This update requires PyroLib v1.4.3 or higher to run.
- Added 1.20.6 and 1.21 support.
- Added more particle effects to various storms - these are prototypes for the v5 update. (mainly acid rain)
General Changes:
- Bumped PyroLib requirement to v1.4.3
- Fixed a crash issue on 1.21 and 1.21.1 servers.
- Fixed some various configuration options not being parsed into the internal settings correctly.
(Requires PyroLib v1.2.3 or higher)
- Added new visual effects for the Blizzard storm. This storm will now freeze the player and show a visual effect for this. (1.17+ only).
- Added Superstorms. Please copy and paste the new settings into your config here: (
- Added Superstorm setting that lets you disable certain storms from going super.
- Added a new 'bypass' to Blizzards in which Leather Armour can be used in a Blizzard to half the effect of damage and freezing.
- Added proper Java 8 > 17 support.
General Changes:
- Changed the randomisers to the ThreadRandom for optimisation sake.
- Made various optimisations across the board for various storms.
- Made slight changes to some of the visual effects in some storms.
- Reduced the sound of the EMP Storm as it is very loud, client side.
- Refactored a lot of the core code to be more optimised and easier to read for myself.
- Updated API-Version to support versions 1.14 and higher.
- Fixed an issue related to Acid Rain.
- Fixed an issue related to Acidic Water configurations.
- Fixed some sounds not playing on higher versions of Minecraft above 1.16.
- Fixed around 7 or so other bugs that I wasn't able to document.
- Currently, Superstorms will modify storms to be approx. 2x stronger then the original storm. Individual settings will be added in future patches.
- I am looking at 'rebranding' PyroWeather into PyroEnvironment (name STC). This is because I feel that adding temperature, and other things don't fall under the 'Weather' name. I will also be looking at adding ambient sounds that enhance the feel as well. This is all STC and nothing is set in stone.
- If the above goes forward, storms and weather will be prioritised before other enviornmental effects.
- Fixed some users experiencing an issue with the new StringFormatter class not being found. This should be fixed.
- Added PyroLib support and as an dependency.
- Added 'some' 1.12.2 server support. (Note: this is not official support and somethings will not work).
- Added "/pw stopall [world]" command. Not using the world argument stops all storms in every world.
- Added code for Super Storms. Will be ready within a few weeks.
General Changes:
- Fixed the messages.yml not reloading when reloading the plugin.
- Fixed hex colours not working on 1.18. These have been moved over to PyroLib.
General Changes:
- Updated internal API to 1.18.
- Fixed an issue when using worldguard support.
- Fixed an issue related to the randomised timers.
- Fixed the reload command causing issues with LuckPerms.
- Fixed various spelling mistakes / minor issues with the messages.yml
Note: Superstorms is basically finished and will be released on the 19th December (after my assignments end for the year).
General Changes:
- Fixed an issue related to internal super storms. This isn't fully implemented yet and was causing some issues.
- Fixed an NPE.
- Added 1.17 support and functionality.
- Added the ability to use '%time%' in the 'AllRainAcidic.Logging.Started' message. (Requested by
General Changes:
- Fixed an issue with regeneration rain still healing dead players and letting them respawn where they died.
- Fixed an issue with the alchemist storm not detecting valid potion effects and throwing errors when started.
- Added Regeneration Rain.
- Added Alchemist Storm.
- Added Hungering Darkenss Storm.
- Added some of the core functionality for Super Storms. (not fully implemented yet).
General Changes:
- Fixed an issue with worlds not being located upon start up leading to issues.
- Sandstorm Particle Effects colour has been changed to a more sandy colour.
- Sandstorm Particle Effects now move slightly.
- Sandstorm Particle Effects now will generate three times quicker to remove the fade out effect from them.
- Blizzard Particle Effects now move slightly.
- Blizzard Particle Effects now will generate three times quicker to remove the fade out effect from them.
General Changes:
- Fixed the storm starter 'storms' list missing one of the storms out and throwing errors occassionally if there was only one storm present in the list.
- Added the option to configure the radius and amount of particles generated by Blizzard and Sandstorms.
- Added the ability to run commands on the warning, start and stop events of a storm to each storm. (configurable per-storm)
- Added a 'Minimum Players' configurable option to the StormStarter that requires a certain amount of players to be online before a storm can start.
General Changes:
- Fixed a bug where the plugin would throw errors if you did not have PlaceholderAPI installed.
- Added PAPI support to Start/Stop/Warning broadcast messages.
General Changes:
- Fixed spam with Blizzards when using world guard regions.
- Added the ability to make storm announcements appear only to players within a world.
- Added a config option to make Conduit Power negate Acid Rain damage.
- Added a config option to make EMP Storms disable Conduits.
- Added a config option to enable/disable the automatic StormStarting setting.
- Added a new placeholder
%pyroweatherpro_chancetimer% - Shows the time till the next possible storm.
- Added a config option to all storms to randomise the duration between two values.
General Change:
- Fixed StormStarter having a chance to start the same storm in a world more than once.
- Added some more default warning messages if things are configured incorrectly.
- Added Lightning Storms
- Added Hell Storms
- Added Void Storms
General Changes:
- Removed Light Rain internally (Will re-add at a later date.)
- Removed Solar Flares Internally
- Automatic StormStarting will now use worlds configured for each individual storm instead.
I have some feature requests that will be added in upcoming storms. This is the full release and I hope everyone enjoys the different storms

- Added the ability to configure your own potion effects for Blizzards and Sandstorms to let you fully customise them to your liking.
- Added more debug messages and warnings if you have configured something incorrectly.
- Added PlaceholderAPI back to v4.
- Added tons of new Placeholders to list.
- Added the log messages from AllRainAcidic.DoLogging into the messages.yml for configuration.
- Added PotionEffects to HeatWaves.
- Added Hex Colour support to all messages.
General Changes:
- Increased the frequency of particle effects from Blizzards and Sandstorms.
- Fixed AllRainAcidic.DoLogging giving out logs for worlds that are not enabled.
- Optimised the default config.yml to be better for overall servers.
- Changed the default "/pw info" command to look better.
- %pyroweatherpro_optout% - See if a player has opted out of Weather Effects.
- %pyroweatherpro_weatherworlds% - Returns how many WeatherWorlds are active.
- %pyroweatherpro_storms% - Returns how many active Storms there currently are.
- %pyroweatherpro_stormsinworld% - Returns how many active Storms are in the players world.
- %pyroweatherpro_stormsinworld-(worldname)% - Returns how many active Storms are active in the given world. (Replace (worldname) with the name of the world without brackets. e.g. %pyroweatherpro_stormsinworld-world%)
- Added Heat Waves
- Added all of the relevant configuration options for Heat Waves
General Changes:
- Finally fixed the player manager issue (it seems to be fixed from testing - if it persists please leave a bug report)
Please note that I'm still tweaking Heat Waves in terms of sounds and particle effects. Some more functionality will be added tomorrow.
- Added the option to enable logging of AllRainAcidic (requested)
General Changes:
- Fixed a few internal bugs.
I have my data back - not my PC - but I can still work on updates in the meantime, it may be at a slower pace so please bare with me.
General Changes:
- Implemented a few possible fixes for a few errors related to EMP Storms and potion effects.
General Changes:
- Fixed a debug message being spammed in chat with worldguard regions.
- Fixed null errors when using some storms related to the playermanager.
This update requires a
config.yml and
messages.yml refresh. Please regenerate these files.
- Added the option to toggle the snowy mobs custom name always visible on or off.
- Added the option to set the experience multiplier when a snowy mob is killed.
- Added world guard support to Blizzards
- Added grief prevention support to Blizzards
- Added a possible fix to stop custom mobs spawning when they shouldn't.
