What's New in 4.2.0:
Bug Fixes:
- SellTask: Fixed an issue with initializing the VoidEconomy in the SellTask to prevent errors.
New Features:
- VoidChestInvalidEconomy: Added a new class to handle cases where the economy setup is invalid, helping avoid crashes.
- MessageBuilder: Now has a `buildAndReset` method, making message creation smoother and more efficient.
- MessagesUtil: Updated to use the new `buildAndReset()` method for better performance.
Improvements from 4.1.0:
Bug Fixes:
- Improved error handling in calculating profits, making the economy more reliable.
- Fixed item duplication issues when retrieving items from VoidEconomy.
- Properly checks whether the purging feature is enabled in Void Chest Options.
New Features:
- EcoShop: Added a debug message to help you identify when a void chest or player is missing.
New Features
- Container Linking: You can now link containers seamlessly, allowing for more efficient and organized storage management within the game.
- Async Chunk Processing: Chunk processing is now handled asynchronously, resulting in smoother gameplay, even in the most demanding situations.
- Message Customization: I've introduced a new utility for constructing styled messages. This feature provides greater flexibility and customization in how messages are displayed, making communication more engaging and visually appealing.
- Hologram Enhancements: For those on Minecraft 1.19.4 and above, holograms are now rendered using Display entities (billboards). This change not only improves the appearance but also optimizes performance. Holograms will now automatically refresh and update, ensuring they remain accurate and up-to-date.
- Void Chest Improvements: You can now access the storage container directly from a Void Chest. I've also enhanced the management of storage links, making it easier to keep your storage organized.
- Link Upgrades: New upgrades are available for the Links section, offering more customization options and enhancing your ability to manage linked containers.
️ Bug Fixes
- Void Chest Explosions: I've improved the handling of Void Chest explosions to ensure they behave more predictably, minimizing unexpected outcomes.
- Player Data Handling: Added checks to ensure smoother data processing and prevent errors that could disrupt gameplay.
- Storage Stability: Addressed issues that caused errors when saving data, and ensured that only relevant chunks are cached, improving overall stability.
- Shop System Improvements: Various improvements have been made to the shop system, including better item metadata handling, fixing display issues, and transitioning data storage to a more efficient format.
- Hologram Management: Holograms now check for deletion status before updating, reducing unnecessary processing and ensuring only active holograms are refreshed.
- General Optimizations: Numerous optimizations have been implemented to enhance performance, including better permission checks for Void Chest placement and more efficient use of resources.
Breaking Changes
- Dropped Support: Support for Minecraft versions 1.8-1.16.5 and Java 8 has been removed. This change allows me to focus on enhancing the plugin for more modern environments.
Bug Fixes & Improvements:
- Fix VoidChest interact listener
- handle NoSuchMethod in SuperiorSkyBlockListener
- Unregister voidchest events on disable
New Features:
- enhance void chest inventory handling and fix hoppers!!
- inventory: Add CONTAINER option, adjust interaction handling
- inventory: Add missing support for version 1.21_R1 in VoidInventoryUtils
VoidChest 3.3.0 Update - June 22, 2024
I'm thrilled to announce the latest update for VoidChest! I skipped a few versions to ensure all critical bugs were fixed and new features were seamlessly integrated.
Bug Fixes & Improvements:
- AVoidChestEconomy: Fix Chunk-BoundingBox 2 blocks offset
- FancyHolograms: Update FancyHolograms integration to 3.2.0
- VoidStorage: Bounding box handling
- Remove VoidChest when it gets exploded
- Improve void inventory closing logic
- Handle edge case for adding items in inventory
- Refactor inventory creation logic
- Set max pages to 1 if pagination is disabled
- Stacker: Update item method for primary thread checks
New Features:
- Add 1.21 support
- Improve addItems method and remove navigation button creation method in inventory
- Optimize addItems method in inventory
- RoseStacker: Add preStack method to handle PreDropStackedItemsEvent
- RoseStacker: Improve handling of stacked items for RoseStacker integration
- Run sell tasks asynchronously
- Update item stacker and instant collector logic
- VoidEconomy: Add async item fetching in AVoidChestEconomy
VoidChest 3.1.0 Update - May 2, 2024
Bug Fixes:
- Correct tag check logic and add debug condition in InventoryListener
- Ensure item updates are performed asynchronously if not on primary thread
- Filter out null elements in VoidStorageTypeAdapter
- Handle null inventories in PaginatedInventory
- Handle null name in PlayerData constructor
- Improve null safety in chunk comparison logic
- Optimize item collection in inventory
- Use Bukkit createPlayerProfile instead of Paper createProfile in ItemBuilder
- Set the instance instead of returning a new one each time in plugin
- Simplify and fix instant pick up in RoseStacker
- Correct player online status check in SellInformTask
- Fix null exception on sell in ShopGUIPlus
- Fix null item stack exception in ShopGUIPlus
- Correct IVoidStorage deserialization in storage
- Correct the upgrades on load in storage
- Filter null items from inventory lists in storage
- Update FabledSkyBlock dependency
- Remove BoundingBox upgrade if the chunk collector mode is CHUNK in Upgrades
- Add Java 8 compatibility in build
- Add mode option for chunk collection in chunk collector
- Add level management methods in Experience
- Implement Minecraft < 1.12.2 fixes
- Add support for Minecraft 1.20.5
- Optimize void storage cleanup on SuperiorSkyBlock2 events
- Set Java language version to 17 for specified modules
- Add getName method and enhance StackerManager logging in Stackers
- Switch from YAML to JSON for player and void storage in storage
- Added support for player exp levels instead of just exp points in VoidChestEconomy
- Remove unused PagedInventoryAPI and add migration utility in VoidChestPlugin
- Optimize index calculation logic in voideconomy
- Enhance item addition logic and debug info in VoidInventoryShared
**VoidChest 3.0.0 Update**
**Bug Fixes:**
- Fixed MiniMessage parsing issues.
- Cancelled scheduled tasks on plugin disable.
- Corrected item amount updates in full inventories.
- Handled null VoidInventory in loop.
- Fixed issues with FancyHolograms plugin.
- Improved debug mode functionality.
- Enhanced handling of unstackable items in inventories.
- Prevented duplicate filters and added debug messages.
- Fixed various issues with upgrades and boosters.
- Improved placement of void chests and blocks adjacent to them.
- Ensured compatibility with PlotSquared plugin.
- Removed redundant and unused code.
- Filtered out null inventory items from storage.
- Adjusted upgrade values for better balance.
- Implemented various improvements for better user experience.
- Added admin filters subcommand.
- Introduced animation and frames support to void storage menu.
- Implemented config reloads and bounding box command.
- Added debug messages and checks for navigation buttons.
- Expanded sound options for upgrade success and failure.
- Added online player requirement check to economy modules.
- Enhanced support for Paginated Inventory and filters.
- Added various utility classes and methods.
- Integrated new economy options and multi-mode system.
- Improved item entity handling and logging.
- Added support for custom skulls and upgrades config management.
- Updated economy system and introduced new upgrade options.
- Optimized item storage tracking and plugin metrics.
**Breaking Changes:**
⚠️ Due to significant updates in the Economy and Inventory systems, plugin configs are no longer backward compatible. Prior to updating, it is essential to create a complete server backup (or solely backup VoidChest files). Afterward, users must manually integrate the new changes into the configs or opt to delete them for auto-generation of updated configs, followed by manual adjustments. No deletion of player/voidchest data is required.
VoidChest 2.4.0 Release
Explore the latest features and fixes in VoidChest version 2.4.0!
