PyroWeatherPro [1.14.X - 1.21.X] [v5 in Development] icon

PyroWeatherPro [1.14.X - 1.21.X] [v5 in Development] -----

Custom weather, storms and special mobs! Great for survival / hardcore servers!

Sorry for the long awaited update. Life has been getting in the way a lot and plugin development feels like a chore instead of being fun due to people always complaining about updates. I'd like to say that I started this out as a hobby, not as a full-time job. Please be patient like most people. We all have lives and I'm sure you can wait a bit longer. Anyways, without futher ado, here's the update log:


- Added Blizzards
- Added Snowy Mobs (spawn during Blizzards)
- Added all of the relevant configuration options to Blizzards. (These are in line with Acid Rain and GRBs)
- Added all of the respective messages to the messages.yml for Blizzards
- Added all of the respective commands for Blizzards. (Start and info commands)
- Added all of the permissions to start/stop Blizzards. Replace the storm name in the prevous permissions with "blizzards" for it to work.

General Changes:

- Done a huge amount of refactoring to make the plugin more optimised
- Cleaned up the code so my eyes don't bleed as much.
- Changed some colours in the default messages.yml to be more in-line with the rest of the plugin.
- Made it so the /pw info command will now work across worlds and display information about the storm that is currently in the world you are in.
- Fixed a bug where Gamma Ray Bursts would spam console on versions 1.13.
- Fixed some messages in the messages.yml being spelt incorrect.

Next update will contain the Blizzard special effect which will - make it so the longer you are in the Blizzard, the slower you get and the greater the effects are on the player. (At the moment, it's just a constant Tier 1 of the effects)


Please note: I will be adding particle effects to Blizzards eventually which will reduce player vision while inside one. I'm still learning how to do particles and the best way to do it without being super annoying for the player and being too laggy for them.


If there is any bugs, please let me know ASAP. I am on holiday from Wednesday and won't be able to fix anything for around 1 - 2 weeks.
----------, Oct 21, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 327
First Release: Sep 4, 2018
Last Update: Aug 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
11 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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