General Changes:
- Fixed /pw temp not working.
- Fixed multiple other issues with commands and GUIs.
- Updated Grief Prevention API internally.
- Made some optimisations to the damage code.
If you have any suggestions or feedback for the plugin, please let me know as I'm currently at a stalemate with the plugin. However, the next big update will most likely be Earthquakes or another weather type. Not fully confirmed yet.
General Changes:
- Changed the API to 1.15 to allow for 1.15 related features.
Sorry for the long awaited update. Life has been getting in the way a lot and plugin development feels like a chore instead of being fun due to people always complaining about updates. I'd like to say that I started this out as a hobby, not as a full-time job. Please be patient like most people. We all have lives and I'm sure you can wait a bit longer. Anyways, without futher ado, here's the update log:
- Added Blizzards
- Added Snowy Mobs (spawn during Blizzards)
- Added all of the relevant configuration options to Blizzards. (These are in line with Acid Rain and GRBs)
- Added all of the respective messages to the messages.yml for Blizzards
- Added all of the respective commands for Blizzards. (Start and info commands)
- Added all of the permissions to start/stop Blizzards. Replace the storm name in the prevous permissions with "blizzards" for it to work.
General Changes:
- Done a huge amount of refactoring to make the plugin more optimised
- Cleaned up the code so my eyes don't bleed as much.
- Changed some colours in the default messages.yml to be more in-line with the rest of the plugin.
- Made it so the /pw info command will now work across worlds and display information about the storm that is currently in the world you are in.
- Fixed a bug where Gamma Ray Bursts would spam console on versions 1.13.
- Fixed some messages in the messages.yml being spelt incorrect.
Next update will contain the Blizzard special effect which will - make it so the longer you are in the Blizzard, the slower you get and the greater the effects are on the player. (At the moment, it's just a constant Tier 1 of the effects)
Please note: I will be adding particle effects to Blizzards eventually which will reduce player vision while inside one. I'm still learning how to do particles and the best way to do it without being super annoying for the player and being too laggy for them.
If there is any bugs, please let me know ASAP. I am on holiday from Wednesday and won't be able to fix anything for around 1 - 2 weeks.
- Added a new command "/pw stopstorm <world>" - Will stop the current storm in your/the specified world when used.
- Added an error prefix which will display red instead of the normal color when the player inputs something incorrectly. (bit of visual feedback)
- Added a new command "/pw info" - Shows info on the current storm
- Added metadata to all custom entities from the plugin to ensure they are removed even if they stay alive.
General Changes:
- Changed the default prefix of the plugin to "PyroWeatherPro" instead of "PyroWeather" in the default configuration.
- Made some of the default messages inside the messages.yml feel more intuitive and responsive in game by displaying commands the players should do instead of giving a generic response.
- Removed "/pw acidrain stop <world>"
- Removed "/pw gammaray stop <world>"
- Cleaned and refactored some of the command handler code
- Changed a bunch of the default colours for the messages to look neater and more refined.
- Removed all of the messages for the old Acidic Mobs as they are no longer implemented into the plugin.
- Fixed custom mobs not despawning correctly.
- Fixed custom mobs not getting removed when unloaded.
- Re-worked the clearmobs method to now remove all custom mobs. (Has a warning since this might cause lag - also tells you how many mobs you removed)
- Merged "/pw acidrain info" & "/pw gammaray info" into one single command which is now "/pw info"
The next big update for the plugin will include Blizzards and Sandstorms for snow biomes and deserts respectively. Now that I'm happy with the plugin in it's current state, I can start adding more storm types and features.
- Added warning messages in the console when a storm tries to start with all invalid worlds.
- Added support to the Acidrain info command message to support the warning time.
(requires message.yml regeneration)
General Changes:
- Fixed a NPE when reloading / disabling the plugin or stopping the server.
- Fixed an IOException related to version checker.