Bug Fixes
- Add handling for null playerData in PlaceholderAPI request
- Adjust condition in PlayerBooster for checking active booster
- AVoidChestEconomy: Check if the Location is null and also update to the latest API changes
- Cache: Add/remove VoidStorages from cache
- Command: VoidChest stats command will now show the correct boost multiplier and time left
- Correct behavior of VaultEconomy to properly handle insufficient funds for withdrawal
- EconomyManager: Continuously send hook events every 5 seconds until a plugin successfully sets the plugin economy
- Fix loading of voidchest shops (from 2.4.0 alpha versions)
- Fix VoidChest cooldown placeholder
- Fixed VoidInventory.clear(index)
- Hologram: Use proper methods and logging for hologram handling
- PlayerData: Trigger BoosterEvent each time the boosters() method is accessed
- Resolve duplication item issue with stackers (WIP for Folia)
- Resolve NPE (NullPointerException) when the world of a voidchest is not loaded
- Storage: Correctly remove void storage from the cache
- Storage: Incorrect whitelist/blacklist constructor values
- Update time calculations in VoidCharge class
- Use OfflinePlayer instead of Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer() (alpha)
- VoidEconomyManager: Continuously send hook events every 5 seconds until a plugin successfully sets the shop economy
- VoidInventory: Fixed an issue while adding items to VoidChest using the API
- VoidInventory: Fixed an issue while removing items from the inventory in Spigot
- VoidInventory: Fixed an issue while removing items using the API
- Add 1.17-1.20.4 internal hologram implementations
- Add adventure and minimessage support (#feat/adventure)
- Add adventure-text-serializer-legacy dependency (#feat/adventure)
- Add animation option and fix inventory bugs
- Add internal hologram type and handle invalid cases
- Add shop/infinite item lore in config
- Add VoidChestHologramInternal class (#alpha)
- Added Legacy version support 1.8.8-1.16.5 (Java 17)
- Config: Add Time Format Invalid for invalid inputs
- IEconomy: Added builtin VoidChest economy
- Improve hologram data handling in FancyHolograms module (alpha)
- Integrate VoidSellHandler into various classes
- Introduce voidchest.place.. permission to bypass configuration-set limits
- IVoidInventory: Add 1.17-1.19.4 implementations
- LitMinions: Add basic LitMinions support
- Messages: Add no active booster messages translation
- Move duplicate code from Inventory implementations to VoidInventoryShared
- New translations
- Plugin: Download ASM library if missing
- Refactor the entire Inventory system for VoidStorage
- Storage: Add database support (experimental)
- Update library version and Minecraft scheduler
- Use adventure library for void command (#feat/adventure)
- Use config invalid time and messages no active boost translations
- VoidCommand: Added the command to list player voidchests
Upgrade now and experience the enhanced features and improvements! Happy gaming!
**VoidChest 2.3.1 Release**
✨ Explore the latest features and fixes in VoidChest version 2.3.1!
Some fixes are from beta 2.3.0
**Bug Fixes**
- "NoSuchMethodError: Inventory.close()" in Spigot.
- Add EconomyShopGUI and EconomyShopGUI-Premium to softdepend
- Change Break Burn and Explode Listenerss priority to MONITOR and some small fixes
- Check for null before accessing voidStorageEvent
- Close inventory if void storage is not present
- Create a new inventory file if it doesn't exist for the specific voidchest
- Do not close storage inventory when the sell task executes.
- Fix config path
- Fix Messages "plugin reload" path.
- Fix no fuel placeholder
- Fix null exceptions
- Fix typo in items_stored variable
- **inventory:** Fix the issue with opening the void storage inventory
- Load correct booster and inventory size from the VoidChest configuration file
- Log error message when the file is null while saving the shop
- Update method call to use 'storage.ownerUUID()' instead of 'player.getUniqueId()'
- Use Player UUID for fetching OfflinePlayer instead of Name.
- Some bug fixes from VoidChest 2.3.0-beta versions.
- Clear items from void storage on block break
- Add the ability to create a new shop if it doesn't exist
- Add debug logging for adding items to the shop
- Add debug logging for shop item loading
- Add functionality to remove items from shops
- Add Hopper listener to experimental features
- Add Infinite Storage functionality
- Add inventory caching for VoidStorageManager
- Add items stored stat
- Add a message for infinite storage voidchest
- Add more translations
- Add an option for infinite inventory
- Add a shop command for VoidChest plugin
- Add shop functionality and shop manager
- Add ShopInventoryHolder class
- Add support for tracking items stored in VoidStats
- Add a task to purge invalid voidchest data
- Add VoidShopManager and modify VoidShop class
- Added JetsMinions support.
- Added permission check for black/white list toggle
- Improve caching in VoidStorageManager
- **Menu:** Update the item instead of reopening the menu inventory
- Register VoidHopperListener if HopperInventorySearchEvent class is found
- Reworked inventory system
- Update charge and booster on plugin reload
- Use VoidChestAPI to get cached void storage configuration files.
- **voidcommand:** Add a new method to get whitelist and blacklist inventories
Upgrade now and experience the enhanced features and improvements! Happy gaming!
**VoidChest 2.2.0 Update - October 30, 2023**
**Bug Fixes:**
- Added debug warning when a player has no void storages.
- Added TheNewEconomy to the softdepend list.
- Fixed some issues with depositing in Economy.
- Updated dependency version to in the economy module.
- Fixed issue with fuel check in chunk collector.
- Fixed issue with fuel check in instant collector.
- Fixed logging and inventory update issues.
- Improved logging and error handling in VaultEconomy.
- Now VoidChest inventory will let you add/remove items when you have autosell and other options enabled.
- Fixed issue with finding void storage in double chests.
- Added load delay before loading data.
- Added VoidHopperListener for handling hopper interactions with void chests.
- Drop VoidChest inventory items when the block gets broken.
- Updated API version and added load/save event calls.
**Release Changelog - Version 2.1.0**
➖ **Bug Fixes:**
- Fix issue with removing void storages in PlayerData
- Fix placeholder in VOIDCHEST_PURCHASE_FAIL message (use %balance% instead of %money% in purchase fail)
- Handle exception when creating default.yml file
- **PlayerManager:** Fix condition for checking if charge is enabled and not zero
- Reload void storage when loading void chest file
- Resolved an issue where placed VoidChests settings wouldn't update when modifying the VoidChest configuration
- **Storage:** Fix imports and method calls in PlayerManager and VoidStorageManager
- **VoidChest:** Add custom data if not exists in Void Abilities and Void Charge
- **VoidChest:** Fix incorrect data type for forceDisable in Void Storage and Void Charge
➕ **Features:**
- Add reloadVoidStorage method to VoidStorage class (API)
- Add update notifier functionality to check for new versions
This update brings a variety of bug fixes. Don't miss out!
**VoidChest 2.0.1 Update**
**Release Changelog - Version 2.0.1:**
- ✅ **Improvement:** Enhanced the migration of user data using commands.
- ✅ **Bug Fix:** Resolved an issue causing a null exception during the migration process.
- ✅ **Enhancement:** Added a helpful error message for invalid arguments in the 'voidchest migrate' subcommand.
- ✅ **Optimization:** Removed unnecessary variable declarations and implemented checks for migrations in progress.
- ✅ **Bug Fix:** Added a player login event listener to prevent login during disallowed periods.
- ✅ **Code Refactor:** Restructured the migration methods, making them more efficient.
VoidChest 2.0 Public Beta is Here!
I'm thrilled to unveil the highly-anticipated VoidChest 2.0 Public Beta!
What's New in VoidChest 2.0 Public Beta:
- Enhanced Performance: I optimized the plugin for an even smoother and faster experience.
- Full Plugin Recode: A complete revamp for stability and efficiency.
- ⚙️ New Configuration Options: Customize the plugin experience like never before.
- ⚙️ Per VoidChest Configuration Options: Fine-tune each VoidChest to your liking.
- File, MySQL, SQLite, and MongoDB Support (alpha): Explore new database possibilities (Note: MySQL, SQLite, and MongoDB support are still under development).
- Per VoidChest White/Black Lists: Precision control over which items are collected.
- PaperMC Folia Server Support: Seamlessly use the plugin with PaperMC Folia.
- Animated Inventories: A dynamic, eye-catching GUI (more to this coming soon).
- Full PlaceholderAPI Support: Customize your experience like never before.
- New Open Source API for Developers: Empowering developers to create (VoidChestAPI Repository).
- All Blocks Can Be Used as VoidChest: More flexibility in your hands.
- Data Migration: Now, you can easily migrate user data and old VoidChest configurations, ensuring a smooth transition to the new version.
Before Migrating Data:
Server admins, ensure a smooth transition by:
- 1️⃣ Creating the VoidChest configuration files tailored to your server's unique needs. (You can migrate old configuration files but is not recommended)
- 2️⃣ Customizing messages.yml and config.yml to match your server's specific requirements.
