PyroWeatherPro [1.14.X - 1.21.X] [v5 in Development] icon

PyroWeatherPro [1.14.X - 1.21.X] [v5 in Development] -----

Custom weather, storms and special mobs! Great for survival / hardcore servers!

1.14 Support and Mob Changes
- Added simplier Acidic Mobs (same as Scorched but will deal poison damage).
- Added the ability to set the movement speed of Acidic Mobs.
- Added the ability to set the knockback resistance of Acidic Mobs.
- Added the ability to set the movement speed of Scorched Mobs.
- Added the ability to set the knockback resistance of Scorched Mobs.
- Added the ability to set the amount of time Acidic Mobs will poison you.
- Added a new message to the messages.yml. ("CannotStartStorm")
- Added 1.14 support to the plugin.

General Changes:
- Removed the mobs.yml file.
- Removed all the Acidic Custom Mobs.
- Removed the ability for storms to run concurrently in the same world. (May add this back later)
- Scorched effect will now only affect mobs that spawn during the Gamma Ray Burst instead of Scorching all entities.
- Removed the "/pw spawnmob <storm>" command.
- Completely removed all deprecated methods from the code.
- Moved around some classes and code to manage it a bit better for myself. - Cleaned up some unused code from previous experiments and updates which are no longer in use.
- Fixed a NPE when a storm tried to start in a world that was loaded and then unloaded.
- Removed Player File creation for the time being as they are currently not needed. - Fixed Player Files being created in the plugin directory instead of in the /PlayerData folder.
- Fixed Custom Mobs not despawning correctly. - Fixed some custom mobs picking up equipment.
----------, May 13, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 327
First Release: Sep 4, 2018
Last Update: Aug 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
11 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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