PyroWeatherPro [1.14.X - 1.21.X] [v5 in Development] icon

PyroWeatherPro [1.14.X - 1.21.X] [v5 in Development] -----

Custom weather, storms and special mobs! Great for survival / hardcore servers!

Bug Fixes (Mainly for AllStormsAcid)
- Added warning messages in the console when a storm tries to start with all invalid worlds.
- Added support to the Acidrain info command message to support the warning time. (requires message.yml regeneration)

General Changes:

- Fixed a NPE when reloading / disabling the plugin or stopping the server.
- Fixed an IOException related to version checker.
- Fixed a OutOfBoundsException when a storm tried to start with no valid worlds.
- Fixed the Acid Rain warning time not working as intended.
- Fixed stopping Acid Rain while the warning time was on causing a NPE.
- Fixed a NPE with the main task while using AllStormsAcid.
- Removed some unused configuration options which should have been removed with v3.3.0
- Acidrain storms will no longer start automatically via the plugin is AllStormsAcid is set to true. (This is to prevent errors and bugs)
- Removed unused code.
- Made some slight optimizations to how the Acid rain damaging system works.
----------, Jul 24, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 327
First Release: Sep 4, 2018
Last Update: Aug 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
11 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings