✦ | VoidChest | Auto Sell Chest | Chunk Collector | Purge | Boosters | Holograms | ✦ icon

✦ | VoidChest | Auto Sell Chest | Chunk Collector | Purge | Boosters | Holograms | ✦ -----

A special auto sell chest plugin. Create unique chests and get rich the smart way!

Bug fixes, improvements, more customization.
[ + ] Feature added / optimized. [ + ]
[ - ] Feature removed. [ - ]
[ ! ] Feature alternated. [ ! ]
[ ~ ] Bug fix. [ ~ ]​

  • [ ! ] Hologram countdowns will now show the no fuel message if the voidchest doesn't have any fuel. Before, the timer would continue to operator like normal either way giving a false feeling of the voidchest being active.
  • [ + ] Added an option to allow voidchests to keep their charge time even after being broken and re-placed.
  • [ + ] Added an option to allow voidchests to get dropped in an explosion, regardless of the explosion's type.
  • [ + ] Added a purge task that will purge any old data from the database. There is an option that allows you to set how old a data piece needs to be before it gets deleted. Player's data get "reset" when they join the server so as not to be marked as inactive and eventually get purged.
  • [ + ] From those converting from older versions, if a data file's contents do not have any chest or the last-login path, they will be purged so as to make space.
Make sure the following paths exist in your options.yml file and that it is correct and you are not missing anything. Otherwise, the plugin will not function properly and you may encounter odd behaviour from it.
----------, Aug 24, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 912
First Release: Mar 29, 2019
Last Update: Sep 18, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
68 ratings
Find more info at github.com...
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Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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