AutoPlug | Automatic Updater for Plugins/Mods/Server/Java/Itself icon

AutoPlug | Automatic Updater for Plugins/Mods/Server/Java/Itself -----

First in the world, feature-rich, auto-updater, and server manager with web interface.

AutoPlug v1.0
- Live tasks are now working on Windows, Linux, OS X, Solaris and FreeBSD.
View the live progress of AutoPlugs startup tasks in your console.
Go into your tasks config file and enable it!
- Added new Self-Updater!
This will be the last update you'll have to install manually!
Check the updater config for details. It's enabled by default.

- Lot of refactoring and cleanups through the whole project
- Fixed Minecraft servers console messages not being colored and autocomplete not working.
Note that while the server is running you won't be able to execute AutoPlug-Console commands.
The AutoPlug-Plugin will get released soon.

- Removed global cool-down. Instead, now there is a cool-down for each backup task (can be enabled/disabled).
- Added support for uploading backups via FTPS/SFTP
- Added support for deleting the backup after uploading
- Updated plugin jars names are now also updated.

- Added the selected profile's name to the log, so it's clearer which profile is selected.
- Added optional cool-down for each updater, so you can have update breaks.
- New AutoPlug-Plugin available, to be able to execute AutoPlugs console commands from in-game
----------, May 19, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 31,695
First Release: May 6, 2020
Last Update: Sep 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
49 ratings
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