✦ | VoidChest | Auto Sell Chest | Chunk Collector | Purge | Boosters | Holograms | ✦ icon

✦ | VoidChest | Auto Sell Chest | Chunk Collector | Purge | Boosters | Holograms | ✦ -----

A special auto sell chest plugin. Create unique chests and get rich the smart way!

Bug fixes & minor changes.
There has been a minor change in the options.yml file:
Make sure to add the "task" path under Saving and set it to sync (or async if you know what you're doing). This will most likely fix certain Concurrent errors that you may or may not have.

  1. Fixed a potentional NullPointerException error in the essentials mode in case that any item inside the voidchest inventory wasn't sellable (according to essentials) it would produce an error.
  2. Fixed potentional dupe issues (you may not have encountered them or noticed them, no need to worry about that). This issue occured whenever the plugin reloaded and it ended up returning some items in the voidchest inventories that were removed or sold.
----------, May 5, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 912
First Release: Mar 29, 2019
Last Update: Sep 18, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
68 ratings
Find more info at github.com...
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Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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