Your feedback and insights will help us fine-tune this plugin to perfection!
Stay tuned for more updates, and embark on this exciting adventure with VoidChest 2.0!
For more information and detailed instructions, be sure to visit our
Changelog Update: Crafting the Future in Version 1.16.0 - Enhanced Stacking, ShopGUI+ Harmony, and Bug Extermination
Greetings, ✨ Prepare to witness the dawn of a new era as we unveil version 1.16.0, a milestone that encapsulates the zenith of the 1.x series. This release stands as a testament to innovation, seamlessly melding enhanced mechanics, fortified integrations, and meticulous bug fixes for an unparalleled gaming experience.
Key Evolutions:
Farewell to 1.x: With version 1.16.0, we bid adieu to the esteemed 1.x series, a chapter that has shaped our journey. Anticipate a dynamic shift as we usher in the eagerly awaited 2.x era, redefining the horizon of possibilities.
Mastering Item Stacking: Fixed some issues with huge amounts of items.
Elevating ShopGUI+ Compatibility: A harmonious synergy emerges with our enhanced ShopGUI+ integration. Our plugin now effortlessly synchronizes with the ShopGUI+ API.
Eradicating the Glitches: Countless hours of meticulous work have eradicated a multitude of bugs.
️ Meticulous Code Refinements: Beneath the surface, meticulous code refinements have taken place. Performance surges, stability fortifies, and the foundation is laid for a future teeming with innovation.
A Glimpse into the Horizon: As the 2.x series beckons, it is essential to note that version 1.16.0 signifies a clear break from the 1.x compatibility. The impending 2.x era promises new mechanics, and optimizations.
Embark on this transformative voyage by upgrading now to version 1.16.0. Delve into the intricacies of enhanced stacking, ShopGUI+ synergies, and a bug-free expanse. Embrace the future, embrace the change!
Thanks a bunch for your awesome support! Your encouragement keeps the fire burning. Much appreciated!
Version 1.15.2 Release - Number Formatting, Bug Fixes, and Code Refinements
We are delighted to announce the release of version 1.15.2, packed with several exciting updates and improvements. This version introduces new functionality for number formatting, fixes bugs, and refines the codebase for enhanced performance and maintainability.
Key Changes:
✨ Number Formatting Functionality: We have added a new feature to format numbers across the plugin. This functionality allows for consistent and user-friendly representation of numerical values, enhancing readability and usability throughout the gameplay experience.
Update Revision Property: The revision property has been updated to 1.15.2, ensuring accurate version tracking and documentation. Update ArtifactId for Item-NBT-API: The artifactId for Item-NBT-API has been updated in the pom.xml file, ensuring compatibility and alignment with the latest version.
Bug Fix - Correct Calculation of Profit: We have fixed the getProfit method in VoidChestShopGUIPlusEconomy to accurately calculate profits. This ensures reliable profit calculations for VoidChestShopGUIPlusEconomy, providing a more seamless and precise trading experience.
️ Code Refinement - Simplified BigDecimal Initialization: We have simplified the initialization of BigDecimal variables, improving code readability and maintainability.
️ Code Refinement - Remove Unused Imports and Unnecessary Code: Unused imports and unnecessary code snippets have been removed, streamlining the codebase and enhancing overall performance.
️ Code Refinement - Change Import Statement for NBTItem: The import statement for NBTItem has been changed from de.tr7zw.nbtapi.NBTItem to de.tr7zw.changeme.nbtapi.NBTItem, ensuring proper compatibility and alignment with the designated library.
Upgrade now to leverage these exciting updates and improvements. We value your continued support and feedback as we strive to create an exceptional gameplay experience. Enjoy the enhanced features and stability in version 1.15.2. Happy gaming!
Version 4.15.0 Release - Enhanced Precision, Improved Refactoring, and Streamlined Functionality (Beta Release)
We are excited to announce the beta release of version 4.15.0, packed with significant updates to improve precision, enhance codebase structure, and streamline functionality. This release introduces various refinements and additions, ensuring a more robust and efficient experience.
Key Changes:
- Core Refactoring: We have updated shading patterns in core/pom.xml and performed dependency updates, optimizing the plugin's foundation and ensuring compatibility with the latest libraries and repositories. These enhancements contribute to a more stable and maintainable codebase.
- BigDecimal and BigInteger Integration: Several features and components have been refactored to utilize the precision and capabilities offered by BigDecimal and BigInteger data types. Notable refactorings include SellInformTask, event classes, VoidStorageStats, VoidIconChargeTimeAdd, AVoidChestHologram, and IEconomy interface implementations. These changes improve accuracy and handling of monetary values and item counts, resulting in more reliable statistics and calculations.
- Bug Fixes and Data Type Enhancements: We have resolved a data type mismatch in the VoidIconChargeTimeAdd class and introduced fixes and improvements across various modules to ensure seamless functionality.
- Banking Enhancements: The depositToBank method in the bank module now supports BigDecimal as the amount parameter, enabling precise and consistent monetary transactions.
- Streamlined Code and Utility Additions: We have simplified code in VoidCommandStats, removed unnecessary dollar signs from sell and money messages in MessagesUtil, and added splitBigDecimal and formatMoney functions to the utils module. These updates improve code readability, maintainability, and user experience.
Please note that this release should be treated as a beta release, as we continue to gather feedback and fine-tune the changes for a stable and reliable final release. We value your participation in testing and providing feedback to help us improve the plugin further.
Upgrade now to try out these exciting enhancements and provide us with your valuable feedback. Together, let's shape the future of the plugin and create an outstanding gameplay experience. Happy gaming!
Version 1.14.0 Release - Performance Enhancements and Improved Maintenance
We are thrilled to announce the release of version 1.14.0, an update focused on optimizing performance and improving the overall maintenance of our plugin. This release introduces several key changes to enhance efficiency and streamline development processes.
Key Changes:
- Core Refactoring: We have diligently removed unnecessary logging statements and eliminated redundant Minecraft version checks from the core code. These refinements contribute to a leaner and more efficient plugin, ensuring smoother execution and reducing unnecessary resource consumption.
- Dependency Updates: To align with the latest advancements in external libraries and frameworks, we have updated the versions of our external dependencies. These updates ensure compatibility with the most recent bug fixes, security patches, and performance improvements, resulting in a more stable and reliable plugin.
- Stacker Feature: We are excited to introduce support for the CloudSpawners stacking plugin. With this addition, users can now leverage the enhanced capabilities of the stacking functionality, enabling seamless management of stacked items.
- Maintenance Tasks: We have performed various maintenance tasks to ensure the plugin's upkeep and longevity. These tasks include updating the revision in the pom.xml file, removing deprecated classes such as MaterialX and IridescentUtil, and adding the build/ directory to the .gitignore file. These actions contribute to a well-maintained codebase and align with best practices for development.
- 1.20 Support
Version 1.14.0 represents our commitment to providing an optimized and reliable experience for our users. These improvements aim to streamline performance, enhance functionality, and simplify maintenance processes for a smoother plugin experience.
We appreciate your continued support and feedback as we strive to deliver excellence in our plugin. Upgrade now to version 1.14.0 and unlock the benefits of these enhancements. Happy gaming!
- FIXED ➜ NoSuchMethodError when breaking a void chest
- ADDED ➜ Added support for EconomyShopGUI multipliers
- ADDED ➜ DynamicShop3 support
- FIXED ➜ Upgradeable Hoppers incompatibility
- ADDED ➜ Added a new constructor to VoidChestBreakEvent
- FIXED ➜ Instant pickup when using Stackers
- FIXED ➜ Fixed DecentHolograms
- ADDED ➜ zItemStacker
- FIXED ➜ soft dependencies in plugin.yml
- FIXED ➜ Java 8 compatibility
- ADDED ➜ FactionsUUID support
- ADDED ➜ 1.19 support.
- FIXED ➜ Hex messages fix.
- FIXED ➜ ShopGuiPlus updated to the latest version.
- FIXED ➜ Restart persistent sell messages wouldn't work properly.
- ADDED ➜ Hex colors in 1.16+
- FIXED ➜ Updated ShopGuiPlus to the latest version.
