backup config now has other defaults, that cause no or less warnings to be shown than before
added more debug logging to Server.start() and Server.stop() functions and made them synchronized to avoid concurrency issues if both got executed at the same time
Major release due to various breaking changes in protocol (which makes older versions completely incompatible with web), thus all AutoPlug-Web users should update. However no major new features.
FIX: uploading files causing exceptions, and increased upload limit
FIX: permissions for uploading files not checking for write perms too
Added enforcer plugin to possibly fix transitive dependencies issues (mainly related to uploading backups)
RSA Key Handling: The sftp method now expects the path to the RSA key file instead of a Base64 string. It uses jsch.addIdentity(rsaKeyPath) to load the private key.
NEW (by @Vengestone dragoon ): custom-check-url: #### Must link to a json file which contains a list/array of plugin versions where each item/object contains specific keys for version ("version_number", "version") and download URL ("download_url", "download", "file", "download_file").
fix self-updater issues that were caused by SSH logging on shutdown even though logger was already closed.
Looks like this issue was not caused by jansi but another dependency I have that was crashing, thus sending a crash signal to the web-panel that was running my jar and thus aborting the self-updating process for ptero users for example. And the actual issue itself still happens, and I just now noticed that the self-updating only works if the jar is run via a start script that ends with "pause" which prevents the actual terminal and jar from fighting for the user input.