AutoPlug | Automatic Updater for Plugins/Mods/Server/Java/Itself icon

AutoPlug | Automatic Updater for Plugins/Mods/Server/Java/Itself -----

First in the world, feature-rich, auto-updater, and server manager with web interface.

This update fixes one of the most annoying things, namely setting missing plugin information. Starting tomorrow 100% of your plugins will be directly updatable by AutoPlug without needing further setup. However this feature is only available to premium users. It works by fetching the missing information from the AutoPlug-Web database, that is populated with daily reports of all recent plugin checks of all AutoPlug-Web users. As you can see it relies on the checks done by registered servers, so register your server on AutoPlug-Web today and contribute your plugin details to expand the database and make the information more reliable. The fetched information is used by the AutoPlug-Client only if 50 other servers also use it (this can be changed or disabled in /autoplug/updater.yml)

- Simplified "Check" tab and made it respond to current checks and results
- Added /api/minecraft-plugin-details endpoint
- Fixed console hints layouts
----------, Nov 16, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 31,695
First Release: May 6, 2020
Last Update: Sep 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
49 ratings
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