- Fixed a OutOfBoundsException when a storm tried to start with no valid worlds.
- Fixed the Acid Rain warning time not working as intended.
- Fixed stopping Acid Rain while the warning time was on causing a NPE.
- Fixed a NPE with the main task while using AllStormsAcid.
- Removed some unused configuration options which should have been removed with v3.3.0
- Acidrain storms will no longer start automatically via the plugin is AllStormsAcid is set to true. (This is to prevent errors and bugs)
- Removed unused code.
- Made some slight optimizations to how the Acid rain damaging system works.
- Added a new configuration section that allows for better overall storm control and feels more fluid.
General Changes:
- Removed per-storm chances to start and timers.
Please note, if you are using more than 2 worlds in Acidrain or Gamma rays, it will randomly select a world meaning the chance will technically be half of what is. I would advice to only use one world but the choice is up to you.
Testing will need to be done on this version. Once I'm happy that everything is going smoothly, I'll work on implementing future storms into the plugin which I have quite a few I want to start with.
General Changes:
- Removed fire resistance from Scorched mobs as they were giving players infinite fire resistance.
- Added the entire command list into the messages.yml for full customisation.
- Made the information messages "/pw <storm> info" fully customisable in the messages.yml
General Changes:
- Removed commands from the command list that no longer have a function.
- Fixed the command "/pw clearmobs" not functioning.
- Removed the command "/pw admin". (Admin commands will now be displayed if you have permission.)
- Removed the option to remove empty lines from the command list in console. (It's now automatically done)
- Revised some of the code and made slight improvements and optimisations for myself and servers.
- Reformatted some of the default messages to look nicer and not appear as spammy.
- Added simplier Acidic Mobs (same as Scorched but will deal poison damage).
- Added the ability to set the movement speed of Acidic Mobs.
- Added the ability to set the knockback resistance of Acidic Mobs.
- Added the ability to set the movement speed of Scorched Mobs.
- Added the ability to set the knockback resistance of Scorched Mobs.
- Added the ability to set the amount of time Acidic Mobs will poison you.
- Added a new message to the messages.yml. ("CannotStartStorm")
- Added 1.14 support to the plugin.
General Changes:
- Removed the mobs.yml file.
- Removed all the Acidic Custom Mobs.
- Removed the ability for storms to run concurrently in the same world. (May add this back later)
- Scorched effect will now only affect mobs that spawn during the Gamma Ray Burst instead of Scorching all entities.
- Removed the "/pw spawnmob <storm>" command.
- Completely removed all deprecated methods from the code.
- Moved around some classes and code to manage it a bit better for myself. - Cleaned up some unused code from previous experiments and updates which are no longer in use.
- Fixed a NPE when a storm tried to start in a world that was loaded and then unloaded.
- Removed Player File creation for the time being as they are currently not needed. - Fixed Player Files being created in the plugin directory instead of in the /PlayerData folder.
- Fixed Custom Mobs not despawning correctly. - Fixed some custom mobs picking up equipment.
- Added individual options to disable mobs per storm in the config.
General Changes:
- Removed the "Use Custom Mobs" from the config.
- Moved the configuration option for Scorched Mobs to GammaRay. (GammaRay.UseCustomMobs) to keep it in line with Acidrain.
- Fixed Acidrain and GammaRays overriding custom mobs from other plugins.
- Added more notes to the config.yml to explain things a bit better.
- Completed removed all deprecated methods in the 1.13 version.
- Fixed a bug where acidic mobs would not despawn.
- Fixed a bug where acidic mobs wouldn't spawn at all.
- Fixed a bug where Acid Rain would either constantly start or not start at all. (finally found the cause)
- Fixed a bug where Gamma Ray Bursts would either constantly start or not start at all. (same as above)
- Cleaned up some of the project code.
