AutoPlug | Automatic Updater for Plugins/Mods/Server/Java/Itself icon

AutoPlug | Automatic Updater for Plugins/Mods/Server/Java/Itself -----

First in the world, feature-rich, auto-updater, and server manager with web interface.

8.2.12 and 2h Premium Trials
2h Premium Trials for @everyone! New and existing users will receive a one time 2h premium trial on If you are logged in right now, log out and re-login to activate the trial. New users will have the trial activated automatically. No need to buy anything or provide payment information, simply register if not already.

  • Let new users experience premium directly when they register to increase sale potential.
  • Stress-test the premium system and find bugs by having more users temporarily.
  • Provide a small gift to long-time regular/free autoplug-web users, you are allowed to open the gates of heaven and take a glimpse at divine programming.
Why only 2 hours?
Having a longer timespan increases the chance of very motivated people creating multiple accounts to abuse the trial.

What is planned next for AutoPlug?
  • Easify the creation of new servers from the panel directly.
  • Increase stability of existing features.
  • Provide search-functionality for plugin meta-data and make the auto-fill of such meta-data more obvious for premium users.

AutoPlug v.8.2.12 released!
  • fix github/jenkins checkers not returning download url if already on latest, which caused issues if you had force-update enabled
  • made plugins top comment regarding this clearer
----------, Sep 22, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 31,656
First Release: May 6, 2020
Last Update: Sep 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
49 ratings
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Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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