PyroWeatherPro [1.14.X - 1.21.X] [v5 in Development] icon

PyroWeatherPro [1.14.X - 1.21.X] [v5 in Development] -----

Custom weather, storms and special mobs! Great for survival / hardcore servers!

Both your config.yml and messages.yml files will need re-generating due to the mass amount of new additions.

Please note, I will be adding the other options on my to-do list, however, I am releasing the plugin currently as I want to focus on other projects too.


- Added a version checker to the plugin. (Notifies once per restart to admins);
- Added the option to set a random duration for Acid Rain;
- Added the option to set the upper and lower bounds for the random duration for Acid Rain;
- Added a warning time to Acid rain. (Can be configured on / off);
- Added the option to change the duration of the warning for Acidrain;
- Added the option to set individual points for armor instead of a singlar value for each set;
- Added the option to set the damage reduction for turtle helmets in Acid rain;
- Added the option to use potion effects with Gamma Ray Bursts;
- Added the option to change the potency and duration of the Potion Effects with Gamma Rays;
- Added an auto-detection system that warns you if a potion effect is invalid;
- Added an auto-detection system that warns you if a HitSound is invalid;
- Added the option to disable gamma ray damage in claims;
- Added the option to disable gamma ray damage in world guard regions;
- Added the option to disable certain biomes from gamma ray damage;
- Added the option to use armor values in gamma rays;
- Added the option to set the damage reduction for turtle helmets in Gamma Rays;

Configuration Changes:
- Added more notes to the config.yml explaining more options;
- Seperated some of the options in the config to break it up and make it easier to read and go through;
- Added a new "Primary Colour" to the messages.yml (changes primary colour of the command list);
- Added a new "Secondary Colour" to the messages.yml (changes secondary colour of the command list);
- Added a new "Admin Colour" to the messages.yml (changes admin command colour of the command list);
- Added a new "Acidrain Warning" to the messages.yml (Displayed if warning is enabled in config);
- Added a new "Reload Command" to the messages.yml (Displayed when reloading the plugin /pw reload);

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a spelling error when hooking into plugins;
- Fixed gamma ray starting permission being incorrect;
- Fixed gamma ray HitSound throwing an error and not working;
- Fixed a bug where if Armor was disabled for Acid rain, it would always deal 1 damage regardless of config setting;
----------, Dec 15, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 327
First Release: Sep 4, 2018
Last Update: Aug 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
11 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings