AutoPlug | Automatic Updater for Plugins/Mods/Server/Java/Itself icon

AutoPlug | Automatic Updater for Plugins/Mods/Server/Java/Itself -----

First in the world, feature-rich, auto-updater, and server manager with web interface.

This update is mandatory for all AutoPlug-Web users, because of client-web protocol changes.
- NEW: CPU usage is now also shown on the web panel, together with the CPU GHz.
- NEW: CPU usage is now also shown in the .server info command.

AutoPlug v.5.11.9 released!
- FIX: curseforge mods update failing by upgrading API

AutoPlug v.5.11.8 released!
- FIX: infinite initializing for new users

AutoPlug v.5.11.7 released!
- FIX: NumberFormatException that caused failed plugin checks

AutoPlug v.5.11.5 released!
- FIX: Broken update for purpur #140
- FIX: Server updater not replacing the jar when AUTOMATIC, but creating a new one in server root. #166

AutoPlug v.5.11.4 released!
This update requires you to specify your target software manually!!!
- NEW: Removed first setup, now its minimal and mainly over the website.
- NEW: Started supporting Minecraft clients and Mindustry servers.
- FIX: Server jar path not getting encapsulated in quotes when converting old general config format to new one, which made autoplug unable to find the server jar if the path contained spaces.
- FIX: First setup does not support creation of new servers.
- FIX: .kill causing restart
- Updated live tasks underlying API
- Added optional AutoPlug system-tray icon to provide GUI for regular Minecraft players (clients) with AutoPlug installed (in early dev)
- Added more debugging for fabric updater
- Enhanced server executable/jar finding
- Removed first setup completely. Now AutoPlug only prompts the user for data if it tries it best in finding it but still failed.
----------, Jun 22, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 31,695
First Release: May 6, 2020
Last Update: Sep 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
49 ratings
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