- `general config` Renamed jar to jar-path
- `general config` Instead of only the jar name without its extension, now you need to enter a full path instead. Example: `./server.jar` instead of `server`, if you chose to not use auto-find. Read its comment for further details.
- `updater config` Added info to the self-updater comment on how to fix the corrupted jar issue for Linux users using screen. If you are experiencing this problem read this:
- You can now rename the AutoPlug-Client.jar without fearing to break the server jar auto-find feature
- NEW: Self-Updater now can detect a renamed autoplug-client jar and still install the update and keep the name, related to "Name of the AutoPlug Jar can be changed in the Config #70"
- NEW: Added deprecation warnings for config sections
- FIX (not tested): Corrupted jar after the self-updater installs the update, by waiting until the sub-process actually started to prevent close by screen
- Enhanced os architecture detection for amd64
- Duplicate plugins won't stop the complete update checking
- Plugins without a name won't stop the complete update checking
- Better error handling and logging for plugins updater