- FIXED ➜ EconomyShopGUI fix
- FIXED ➜ 1.18.2 NBT fix
- FIXED ➜ Chunk See command fix.
- REMOVED ➜ Removed IridescentUtil support.
- FIXED ➜ Fixed 1.18.2 NBT support.
- ADDED ➜ Added 1.18.2 support.
- ADDED ➜ Support for DecentHolograms hologram.
- ADDED ➜ Support for EconomyShopGui sell prices.
- CHANGED ➜ Increased version.
- ADDED ➜ Added 1.18.x support.
- ADDED ➜ 1.17+ Material versions.
- FIXED ➜ An issue where CMI holograms wouldn't load.
- FIXED ➜ Certain features of when breaking the voidchest wouldn't work properly.
- CHANGED ➜ Increased version.
- ADDED ➜ Added debugging for the stacking mode.
- ADDED ➜ Option to prevent the chunk collector from selling items.
- ADDED ➜ More options for shift clicking the voidchest.
- ADDED ➜ Support for TheNewEconomy plugin.
- ADDED ➜ Added an event to allow the modification of voidchests.
- ADDED ➜ The ability to add charge-time beforehand from the command.
- ADDED ➜ Added 1.17.x support.
- FIXED ➜ An issue where the stack mode and economy mode would be mixed.
- FIXED ➜ An event would be called twice.
- FIXED ➜ The Ignore Item feature wouldn't work properly.
- CHANGED ➜ Increased version.
- CHANGED ➜ Modified how (shift) clicking the voidchest works.
- CHANGED ➜ Changes in the ignore system for the chest and fixes.
- REMOVED ➜ Removed some dependencies from pom file.
- ADDED ➜ Toggleable logging of voidchests selling income and location.
- ADDED ➜ Added the money-logging options in the file.
- ADDED ➜ Support for zItemStacker stacking plugin.
- ADDED ➜ Event to hook your custom stacking plugin.
- ADDED ➜ Support for RoyaleEconomy bank plugin.
- ADDED ➜ Option to prevent voidchests from exploding.
- FIXED ➜ The chunk settings wouldn't apply using the reload command.
- FIXED ➜ Chunkcollector blacklist feature would not work properly.
- CHANGED ➜ Changed sell mode path naming. Won't affect old naming conventions.
- ADDED ➜ Support for Supreme Factions TNT bank.
- ADDED ➜ Support for CMI prices.
- ADDED ➜ Customizable effect for the chunk command, customizable interval and rows.
- ADDED ➜ A permission for interacting with other owner's voidchests.
- ADDED ➜ Tab completion for the voidchest command.
- FIXED ➜ An issue with tnt-bank and bank with SaberFactions not properly loading.
- FIXED ➜ The voidchest reload command would not attempt to initialize or cache the tnt bank feature.
- FIXED ➜ Fixed an issue with tnt bank not initializing on load.
- FIXED ➜ Some missing %voidchest% placeholders in messages.
- FIXED ➜ An error that would show up or spam related to tnt bank.
- CHANGED ➜ Modified the voidchest mode command and added the tnt bank mode.
- CHANGED ➜ Insta-collect won't automatically be disabled anymore.
- CHANGED ➜ Merged the ignore-item-meta path for sell modes.
- REMOVED ➜ Removed FactionsX tnt-bank support temporarily since it wasn't working and have to wait an update on it's part.
- ADDED ➜ Support for 1.16.4
- ADDED ➜ Voidchest specific shops for the VoidChest mode (configured in shop.yml)
- ADDED ➜ SaberFactions money bank support.
- ADDED ➜ Support for MysqlEconomyBank bank.
- ADDED ➜ Support for FactionsX tnt bank.
- ADDED ➜ RoseStacker support for stacked items.
- ADDED ➜ An option to allow for saving statistics such as money made, items sold, items purged once the voidchest is broken by a player.voidchest type individually.
- FIXED ➜ 1.16.X materials are now supported properly.
- FIXED ➜ Fixed an error thrown when some specific names were added as materials in certain lists.
- FIXED ➜ Voidchest will no longer throw an error if a bank plugin is set in options.yml but it isn't valid, it will not instead send a warning in console and set it to no bank.
- CHANGED ➜ Permission voidchest.mode changed to voidchest.developer.
- CHANGED ➜ Updated SuperiorSkyblock to the latest version.
- ADDED ➜ 1.16.2 version support.
- ADDED ➜ Support for Iridescent plugin colors. (Only 1.16.x supported)
- FIXED ➜ An issue where non single tasked voidchests would attempt to sale and would interact with other voidchests that weren't yet ready to sell.
- ADDED ➜ Support for 1.16.1
- ADDED ➜ EconomyHookEvent event, only works when voidchest tries to find an economy to setup it's prices on.
- ADDED ➜ A way to add different type of economies other than vault.
- ADDED ➜ An option to remove the message/check in the ignore command of whether you have any voidchest.
- ADDED ➜ More information in the /voidchest mode command.
- ADDED ➜ An option for the chunk collector feature to ignore certain items.
- ADDED ➜ An option to ignore certain items in general, in each voidchest type individually.
- ADDED ➜ Multiple debug options so you can choose out on which one to enable/disable.
- ADDED ➜ Support for fabled skyblock bank deposits.
- ADDED ➜ Separate ignore lists for itemstacks for specific voidchest types so that items in the list don't get processed at all (only go through voidchest events).
- ADDED ➜ BankHookEvent event, only works when voidchest tries to find a bank to setup for sending money to.
- ADDED ➜ Operators paying no money for adding charge to voidchests is now configurable.
- FIXED ➜ The chunk collector option would still work regardless if it was not enabled and would stop working if the auto-sell was disabled.
- FIXED ➜ The bank default feauture would not work properly and would instead interfere with the default of chunk collector.
- FIXED ➜ The Insta collector feature would work while ignoring fuel & chunk collector setting.
- FIXED ➜ Fixed an issue where when using /voidchest reload, all voidchests would get lost.
- FIXED ➜ An issue where the voidchest wouldn't be properly removed if it was burnt.
- FIXED ➜ An issue with items not selling for certain users from time to time.
- FIXED ➜ The stats command would thrown a stackoverflow error under certain conditions.
- FIXED ➜ Insta-collector would still work regardless if chunk collector was disabled.
- FIXED ➜ An issue with the hologram countdown timer not properly working if you were to set the sell interval to a number less than 1.
- CHANGED ➜ The /voidchest toggle command has been modified so as to not toggle on or off the feature if the player doesn't own at least 1 voidchest.
- CHANGED ➜ Remodified large chunks of the plugin, mostly API related.
- CHANGED ➜ Insta collector feature for chunk collector will only work now if no stacking plugin is used.
- CHANGED ➜ Operators will no longer be required to pay money for the charge feature.
- CHANGED ➜ Moved the insta-collector option in the chunk-collector section.
- CHANGED ➜ Moved the charge, break-persistent path in options.yml.
- CHANGED ➜ Hologram and bank hooks are now going to be delayed as well in the data load delay option.
- REMOVED ➜ Removed the last login check in the initial plugin load that'd remove inactive player datas from the plugin.
- REMOVED ➜ The /voidchest purge command.
- ADDED ➜ Support for SuperiorSkyblock. Players are now able to toggle on or off through the gui menu whether they want their income to go towards their island bank or their personal bank.
- ADDED ➜ Players are able to toggle on and or off whether they want their individual voidchest to send money to their bank or their account instead.
- FIXED ➜ An issue with the place limit where it wouldn't work properly.
- FIXED ➜ Fixed an issue where voidchests would not sell at certain times for some players.
- FIXED ➜ An issue with the stacker plugins hooks throwing errors.
- CHANGED ➜ Permission voidchest.break.bypass changed to voidchest.break-other.bypass.
- FIXED ➜ The sell message option whether disabled or enabled for the player would be ignored and the sell messages would be sent regardless, now it's fixed.
- FIXED ➜ An NPE (NullPointerException) that would prevent the plugin from loading.
- REMOVED ➜ Item prices will no longer be cached. Prices were staying the same regardless of the amount of items causing huge issues with the economy. This is known for the voidchest mode, haven't heard anything about the other two.
