.
Badge and details here:
----------, Jun 2, 2021

New config: autoplug-web-config.yml
Now you'll be able to send commands to your server through the Online-Console and
view your server's recent log (in colors ^-^) online from anywhere at any time!
The Online-Console is only enabled/connected to your server when you are logged in, and all the communication
is using military-grade encryption.
Say goodbye to performance eating web-panels that run on your own server's hardware!
These features can be enabled/disabled individually in the config.

Note that the Online-Console is still in development and the current
the version does not represent the final version.

Fixed deletion of old plugins in AUTOMATIC mode even though the update download failed.

Due to multiple issues, we had to revert the color/paper-advanced console features changes.
For now, if you want to support colors, try to add this argument, to your arguments list: -Dorg.jline.terminal.dumb.color=true
We are still working on this, so stay tuned for future updates.

This should fix a bunch of issues,
related to sending/receiving commands from/to the Online-Console,
as well as executing restarter commands.

:inbox_tray: Download:
:page_facing_up: Changelog:
Simply enter .r to restart your server and let the AutoPlug Self-Updater install the update.
This release also gets downloaded if you have beta-builds selected.
----------, May 25, 2021

- Moved self-updater to the before server startup tasks
----------, May 19, 2021

- Live tasks are now working on Windows, Linux, OS X, Solaris and FreeBSD.
View the live progress of AutoPlugs startup tasks in your console.
Go into your tasks config file and enable it!
- Added new Self-Updater!
This will be the last update you'll have to install manually!
Check the updater config for details. It's enabled by default.

- Lot of refactoring and cleanups through the whole project
- Fixed Minecraft servers console messages not being colored and autocomplete not working.
Note that while the server is running you won't be able to execute AutoPlug-Console commands.
The AutoPlug-Plugin will get released soon.

- Removed global cool-down. Instead, now there is a cool-down for each backup task (can be enabled/disabled).
- Added support for uploading backups via FTPS/SFTP
- Added support for deleting the backup after uploading
- Updated plugin jars names are now also updated.

- Added the selected profile's name to the log, so it's clearer which profile is selected.
- Added optional cool-down for each updater, so you can have update breaks.
- New AutoPlug-Plugin available, to be able to execute AutoPlugs console commands from in-game
----------, May 19, 2021

AutoPlug v0.9.1
[FIX] Cooldown nullpointer in first run and wrong cooldown activation
[FIX] Minecraft plugins backup not backing up plugin directories
[FIX] Minecraft worlds don't get backed up
----------, Feb 27, 2021

AutoPlug v0.9
New hostname:
[Important] Delete your old configs!
[Important] Because of security enhancements:
[Important] All registered accounts/servers at our website have been removed due to new security enhancements. You will have to re-register.
[Important] Make sure to remove the old AutoPlug-Plugin

[FIX] Partial fix for plugin update downloading. Plugins hosted directly on spigot can be updated. Plugins hosted externally still won't be updatable.

Major security enhancements (server key enlongation, owner verification etc.)
- Removed a lot of stuff because it was incomplete. For now only the most basic functionality is available.
- Note that the website isn't completely optimized for mobile devices yet

Security enhancements by encrypting all client/server communication with SSL and by increasing the key length to 250
+ Performance enhancements by making all tasks asynchronous (way shorter boot and download times)
+ ProcessDisplayer which enables a live and structured console progress view of all asynchronous processes(Currently only for windows)
+ Enhanced logger and error/debug logging (now even without debug enabled a separate debug log will be created and written to)
+ Completly rewritten/enhanced configuration files
+ No need to restart after changing a value in the config files (the only exception is the debug option)
+ New config file: autoplug-plugins-config.yml. Enables precise control over which plugin to update and from where to download the update from
+ Completly rewritten/enhanced PluginUpdater
+ Plugin checks now have a cooldown of 4 hours
+ PuginUpdater: Support for bukkit plugins
+ PuginUpdater: Support for custom download links
+ PuginUpdater: Support for custom spigot and bukkit ids
+ Completly rewritten/enhanced ServerUpdater
+ ServerUpdater: now supports the latest paper downloads api v2
+ ServerUpdater: now supports paper, waterfall, and travertine
+ ServerUpdater: now supports all versions provided by the paper downloads api
+ Support for arguments after ...-jar server.jar <argument>... (See autoplug-server-config.yml)
+ Support for custom restart times (using cron)
+ Plugin data collection (name, author etc.) will now be performed over the client