Notes: I'm thinking about either removing the custom mobs entirely or re-working them a bit differently to have a chance to spawn during storms instead of replacing all mobs. I think having it as a chance would be better for the general population. I could also set it as a chance so you could have a % of the mobs be acidic which would also allow for all acidic or a small percentage to be acidic.
I'll also be adding a feature where you can allow players to toggle the effects of the weather, for example if some of your players want a more hardcore experience they can have that but others can have it disabled too.
General Changes:
- Changed how events are called for custom mobs;
- Removed 4 events that have been replaced by less resource intensive methods;
- Changed some deprecated methods to the 1.13 API. (Still have some left to do);
- Removed some unused methods that are no longer needed.
Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been very busy this last month. Updates should continue as normal on the 24th of January. Thanks for being patient with me!
Both your config.yml and messages.yml files will need re-generating due to the mass amount of new additions.
Please note, I will be adding the other options on my to-do list, however, I am releasing the plugin currently as I want to focus on other projects too.
- Added a version checker to the plugin. (Notifies once per restart to admins);
- Added the option to set a random duration for Acid Rain;
- Added the option to set the upper and lower bounds for the random duration for Acid Rain;
- Added a warning time to Acid rain. (Can be configured on / off);
- Added the option to change the duration of the warning for Acidrain;
- Added the option to set individual points for armor instead of a singlar value for each set;
- Added the option to set the damage reduction for turtle helmets in Acid rain;
- Added the option to use potion effects with Gamma Ray Bursts;
- Added the option to change the potency and duration of the Potion Effects with Gamma Rays;
- Added an auto-detection system that warns you if a potion effect is invalid;
- Added an auto-detection system that warns you if a HitSound is invalid;
- Added the option to disable gamma ray damage in claims;
- Added the option to disable gamma ray damage in world guard regions;
- Added the option to disable certain biomes from gamma ray damage;
- Added the option to use armor values in gamma rays;
- Added the option to set the damage reduction for turtle helmets in Gamma Rays;
Configuration Changes:
- Added more notes to the config.yml explaining more options;
- Seperated some of the options in the config to break it up and make it easier to read and go through;
- Added a new "Primary Colour" to the messages.yml (changes primary colour of the command list);
- Added a new "Secondary Colour" to the messages.yml (changes secondary colour of the command list);
- Added a new "Admin Colour" to the messages.yml (changes admin command colour of the command list);
- Added a new "Acidrain Warning" to the messages.yml (Displayed if warning is enabled in config);
- Added a new "Reload Command" to the messages.yml (Displayed when reloading the plugin /pw reload);
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a spelling error when hooking into plugins;
- Fixed gamma ray starting permission being incorrect;
- Fixed gamma ray HitSound throwing an error and not working;
- Fixed a bug where if Armor was disabled for Acid rain, it would always deal 1 damage regardless of config setting;
- Added the option to change the sound when GammaRay bursts hit the world;
- Added the option to set the Gamemodes that take damage from Acidrain in the config.yml.
General Changes:
- Fixed a spelling mistake when hooking into soft-dependacy plugins;
- Fixed the maximum temperature altitude balues calculating at 512 instead of 256;
- Fixed a NPE regarding not being hooked into World Guard;
- Fixed a few messages in the messages.yml not having the correct prefix in the message.
I will be revising all the interfaces in the upcoming updates as they aren't updated with the lastest information and I'm unhappy with them in the current state.
Please re-generate your config.yml for the new options to appear.
- Added the option to change and fully configure the damage values when wearing armor. (Please note, this goes for each piece of armor and not when wearing the entire set.)
General Changes:
- Fixed (/pw help) causing an error when executed in console.
Please re-generate your config.yml for the new change to appear.
- Added the option to remove empty lines when looking up the commands in console. (Requested feature.)
General Changes:
- Fixed (/pw help or /pw) not displaying the (/pw gammaray info) command by default.
Please re-generate your config.yml and messages.yml for the new options to appear.
