✦ | VoidChest | Auto Sell Chest | Chunk Collector | Purge | Boosters | Holograms | ✦ icon

✦ | VoidChest | Auto Sell Chest | Chunk Collector | Purge | Boosters | Holograms | ✦ -----

A special auto sell chest plugin. Create unique chests and get rich the smart way!

1.5.0 Update
  • ADDED Added most permissions in the plugin.yml file. They can now be seen from there. Not all permissions are included as not all can be added. Regardless, if you have any questions or wish to find any permission, I am available in the discord to answer questions.
  • ADDED The command `/voidchest toggle` has gained an alias `/voidchest ignore`.
  • ADDED The permission `voidchest.toggle` has gained an alias `voidchest.ignore`
  • ADDED An option for restart/reload persistent sell notifications.
  • ADDED Booster timeleft placeholder on holograms. `%booster_timeleft%`
  • ADDED A new command `/voidchest locate <username> [page]`. This will display all voidchest locations with a max count of 10 elements (voidchests) per page.
  • ADDED An instant collect option that allows voidchests to instantly collect any item spawned and is sellable. This includes items dropped by players and items dropped naturally such as cactus and etc.
  • ADDED An option to prevent voidchests being placed near chests and eventually form a doublechest.
  • ADDED An option to have broken voidchests go straight into your inventory instead of being dropped in the ground.
  • ADDED CMI Holograms support.
  • ADDED Charge persistance on break, in addition to the one that already exists, an option was added that will make the charge time be stored and not running while the voidchest is not placed.
  • ADDED Created a new event named `VoidSellChestPayOut`. This event is fired whenever a player is about to be paid money. This will allow you to interfere with the event and perhaps pay the user a different type of money.
  • ADDED Created a new event named `VoidItemChargeAddMoneyWithdraw`. This event is fired whenever a player is about to pay money for a voidchest to gain charge (fuel). This will allow you to interfere with the event and perhaps charge the user a different type of money.
  • ADDED Added support for spacestacker plugin (Stacking Plugin).
  • FIXED ➜ Wild stacker's option not properly working with chunk collector.
  • FIXED ➜ Voidchest holograms will automatically adjust only when required, and not constantly, regardless of whether they are adjusted correctly, as it was acting before.
  • FIXED ➜ Sell tasks will now be cancelled for users that do not have any voidchests. This will change the performance tremendously.
  • FIXED ➜ Limited which player data will be kept in memory and created a new repeating task that will be clearing unused data from memory every 30 minutes (configurable).
  • FIXED ➜ Plugin `Holograms` would not properly
    work in 1.15x servers.
  • FIXED ➜ Hologram countdown and the sell part of the voidchests would delay a lot in 1.15.2 servers.
  • FIXED ➜ Disabling a feature from the voidchest would not actually disable it and would only remove some parts of it. Now, disabling them will make sure that all of the features related to them will be disabled.
  • FIXED ➜ A voidchest duplication issue where if a player attempted to place a voidchest whilst standing in the block area, the block would fail to be placed but the voidchest would be created. This seems to have been an issue coming from ViaVersion but it hasn't been thoroughly searched.
    An option to enable this fix has been added in `options.yml`.
  • FIXED ➜ Having the `shop.yml`'s section for items empty or wrongly formatted will not throw an error now.
  • CHANGED ➜ Placeholder for booster time left from `%timeleft%` to `%booster_timeleft%`
  • CHANGED ➜ Placeholder in charge item changed from `%timeleft%` to `%charge_timeleft%`
  • CHANGED ