AutoPlug | Automatic Updater for Plugins/Mods/Server/Java/Itself icon

AutoPlug | Automatic Updater for Plugins/Mods/Server/Java/Itself -----

First in the world, feature-rich, auto-updater, and server manager with web interface.

AutoPlug v2.0
Registration is now completely optional, thus the update checking was moved into the client!
Update checking on the client should be faster thus it's asynchronous.

- Fixed AutoPlug-Commands received by the Online-Console not being executed as AutoPlug-Commands
- Fixed AutoPlug-Output not being shown in the Online-Console
- Actually removed the annoying sl4j message this time
- Enhanced AutoPlug-Restarter
- Updated Core
- Run before server startup tasks from the command: .run tasks
- Sends check result to web

- Restarter showing exceptions when trying to create new restart jobs with the same id/name
- OkHttp body not being closed when download fails

Note that you will have this new option in `autoplug-restarter-config.yml`:
# Executes these commands as console, before restarting the server.
# You can execute multiple/single commands at any given second of the countdown.
# The countdown starts at the highest given number.
0: say [Server] Server is restarting...
1: say [Server] Server is restarting in 1.
2: say [Server] Server is restarting in 2.
3: say [Server] Server is restarting in 3.
- say [Server] Server is restarting in 10 seconds.
- say [Server] Please allow up to 2min for this process to complete.
So make sure to configure it. If you want no countdown something like this should work:

New in `autoplug-general-config.yml`:
# Stops AutoPlug when your server stops. Enabling this feature is not recommended.
autoplug-stop: false
# AutoPlug uses this command to stop your server.
stop-command: stop
This update enables full AutoPlug functionality on proxies.

Added functionality to exclude/include specific files/folders for each backup option in `autoplug-backup-config.yml`:
# Add specific files or folders you want to exclude from the backup, to the list below.
# Windows/Linux formats are supported. './' stands for the servers root directory.
enable: false
- ./example/directory
- ./specific-file.txt
- C:\Users\Example Windows Directory
# Add specific files or folders you want to include in the backup, to the list below.
# Windows/Linux formats are supported. './' stands for the servers root directory.
# Note that, if you enter a file/folder in the include list AND in the exclude list, that file/folder will get included.
enable: false
- ./example/directory
- ./specific-file.txt
- C:\Users\Example Windows Directory
Removed HtmlUnit dependency and reduced AutoPlugs size to around 7mb.
----------, Jun 21, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 31,695
First Release: May 6, 2020
Last Update: Sep 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
49 ratings
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