- CHANGED ➜ The plugin will no longer add players in memory without them having any useful data like it did before.
Made a mistake in the configuration, hot fixed.
- FIXED ➜ An issue with the plugin attempting to retrieve the wrong path name for the right click mode interaction.
- FIXED ➜ Added a missing command in the default help message.
- FIXED ➜ An issue with the plugin attempting to get an old path for the work while owner offline feature for voidchests.
- FIXED ➜ Fixed an error that'd be thrown were the plugin would attempt to use the playerfile while it hasn't yet loaded properly.
- FIXED ➜ A null pointer exception error located in several hologram related classes. Now, a warning will be shown in the console instead, with details.
- CHANGED ➜ The boost command would often times throw an error in the console due to wrong parsing of some text. This would also happen to other parts of the plugin. Now, instead of an error, all failed attempts will now default to `-1` as an input. Preventing such errors and ultimately breaking the plugin.
- CHANGED ➜ Item sell prices will now be cached. This will be experimental as I'm unaware of the consequences this will have to similar items and whether there will be any conflicts.
- CHANGED ➜ VoidChests now have different sell intervals.
- CHANGED ➜ Alternated how the stacking plugins are able to hook in the options.yml (modified their paths)
- CHANGED ➜ This is more code related and directed to developers. The voidstorages kept in player datas are now stored as maps instead of a single list holding them all, the key being the name of the voidchests and the value the list of the voidchests of that type.
- CHANGED ➜ Sell messages can now be configured to sell over a specific interval of time (10 seconds, 10 minutes, 10 hours, etc). In case the player is offline, the stats will be saved and be shown once he logs back in, to see how much they've made while they were away.
- CHANGED ➜ Re-organized some of the files a bit, mostly comments and made some space so things are more readable and clean.
- ADDED ➜ Added most permissions in the plugin.yml file. They can now be seen from there. Not all permissions are included as not all can be added. Regardless, if you have any questions or wish to find any permission, I am available in the discord to answer questions.
- ADDED ➜ The command `/voidchest toggle` has gained an alias `/voidchest ignore`.
- ADDED ➜ The permission `voidchest.toggle` has gained an alias `voidchest.ignore`
- ADDED ➜ An option for restart/reload persistent sell notifications.
- ADDED ➜ Booster timeleft placeholder on holograms. `%booster_timeleft%`
- ADDED ➜ A new command `/voidchest locate <username> [page]`. This will display all voidchest locations with a max count of 10 elements (voidchests) per page.
- ADDED ➜ An instant collect option that allows voidchests to instantly collect any item spawned and is sellable. This includes items dropped by players and items dropped naturally such as cactus and etc.
- ADDED ➜ An option to prevent voidchests being placed near chests and eventually form a doublechest.
- ADDED ➜ An option to have broken voidchests go straight into your inventory instead of being dropped in the ground.
- ADDED ➜ CMI Holograms support.
- ADDED ➜ Charge persistance on break, in addition to the one that already exists, an option was added that will make the charge time be stored and not running while the voidchest is not placed.
- ADDED ➜ Created a new event named `VoidSellChestPayOut`. This event is fired whenever a player is about to be paid money. This will allow you to interfere with the event and perhaps pay the user a different type of money.
- ADDED ➜ Created a new event named `VoidItemChargeAddMoneyWithdraw`. This event is fired whenever a player is about to pay money for a voidchest to gain charge (fuel). This will allow you to interfere with the event and perhaps charge the user a different type of money.
- ADDED ➜ Added support for spacestacker plugin (Stacking Plugin).
- FIXED ➜ Wild stacker's option not properly working with chunk collector.
- FIXED ➜ Voidchest holograms will automatically adjust only when required, and not constantly, regardless of whether they are adjusted correctly, as it was acting before.
- FIXED ➜ Sell tasks will now be cancelled for users that do not have any voidchests. This will change the performance tremendously.
- FIXED ➜ Limited which player data will be kept in memory and created a new repeating task that will be clearing unused data from memory every 30 minutes (configurable).
- FIXED ➜ Plugin `Holograms` would not properly
work in 1.15x servers.
- FIXED ➜ Hologram countdown and the sell part of the voidchests would delay a lot in 1.15.2 servers.
- FIXED ➜ Disabling a feature from the voidchest would not actually disable it and would only remove some parts of it. Now, disabling them will make sure that all of the features related to them will be disabled.
- FIXED ➜ A voidchest duplication issue where if a player attempted to place a voidchest whilst standing in the block area, the block would fail to be placed but the voidchest would be created. This seems to have been an issue coming from ViaVersion but it hasn't been thoroughly searched.
An option to enable this fix has been added in `options.yml`.
- FIXED ➜ Having the `shop.yml`'s section for items empty or wrongly formatted will not throw an error now.
- CHANGED ➜ Placeholder for booster time left from `%timeleft%` to `%booster_timeleft%`
- CHANGED ➜ Placeholder in charge item changed from `%timeleft%` to `%charge_timeleft%`
- CHANGED ➜ Updated `Holograms` to the latest version.
- CHANGED ➜ Updated the auto-updater API.
- CHANGED ➜ This is more developer related. Made changes into the `IVoidEconomy` class, added more methods so as to emphasize certain parts of the code and separate them for easier use.
- CHANGED ➜ Major changes in the `options.yml`and `default.yml`. Some paths have been relocated, others renamed and some have been merged together in a specific section.
- CHANGED ➜ Purge command has been changed, and it will now purge unused data from 3 days and further.
- CHANGED ➜ Permission `voidchest.limit.bypass` change to `voidchest.limit.*`
Fixed a small issue related to messages for break & place of voidchests when the user didn't have permissions.
- FIXED ➜ An issue with SimpleRename were it would interfere with the voidchest's menu inventory and allow items to be taken off.
- FIXED ➜ The plugin would fail to load on 1.15 servers.
- FIXED ➜ The purge ability would not work due to mixing it with the charge in the code.
- CHANGED➜ Changed the plugin's API being built on to 1.15 (Recently published, no issues should arise from this)
Fixed an
error occuring onEnable where the plugin would attempt to load the Normal.yml file and Vip.yml file and failed since they have been removed.
There are a few things that have changed through the plugin, such as paths being added, others removed and etc. I suggest you allowed voidchest to load all files again and you replaced what ever appropriate. Make sure you backup your current voidchest folder. If you happen to ignore this move, you'll encounter issues such as errors, odd behaviour ingame or unexpected results.
- FIXED ➜ Wild stacker's option not properly working with chunk collector.
- FIXED ➜ A bug with a method that manipulated and item's amount and creating copies of it, where as it should copy it in the first place and manipulate it's amout afterwards. This would cause issues with stacker plugins.
- ADDED ➜ UltimateStacker support in addition to WildStacker.
- ADDED ➜ A new placeholder for break and place messages when the player doesn't have permission: "%permission%", it will display the player's missing permission that will allow him to continue what they are doing.
- ADDED ➜ Every "ability" in each voidchest file is now toggleable. You can disable each one of them by setting "enabled" to false and vise versa below them.
- REMOVED ➜ You can no longer customize the permission for placing and or breaking voidchests. They will now default to `voidchest.break.<voidchest>` and `voidchest.place<voidchest>`
- REMOVED ➜ Removed the default Normal.yml file from voidchest.
- CHANGED ➜ The permission `voidchest.break` and `voidchest.place` have now been changed to `voidchest.break.*` and `voidchest.place.*` and will act as "wildcards".
- CHANGED ➜ The Permissions path has been removed and some paths related to it (messages) have been transferred to the Messages section of the same file.
- CHANGED ➜ Changed voidchest's default sell logic even further for performance benefits (hopefully).
- CHANGED ➜ In the options.yml file, in the chunk-collector section, the hook section of it has changed so as to allow more hooks to be configured. Click me for image.
- CHANGED ➜ Some code in relation to stacking plugins has been updated so as to be easier maintained.
- CHANGED ➜ Changed vip.yml file to default.yml.
- FIXED ➜ Hologram heights didn't work properly due to not properly moving the paths from Hologram to hologram
- FIXED ➜ Interacting with a voidchest while in creative mode and the option of preventing that is enabled, the chest inventory won't open anymore. Instead nothing will happen.
