✦ | VoidChest | Auto Sell Chest | Chunk Collector | Purge | Boosters | Holograms | ✦ icon

✦ | VoidChest | Auto Sell Chest | Chunk Collector | Purge | Boosters | Holograms | ✦ -----

A special auto sell chest plugin. Create unique chests and get rich the smart way!

1.6.0 Update
  • FIXED ➜ An issue with the plugin attempting to retrieve the wrong path name for the right click mode interaction.
  • FIXED ➜ Added a missing command in the default help message.
  • FIXED ➜ An issue with the plugin attempting to get an old path for the work while owner offline feature for voidchests.
  • FIXED ➜ Fixed an error that'd be thrown were the plugin would attempt to use the playerfile while it hasn't yet loaded properly.
  • FIXED ➜ A null pointer exception error located in several hologram related classes. Now, a warning will be shown in the console instead, with details.
  • CHANGED ➜ The boost command would often times throw an error in the console due to wrong parsing of some text. This would also happen to other parts of the plugin. Now, instead of an error, all failed attempts will now default to `-1` as an input. Preventing such errors and ultimately breaking the plugin.
  • CHANGED ➜ Item sell prices will now be cached. This will be experimental as I'm unaware of the consequences this will have to similar items and whether there will be any conflicts.
  • CHANGED ➜ VoidChests now have different sell intervals.
  • CHANGED ➜ Alternated how the stacking plugins are able to hook in the options.yml (modified their paths)
  • CHANGED ➜ This is more code related and directed to developers. The voidstorages kept in player datas are now stored as maps instead of a single list holding them all, the key being the name of the voidchests and the value the list of the voidchests of that type.
  • CHANGED ➜ Sell messages can now be configured to sell over a specific interval of time (10 seconds, 10 minutes, 10 hours, etc). In case the player is offline, the stats will be saved and be shown once he logs back in, to see how much they've made while they were away.
  • CHANGED ➜ Re-organized some of the files a bit, mostly comments and made some space so things are more readable and clean.
----------, May 30, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 912
First Release: Mar 29, 2019
Last Update: Sep 18, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
68 ratings
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