Removed plugin data collection (name, author etc.) will now be performed over the client

[WORK IN PROGRESS] AutoPlug-Launcher:
Self updater and updater for AutoPlug-Client/Plugin
+ Differentiate between stable and beta versions
+ Download verification via checksum
----------, Feb 24, 2021

[FIX] Bungeecord support
[FIX] Freeze if download took too long
[FIX] Entering console commands would mess up the log file
[FIX] ProtocolLib download error

[NEW] 1.16x support for server updater
[NEW] Completly rewritten/enhanced logger
[NEW] Windows console color support
[NEW] AutoPlug logs are now sawed to /autoplug-logs

[MISC] Upgrade to java 14
[MISC] Updated dependencies
----------, Jul 2, 2020

[!] Update your configs!

[FIX] Registration error if password contains special char
[FIX] When entering . in console, scanner crashes: java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
[FIX] Config comments error

[NEW] Daily server-restarter
[NEW] Full server-backup: worlds, server-files and plugins
[NEW] Backup progress-bar
[NEW] New config files with better descriptions

[MISC] Lowered server start counter from 10sec to 5 sec
[MISC] Optimized console messages
[MISC] Optimized server-jar finder
[MISC] Updated dependencies
[MISC] Enhanced SQL security
[MISC] Optimized keyboard input/lags
----------, Jun 23, 2020

[FIX] NullPointerException when downloading a server jar update if auto-find enabled
----------, May 29, 2020

[!] Update your configs! Big changes!
[!] The AutoPlugPlugin.jar now is only responsible for gathering the plugin data, as well as sorting out plugins with missing information and excluding plugins from the "excluded-plugins" list (config.yml)
[!] The AutoPlug.jar is now responsible for downloading the updates and managing profiles/file transfers (so move your server key to the autoplug-config.yml)

[NEW] Startup flags support
[NEW] Console commands with shortcuts
[NEW] .start - starts your server (Shortcut: .s)
[NEW] .restart - restarts the server (Shortcut: .r)
[NEW] .stop - saves and stops the server (Shortcut: .st)
[NEW] .close - stops, saves your server and closes AutoPlug safely (Shortcut: .c)
[NEW] .kill - kills the server without saving and closes AutoPlug (Shortcut: .k)
[NEW] Configuration value validation
[NEW] Missing information detector and automatic excluding plugin from check if so

[FIX] Messy-Dependency issues with other plugins
[FIX] Author returns no plugin error handling/message
[FIX] Error console spam

[WEB] Fixed server favicon not loading
[WEB] Added server details
[WEB] Added settings tab
[WEB] Added spigot account link

[MISC] Rewritten/optimized full software
[MISC] Removed async-search
[MISC] Optimized plugin remover
[MISC] Optimized file manager
[MISC] Optimized backup manager
[MISC] Optimized keyboard input/lags
----------, May 26, 2020

[FIX] Freeze if premium-plugin (Currently just free plugins are supported)

Optimized homepage/welcome design (
[WEB] Optimized registration popup
[WEB] Updated Terms&Conditions
----------, May 18, 2020

[NEW] Exclude plugins from the auto-updater

Added plugin number to console
[MISC] Optimized search algorithm
[MISC] Corrected error messages
----------, May 17, 2020

[NEW] Backup-system for plugins and server jars (You can change max-days to keep a backup in the config)
[NEW] Console commands like .stop to stop the autoplug-client and server

[FIX] Potential fix for Pterodactyl Panel (FusselFace)
[FIX] Linux file path errors
[FIX] Crash if download-url is another website #2

Cleaned up output log
[MISC] Corrected some exception messages
----------, May 15, 2020

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 31,688
First Release: May 6, 2020
Last Update: Sep 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
49 ratings
Find more info at
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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