There are a few things that have changed through the plugin, such as paths being added, others removed and etc. I suggest you allowed voidchest to load all files again and you replaced what ever appropriate. Make sure you backup your current voidchest folder. If you happen to ignore this move, you'll encounter issues such as errors, odd behaviour ingame or unexpected results.
- FIXED ➜ When renaming a voidchest's file, if you already had voidchests with the old name active in the world, an error would occur preventing the plugin from properly loading.
- FIXED ➜ There was an issue with the FluxSpigot(1.8.8) server jar not being detected by the plugin's material parser and items containing durabilities (such as colored items, wool, glass, etc) were not working properly.
- FIXED/UPDATED ➜ Several sounds were not functioning properly or at all in certain versions. All sounds have been updated accordingly. In addition to that, you can now specify what volume/pitch you wish to set for the specific sound by using commas (first volume then pitch). An example would be: "LEVEL_UP,1,1", this would play the level up soud with a volume of 1 and pitch of 1.
- CHANGED ➜ If an invalid sound is inputed into any sound function in any config, the plugin will instead throw an error informing you of what's wrong.
- CHANGED ➜ The plugin will now attempt to match old sound names with new ones and vise versa. This will allow for example LEVEL_UP to be used both on 1.8 to 1.14 and ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP from 1.14 to 1.8, both will work the same in any given version.
- CHANGED ➜ Each voidchest can now have specific sounds for when doing a specific task (such as when being broken, when being placed, etc). If the path in the voidchest file is not found, a default one will be used from options.yml
- CHANGED ➜ A path's name was changed, along with it's comments. This is regarding the disable-when-owner-offline feature. Decided to change some of it's wording and general functioning due to it being a bit complicated.
- Before disable-when-owner-offline: false
After: Enable-when-owner-offline: true
- CHANGED ➜ A path's name was changed, along with it's comments. This is regarding the Prevent-player-creative-mode-interaction path. Decided to change some of it's wording and general functioning due to it being a bit complicated.
- Before: Allow-player-creative-interaction
- After: Prevent-player-creative-mode-interaction
- REMOVED ➜ The path Click-open-menu is being removed and will no longer be used, something else will be used in it's place.
- CHANGED ➜ Changed the plugin's api-version declaration in the plugin.yml to 1.13 from 1.14. This will hopefully allow 1.13.x servers to use the plugin like normal. I am not sure whether this change will have any impact in the overall plugin performance, in terms of it functioning properly in relation to materials and sounds, etc.
- CHANGED ➜ Player file saving is now done async but will be handled appropriately so as to avoid multithreading issues.
- CHANGED ➜ Missing paths in files will no longer throw errors (which ended up messing with some aspects of the plugin). Instead, a much smaller notification message will be sent, showing the path that is missing and from what file so you can fill it in. If you wish to make it so no message is sent, instead of removing the path simply set it to an empty string (message).
- For example: Some-Path: ''
- ADDED ➜ If configured accordingly, the plugin will hook into wild stacks and attempt to calculate the correct amount of dropped items with a stacked amount over 64. This will be added into the options.yml file path: chunk-collector.wild-stacker-hook
- Warning: The dot " ." indicates a section separation.
- ADDED ➜ A bypass permission for the restriction to the voidchest menu when the player is in creative mode. Permission node: voidchest.creative.bypass
- FIXED ➜ Versions from 1.8 to ~1.8.3 were not working properly and the plugin would disable.
- CHANGED ➜ Modified certain parts of the VoidStorage class (part of the code) to make it's use easier.
- REMOVED ➜ The extra custom inventory will be getting remove due to causing a bit of confusion to users and generally not benefiting anything but rather making it harder to sustain due to how other blocks and plugins relate to chests.
- CHANGED ➜ Changed the Place-other-voidchests-near path name to Prevent-placing-other-voidchests-near as the former name would create confusion
- CHANGED ➜ Hologram configurations for each voidchest have moved to their own configuration section (Hologram) instead of being under the Storage section.
- CHANGED ➜ Storage path section changed to Item.
- REMOVED ➜ Removed invalid paths (related to the void inventory for example, since it's been removed) from all files.
- CHANGED ➜ In the options.yml, the path place-voidchests-in-same-chunk was changed to: prevent-placing-voidchests-in-same-chunk.
- ADDED ➜ The plugin will now attempt to calculate the correct position for the hologram if a vanilla chest is placed next to a voidchest (resulting in a doublechest).
- ADDED ➜ If you hook a vanilla chest next to a voidchest and that makes a doublechest, if you are to click to the vanilla chest, the plugin will consider that as a voidchest and open up the menu inventory.
- CHANGED ➜ By disabling the voidchest hologram through the voidchest file itself, the hologram item won't be set in the menu (whereas it used to before, although the hologram was generally disabled).
- CHANGED ➜ Changed the default load-delay time from 5 to 0. This should only be modified if servers are having issues with worlds loading after the voidchest plugin has loaded.
- CHANGED ➜ If an item on the ground doesn't get sold or purged, it will instead be transferred onto the chest if there's enough room.
- ADDED ➜ An option to either ignore dropped items with item meta or also take them into consideration through the options.yml file under the chunk-collector section.
- ADDED ➜ An option to allow the chunk-collector ability to either collect non sellable or purgeable items from the ground.
- ADDED ➜ Added a new purge command that will attempt to clear up memory space by removing some of voidchest's stored player data base that has been inactive for 7+ days.
- ADDED ➜ A configurable option in the options.yml file will now allow you to modify what you want to happen when a player interacts with the voidchest. You can choose to either open the voidchest menu, the chest inventory or nothing at all.
- FIXED ➜ During purge checks for invalid voidchest blocks in the world, the plugin would attempt to save each player's data to file regardless of whether any actual change has been made. It now only attempts to save the player's file only in the case of an invalid block was found.
- FIXED ➜ Certain items such as RED_DYE or INK_SACK:1 (same item), did not properly work as a material type and INK_SACK:0 would throw an error. I've updated the material handing methods and will hopefully won't encounter any similar issue.
- FIXED ➜ Attempted to fix an issue where the plugin wouldn't load the DeveloperInformListener class properly due to missing libraries from server jars (paper spigot 1.12.x specifically)
- CHANGED ➜ In each individual voidchest file, there'd be two hologram paths: Hologram and hologram, they've now been merged into hologram.
- REMOVED ➜ Removed total storages metric counter.
Removed some debugging that I forgot I've added during some testings.
Hot fixed an issue with preventing players from interacting with voidchests and also the chunk collector ability purging all none sellable items regardless.
- REMOVED / CHANGED ➜ When attempting to give a voidchest but the input name is an invalid voidchest name, it will no longer give you the list of voidchests available.
- CHANGED ➜ Modified and organized some code related to commands.
- CHANGED ➜ Changed VoidChestBurnEvent class name to VoidChestBurnListener
- ADDED ➜ You can know prevent players from interacting with the voidchest while they are in creative mode. This is toggleable through the options.yml file.
- FIXED ➜ Fixed metrics sending incorrect data.
There are a few things that have changed through the plugin, such as paths being added, others removed perhaps and others modified. I suggest you allowed voidchest to load all files again and you replaced what ever appropriate. If you happen to ignore this move, you'll encounter issues such as errors, odd behaviour ingame or unexpected results.
- ADDED ➜ The option to play a sound when you click on any item on the voidchest menu inventory.
- ADDED ➜ The ability to change the default sell notification option for players.
- REMOVED ➜ Removed some code from the plugin that attempted to fix an issue with servers having duplicate data in the world's folder for the same player. This occurs when you usually change from online mode to offline and or vise versa. This issue resulted in plugins like vault (regarding economy) to break and not function properly.
- ADDED & CHANGED ➜ Added 2 new placeholders and changed an existing one. This is regarding the booster placeholder.
- %booster% ➜ This previously showed the voidchest's booster. It now shows the player's booster and the voidchest's combined.
- %booster_voidchest% ➜ This shows the specific voidchest's booster only.
- %booster_player% ➜ This shows the player's booster only.
- ADDED ➜ A new event named VoidSellChunkItemEvent. This will be fired each time an item inside the voidchest chunk is about to be sold.