- Added Gamma Ray Bursts;
- Added admin commands to start / stop Gamma Ray Bursts;
- Added Scorched Mobs. (Gamma Ray Bursts custom mobs);
- Added more messages into the messages.yml file;
General Changes:
- Fixed an error with Acidrain when starting it in your world under certain conditions in the config.yml.
If there are suggestions regarding Gamma Ray Bursts and effects you would like adding, please let me know and I'd be more than happy add them for you!
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an error in console when the plugin tried to damage the player with certain damage values in the config.yml.
General Changes:
- Fixed the Main GUI not working;
- Fixed Storms GUI not working;
- Fixed Custom Mobs GUI not working.
General Changes:
- Fixed mobs not despawning when a chunk unloads;
- Fixed mobs turning into drowned enemies;
- Fixed mobs picking up equipment off the ground.
General Changes:
- Fixed taking damage in water while in a boat while water is acidic.
General Changes:
- Fixed a bug where you would take damage in spectator and creative mode while in water.
General Changes:
- Fixed the GUI not displaying the correct information on Acid rain.
- Removed the feature where it auto updates while in the GUI. (May add this back at some point).
- Fixed one of the biomes being invalid in the config.yml
Please re-generate your config.yml for the new feature.
- Added option to change the damage interval of the acidic water.
General Changes:
- Fixed Acidic mobs not spawning.
- Fixed the custom spawn egg not working correctly and giving an internal error.
Please generate new config.yml and messages.yml for the new features / options to appear. Admin commands have also changed. These are visible with /pw admin
- - Recoded the entire Acidrain class;
- - Added per-world support for Acidrain;
- - Added option to set the start time of the Acidrain;
- - Added option to set the world which you want to start the Acidrain in;
- - Added new messages to the messages.yml
General Changes:
- - Fixed MakeWaterAcidic working in all worlds regardless of the config;
- - Fixed Acidrain overriding the time of the rain to 180 seconds regardless of the time you set it to;
- - Fixed MakeWaterAcidic and Acidrain bypassing biomes even if they are set to false in the config.
- Added all warm biomes to default config by default
- Added option to always have water Acidic if it is raining
- Added option to always have water Acidic regardless of the weather / storms active.
- Added more information to the default configuration regarding to what everything does
General Changes:
- Fixed a NullPointerException error when trying to start a storm with AllStormsAcid: true
- Fixed when standing inside Kelp when AcidcWater is true from not causing damage.
General Changes:
- Fixed a bug where if you had world guard installed it would cause errors to spam in chat.
- Fixed potion effects not working correctly.
Hello there!
I have decided that I will be moving away from 1.12.2 and supporting 1.13 and higher versions from now on. However, this build will contain everything that should be working and needed if you are using this on a 1.12.2 server. If there are any bugs and or errors, I will be happy to fix them and update the legacy build.
If you are using 1.13 or higher, you can continue to download the non-legacy builds as they will be updated frequently as well.
- Removed coloration from console related messages;
- Fixed the reload message in console not displaying a [PyroWeatherPro] tag if ran from inside console.
- Fixed the plugin having 'vv' in-front of the version number in console.
Please regenerate your messages.yml and config.yml files for the new features to appear.
There is some small bugs / changes to be made, these will be implemented over the next few days.
- Added an option to customise the prefix of the help command list and the admin help list;
- Added the option to customise the Main GUI name.
- Added a new option in the config.yml where Acidrain will no longer kill the player but leave them on the lowest health possible. (CantKill)
General Changes:
- Fixed the Spigot URL not appearing when you click on it.
- Removed the chance timer from Acidrain.PotionEffects as it was serving no purpose. (You can balance chance with the DamageInterval);
- Will re-introduce this at a later date.
- Changed the variable names in the messages.yml file to have a unique identifier then just capitals. E.g. %worlds%
- Added world guard support to Acidrain;
- Added grief prevention support to Acidrain.