PyroWeatherPro [1.14.X - 1.21.X] [v5 in Development] icon

PyroWeatherPro [1.14.X - 1.21.X] [v5 in Development] -----

Custom weather, storms and special mobs! Great for survival / hardcore servers!

Command Changes & Bug Fixes
- Added a new command "/pw stopstorm <world>" - Will stop the current storm in your/the specified world when used.
- Added an error prefix which will display red instead of the normal color when the player inputs something incorrectly. (bit of visual feedback)
- Added a new command "/pw info" - Shows info on the current storm
- Added metadata to all custom entities from the plugin to ensure they are removed even if they stay alive.

General Changes:
- Changed the default prefix of the plugin to "PyroWeatherPro" instead of "PyroWeather" in the default configuration.
- Made some of the default messages inside the messages.yml feel more intuitive and responsive in game by displaying commands the players should do instead of giving a generic response.
- Removed "/pw acidrain stop <world>"
- Removed "/pw gammaray stop <world>"
- Cleaned and refactored some of the command handler code
- Changed a bunch of the default colours for the messages to look neater and more refined.
- Removed all of the messages for the old Acidic Mobs as they are no longer implemented into the plugin.
- Fixed custom mobs not despawning correctly.
- Fixed custom mobs not getting removed when unloaded.
- Re-worked the clearmobs method to now remove all custom mobs. (Has a warning since this might cause lag - also tells you how many mobs you removed)
- Merged "/pw acidrain info" & "/pw gammaray info" into one single command which is now "/pw info"

The next big update for the plugin will include Blizzards and Sandstorms for snow biomes and deserts respectively. Now that I'm happy with the plugin in it's current state, I can start adding more storm types and features.
----------, Sep 3, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 327
First Release: Sep 4, 2018
Last Update: Aug 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
11 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings