✦ | VoidChest | Auto Sell Chest | Chunk Collector | Purge | Boosters | Holograms | ✦ icon

✦ | VoidChest | Auto Sell Chest | Chunk Collector | Purge | Boosters | Holograms | ✦ -----

A special auto sell chest plugin. Create unique chests and get rich the smart way!

Migration bug fixes and optimizations
**VoidChest 2.0.1 Update**

**Release Changelog - Version 2.0.1:**

- ✅ **Improvement:** Enhanced the migration of user data using commands.
- ✅ **Bug Fix:** Resolved an issue causing a null exception during the migration process.
- ✅ **Enhancement:** Added a helpful error message for invalid arguments in the 'voidchest migrate' subcommand.
- ✅ **Optimization:** Removed unnecessary variable declarations and implemented checks for migrations in progress.
- ✅ **Bug Fix:** Added a player login event listener to prevent login during disallowed periods.
- ✅ **Code Refactor:** Restructured the migration methods, making them more efficient.
----------, Oct 27, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 912
First Release: Mar 29, 2019
Last Update: Sep 18, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
68 ratings
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