✦ | VoidChest | Auto Sell Chest | Chunk Collector | Purge | Boosters | Holograms | ✦ icon

✦ | VoidChest | Auto Sell Chest | Chunk Collector | Purge | Boosters | Holograms | ✦ -----

A special auto sell chest plugin. Create unique chests and get rich the smart way!

Bug fixes & enhancements.
  1. Fixed a bug where break & place permissions would not work due to the path set in voidchest-inventory.yml was wrongly capitalized.
  2. Fixed a serious performance issue with the auto save task. Lag caused by that should improve by a lot.
  3. Added a command that allows you to see what mode voidchest is currently using (/voidchest mode, voidchest.mode)
  4. Added a debugging option in options.yml so as to keep track of some important things in case.
  5. Added a countdown intervall for when voidchests are about to sell. This can be done in holograms with the %timeleft% placeholder.
  6. Added a few more events for developers.
  7. SuperBoosters have added support for voidchest.
----------, May 29, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 912
First Release: Mar 29, 2019
Last Update: Sep 18, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
68 ratings
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