- ADDED ➜ A new feature named chunk collector. This will allow your voidchest to sell any sellable item inside the chunk it is located in. This feature will obviously be toggleable and mostly configurable.
- ADDED ➜ VoidChest chunk limitation. You can now limit players from placing more than 1 voidchest per chunk.
- CHANGED ➜ Material handling updated. Certain newly added materials were not working in voidchest due to using an "old" material parser.
- ADDED ➜ You can now allow certain voidchests to work while their owner is offline and others not. A default value will be selected from the options.yml `Sell.disable-when-owner-offline` path if the path `disable-when-owner-offline` doesn't exist in the specific voidchest file.
- ADDED ➜ You can now toggle an option to prevent players from placing normal chests near any voidchest. This will be located in the `options.yml` file and will have two different paths. By default, this option will be disabled, you may change it.
- FIXED ➜ Fixed a bug with the Hologram plugin, when voidchest uses it to handle holograms, having the charge feature disabled, it would not show the sell countdown and instead show `No Fuel`.
[ + ] Feature added / optimized. [ + ]
[ - ] Feature removed. [ - ]
[ ! ] Feature alternated. [ ! ]
[ ~ ] Bug fix. [ ~ ]
- [ ! ] Hologram countdowns will now show the no fuel message if the voidchest doesn't have any fuel. Before, the timer would continue to operator like normal either way giving a false feeling of the voidchest being active.
- [ + ] Added an option to allow voidchests to keep their charge time even after being broken and re-placed.
- [ + ] Added an option to allow voidchests to get dropped in an explosion, regardless of the explosion's type.
- [ + ] Added a purge task that will purge any old data from the database. There is an option that allows you to set how old a data piece needs to be before it gets deleted. Player's data get "reset" when they join the server so as not to be marked as inactive and eventually get purged.
- [ + ] From those converting from older versions, if a data file's contents do not have any chest or the last-login path, they will be purged so as to make space.
Make sure the following paths exist in your options.yml file and that it is correct and you are not missing anything. Otherwise, the plugin will not function properly and you may encounter odd behaviour from it.
VoidChest updated shopGui+'s api to the latest one and also removed the 1 second delay for when opening voidchest's menu, silly me forgot to remove it while testing something.
[ + ] Feature added / optimized. [ + ]
[ - ] Feature removed. [ - ]
[ ! ] Feature alternated. [ ! ]
[ ~ ] Bug fix. [ ~ ]
- [ ~ ] Fixed a bug with the hologram task not updating correctly when dealing with a huge number of data. It will not iterate over a filtered collection of players with voidchests only instead of all data.
- [ + ] Added support for another hologram plugin named Holograms because HolographicDisplays is not yet supported for 1.14x.
Make sure this path exists in your options.yml file and that it is correct and you are not missing anything. Otherwise, the plugin will fail to load holograms properly:
In regards to the latest update (1.1.1), this is a fix on the actual task, forgot to actually make it run in seconds since it was still in ticks while all time converters were handled as seconds.
I have also created a data converter if anyone's interested in updating from older versions to 1.1+. Send me a PM in discord if you wish to use it.
As title says, the sell interval is now considered as seconds not ticks.
Voidchest will not attempt to convert old data to the new data saving system. In order to update the plugin do the following:
- Make sure your server is stopped.
- Save all your voidchest files
- Delete the voidchest plugin folder.
- Replace the old voidchest jar with the new one.
- Start your server.
- Having all new files loaded, apply the appropriate changes.
- Use the reload command or restart your server to make sure everything loads properly.
[ + ] Feature added / optimized. [ + ]
[ - ] Feature removed. [ - ]
[ ! ] Feature alternated. [ ! ]
[ ~ ] Bug fix. [ ~ ]
- [ ~ ] 1.14 - 1.14.4 is now fully supported. There was an issue with NBT Tags earlier due to 1.14 being a relative new version. The plugin has been thoroughly tested and should function properly in any 1.14x version.
- [ ! ] Changed the give command to : /vc give ...
- Example: /vc give normal Shin1gamiX 1
- Example: /vc give normal Shin1gamiX
- Example: /vc give normal
- [ ~ ] Fixed a bug with the list command. For example, if you were to have 2 voidchests (Normal and Vip), and then tried to give a player a voidchest with the name normal, it would bug and show 3 available voidchests (Normal, normal, Vip). And this would go on for as long as you typed out the same voidchest with different caps.
- [ ~ ] Fixed a bug with the shopguiplus mode not selling certain items.
- [ ~ ] Hopefully fixed a bug with players changing their names and have their voidchests not function anymore.
- [ + ] Added a new feature named charge. This feature acts as fuel for any voidchest that you configure to have it. Players will need to pay in game money in order to give "fuel" so as to allow the voidchest to function properly. An estimated time of the voidchest's working time can be displayed in the hologram if available or the voidchest menu inventory.
- [ + ] Added an option to delay voidchest's data load when the plugin enables. This will hopefully fix issues with worlds not being loaded in time and voidchest fails to load data related to these worlds.
- [ + ] Added an option to delay voidchest's hook with a different economy plugin (essentials, shopguiplus or voidchest's own logic). This delay is the same as the above.
- [ + ] Added an option to prevent voidchests from being placed next to each other (this can be toggled on and off for each individual voidchest on their own file).
- [ - ] The saving task has been removed completely.
- [ + ] Added an option in the options.yml file so as to toggle on and off whether you want voidchests to function in case their owner is offline.
- [ + ] Added some debugging shown only to me when I join a server using my plugin, this debugging shows stats such as what mode the plugin is using, some information about it, how many voidchests there are on the server, which version the plugin is, etc.
- [ + ] Added an option to disable the voidchest menu inventory. If this is disabled, performance in general should be enhanced greatly since the plugin wouldn't be required to deal with inventories whatsoever.
- [ + ] You can know translate the time in voidchest's hologram countdown feature through the options.yml file.
- [ + ] Greatly enhanced inventory handling, this should optimize performance by a whole lot.
- [ + ] Hologram updating task optimized.
- [ + ] Voidchest place limit has changed and you can now allow
- [ ! ] Data will no longer be stored in a single file. Each player will get their own unique file located in a folder named "PlayerData".
- [ ! ] The plugin will no longer save data on a player's name. UUID will be used instead so as to prevent issues with name changing in online-mode servers.players to have different limits depending on their permission. More information can be found in the options.yml file.
- [ ! ] The sell interval in the options.yml file has changed to ticks from seconds.
- [ ! ] The voidchest-inventory file has been removed and from now, each voidchest will have it's own individual file located in a folder named "VoidChests", inside voidchest's main folder.
- [ ! ] The messages section from the options.yml file have been removed and have been transfered to each voidchest's file.
This list is so huge, I may have even forgotten some other changes made but these should be the main ones.
- Fixed a bug where break & place permissions would not work due to the path set in voidchest-inventory.yml was wrongly capitalized.
- Fixed a serious performance issue with the auto save task. Lag caused by that should improve by a lot.
- Added a command that allows you to see what mode voidchest is currently using (/voidchest mode, voidchest.mode)
- Added a debugging option in options.yml so as to keep track of some important things in case.
- Added a countdown intervall for when voidchests are about to sell. This can be done in holograms with the %timeleft% placeholder.
- Added a few more events for developers.
- SuperBoosters have added support for voidchest.
No real issue, you don't need to update the plugin, I am just fixing a mistake made by me while configurating the vip menu chest.
This update is quite fascinating! I will be listing a few things that you will NEED to note before updating!
- You will need to keep a backup of your current voidchest folder before updating to this version! There have been changes that may cause issues such as the removall of existing voidchests in your server and the voidchest items won't be operateable from previous updates!
- Disable the voidchest plugin that is currently running in your server.
- After disabling the plugin, copy the voidchest folder somewhere safe so you don't lose all the work you've done.
- Having done that, reload the plugin with either a plugin manager or by restarting your server. Make sure the plugin was reloaded properly.
- After the new folder is loaded, properly replace anything you want and then reload the plugin using /voidchest reload or by restarting, your choice.
- Having done that, make sure to satisfy your players by giving them the new voidchests.
