✦ | VoidChest | Auto Sell Chest | Chunk Collector | Purge | Boosters | Holograms | ✦ icon

✦ | VoidChest | Auto Sell Chest | Chunk Collector | Purge | Boosters | Holograms | ✦ -----

A special auto sell chest plugin. Create unique chests and get rich the smart way!

1.7.1 Update
  • ADDED ➜ Support for 1.16.1
  • ADDED ➜ EconomyHookEvent event, only works when voidchest tries to find an economy to setup it's prices on.
  • ADDED ➜ A way to add different type of economies other than vault.
  • ADDED ➜ An option to remove the message/check in the ignore command of whether you have any voidchest.
  • ADDED ➜ More information in the /voidchest mode command.
  • ADDED ➜ An option for the chunk collector feature to ignore certain items.
  • ADDED ➜ An option to ignore certain items in general, in each voidchest type individually.
  • ADDED ➜ Multiple debug options so you can choose out on which one to enable/disable.
  • ADDED ➜ Support for fabled skyblock bank deposits.
  • ADDED ➜ Separate ignore lists for itemstacks for specific voidchest types so that items in the list don't get processed at all (only go through voidchest events).
  • ADDED ➜ BankHookEvent event, only works when voidchest tries to find a bank to setup for sending money to.
  • ADDED ➜ Operators paying no money for adding charge to voidchests is now configurable.
  • FIXED ➜ The chunk collector option would still work regardless if it was not enabled and would stop working if the auto-sell was disabled.
  • FIXED ➜ The bank default feauture would not work properly and would instead interfere with the default of chunk collector.
  • FIXED ➜ The Insta collector feature would work while ignoring fuel & chunk collector setting.
  • FIXED ➜ Fixed an issue where when using /voidchest reload, all voidchests would get lost.
  • FIXED ➜ An issue where the voidchest wouldn't be properly removed if it was burnt.
  • FIXED ➜ An issue with items not selling for certain users from time to time.
  • FIXED ➜ The stats command would thrown a stackoverflow error under certain conditions.
  • FIXED ➜ Insta-collector would still work regardless if chunk collector was disabled.
  • FIXED ➜ An issue with the hologram countdown timer not properly working if you were to set the sell interval to a number less than 1.
  • CHANGED ➜ The /voidchest toggle command has been modified so as to not toggle on or off the feature if the player doesn't own at least 1 voidchest.
  • CHANGED ➜ Remodified large chunks of the plugin, mostly API related.
  • CHANGED ➜ Insta collector feature for chunk collector will only work now if no stacking plugin is used.
  • CHANGED ➜ Operators will no longer be required to pay money for the charge feature.
  • CHANGED ➜ Moved the insta-collector option in the chunk-collector section.
  • CHANGED ➜ Moved the charge, break-persistent path in options.yml.
  • CHANGED ➜ Hologram and bank hooks are now going to be delayed as well in the data load delay option.
  • REMOVED ➜ Removed the last login check in the initial plugin load that'd remove inactive player datas from the plugin.
  • REMOVED ➜ The /voidchest purge command.
----------, Aug 15, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 912
First Release: Mar 29, 2019
Last Update: Sep 18, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
68 ratings
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