Noticeable changes and updates:
- There can now be multiple voidchests. You can assign names to these voidchests, a default booster, hologram text and whatever else there is available.
- Toggleable holograms through voidchest's menu GUI have now been added. You can now set the height and text you want the specific voidchest type to have, along with placeholders that update each time a sell is made. You will be required to install holographicdisplays if you wish to use this feature of the plugin.
- Added playerboosters with an expire date. You can add individual boosters to players with a command that expire after a given interval.
- Re-organized the options.yml by adding more comments explaining what most things do.
- Finally added an auto-purge task running in the background that will basically clear any voidchest data for locations that have been modified by third party plugins or explosions.
- Added a new list command that will show you all available voidchest names.
- Made it so you can add different permissions for breaking or placing voidchests (different for each voidchest, or the same, up to you). This can be done through the voidchest-inventory.yml file.
- Changed the auto-update interval to 2 hours from 1 hour and 15 minutes.
- Fixed a potential bug with certain items not working properly due to material name changes from version 1.13 and above (material examples are carrot, potato, etc)
- Sounds will no longer default to level up if none found, they will simply not be played.
- Breaking voidchests will now drop the contents of the custom inventory and the chest's inventory.
- Fixed a bug where if you were to use /voidchest reload, the voidchest item given by the command wouldn't update so you'd be forced to either restart or reload.
- Re-organized some code so as to (hopefully) increase performance. This however means that if you have made an addon for voidchest or a plugin that uses some of voidchest's method, you will have to update it since some methods have changed.
- Added an option for each voidchest to either prevent or allow players to open the actual chest's inventory when right clicking it.
- Added a whole lot more events for developers to use in case they may want to change certain behaviour regarding voidchests.
- Changed how voidchests are saved and loaded from the file (basically changed some paths, not much). This may cause an issue if you update the plugin without following my previous instructions.
Fixed a bug that caused an error in the console each the plugin loaded.
This was happening because the plugin was attempting to load both essentials and shopguiplus modes and then check which one is the server using rather than check first and then load.
There has been a minor change in the options.yml file:
Make sure to add the "task" path under Saving and set it to sync (or async if you know what you're doing). This will most likely fix certain Concurrent errors that you may or may not have.
- Fixed a potentional NullPointerException error in the essentials mode in case that any item inside the voidchest inventory wasn't sellable (according to essentials) it would produce an error.
- Fixed potentional dupe issues (you may not have encountered them or noticed them, no need to worry about that). This issue occured whenever the plugin reloaded and it ended up returning some items in the voidchest inventories that were removed or sold.
There have been a few quite important bug fixes and a few changes in code along with a few improvements.
No config changes made whatsoever.
- Changed version to 0.4.5
- Changes in voidchest sell mode:
- Now, whenever you reload the plugin using /voidchest reload a message will be displayed in console saying whether there were some invalid material types in your shop.yml
- This happens ONLY if you have voidchest as the sell mode.
- Fixed a NullPointerException spamming the console if you happened to have an invalid material type in shop.yml
- Changes in essentials sell mode:
- Changed the ignore-item-meta logic for essentials so as to work properly. In previous versions, no matter whether it was true or false it'd simply count the item as a sellable.
- VoidChest will now be using Maven. (This is my first project which I run maven so if you encounter any issues, let me know and I'll handle them)
- Fixed a bug with voidchest auto save function where if items were removed from the custom inventory and the plugin were to be reloaded with either a restart/command/reload command, those items would be set back to the inventory (causing duplication).
- Auto update interval changed to 75 minutes (1 hour + 15 minutes).
If in any case the essentials mode wasn't working, try testing again with this version. If you are not using essentials, updating won't be necessary.
Updated the essentials version being used in the plugin to the latest one.
No file changes made.
It seems that ShopGUIPlus support has stopped working for 1.14, this is a patch most likely, and a possible bug fix for all versions regarding items and the option "ignore-item-meta" when set to true which could potentionally reset item metas from items.
There's been a few changes which I'll be listing below.
- No file changes made whatsoever.
- Version changed to 0.4.2
- Changed the update notification interval to 45 minutes.
- It seems that (rarely) the server database somehow gets corrupted thus making some player's data retrieval a bit messy which results in causing issues with the plugin. A patch for that has been attempted.
- Permission for reload command changed to voidchest.reload
- Permission for the give command changed to voidchest.give
- Changed the use of org.apache.commons.lang3 package with com.google.common.base
VoidItemMenuClickEvent event added - fired whenever you click on the menu inventory.
The item setup logic has changed. From now, if you set the slots to "all", items will be replaced instead of ignored if there is already an item in any specific slot. However the order of how items are added has also changed.
Decoration items are added first so it is suggested that if you want "barrier" blocks perhaps, add them first and set the slots to "all". You can then add your other decoration items.
This update will allow you to fully customize the menu inventory gui. If you'd want that, make sure to read "things to note" at the very bottom.
- The gui has been made fully configurable and extremely easy to use.
- For setting items you can use "slots, slot" to set the slot you want (they are both the same) and you can put multiple slots seperated by , (commas). Example: slots: 1,2,3,4
- If the above is not enough, you can make it so all empty slots are replaced with your item by setting slots/slot to "all" so: slots: all
- You can now configure when clicking on an item in the gui whether you want it to close or not.
- Auto-Updater added, you will be notified (through console) if there is an update.
Things to note
- Some paths were either changed, added and or removed. Please keep a backup of your files and delete the old ones. Restart the server properly so as to allow the plugin to load all new yaml files.
- New files were added and some paths were moved from options.yml to that new file. Make sure to properly load them as you may encounter issues if you don't. Always keep backups.
Fixed a bug where upon placing a voidchest while the player has no permission, the voidchest would be placed but a no permission message would be sent.
From now, if you are in creative mode, breaking a voidchest will not drop an item.
Voidchests will now be dropped a bit smoother and in the exact location upon being broken.
Added bStats so as to keep track of certain data that will allow me to better certain parts of voidchest. (You may disable in bStats config.yml file but I'd appreciate it if you didn't. No performance issues will be noticed with this change whatsoever)
Hot-fixed a bug where when opening the chest's actual inventory, items were not moveable.
This update is crusial as it contains several improvements, along with a few important bug fixes. I'll be listing the changes below:
Bug fixes
- When a different player interacts with another player's voidchest inventory (menu), it will fail to act as a menu inventory thus allowing players to pull out items.
- Upon using the /voidchest reload command, an error was displayed in the console due to the VoidEconomy api.
- If you were to enter a negative number in /voidchest <player> [amount], it would display the negative amount, which is not rational. Numbers are now made absolute.
- If certain paths in the files were not found, the plugin would throw errors. If a path isn't found, a default value will be used.
- Voidchest's reload will now correctly reload all files.
- ASkyBlock will now operate even if the owner of the voidchest is offline.
- Inventories now have a placeholder: %owner% which is replaced by the voidchest's owner name. (Works in both inventories)
- Due to how spigot handles item transfers from hoppers to items, from now, items won't be transfered into the voidchest's inventory but rather into the chest's inventory. However, this has no performance issues whatsoever. After the set sell interval in options, all items are going to be transferred into the voidchest inventory and then the attempt to sell them will occur.
- Improved several code logic such as how the give command works (smaller & more efficient)
- Improved and fixed sell logic for voidchest, shopguiplus and essentials.
- Added an option so as to be able to either ignore or not item meta (name, lore, enchants, etc). Meaning, if decided to not ignore, item's with any of the things mentioned earlier will be counted as not a sellable. This is to prevent enchanted items and or re-named ones from being sold (If purge is on, they will be removed however).
- (For developers) Added 2 events: VoidSellChestEvent, VoidSellEvent. First fired whenever a voidchest is about to initiate a sell, second one is fired whenever an item is about to be sold.
- Permissions added:
- voidchest.place -> Allows a player to place a voidchest.
- voidchest.break -> Allows a player to break their own voidchest.
- voidchest.break.bypass -> Allows a player to break other player's voidchests.
- Invalid materials will be turned into bedrock in file.
Things to note
- Some paths were either changed, added and or removed. Please keep a backup of your files and delete the old ones. Restart the server properly so as to allow the plugin to load all new yaml files.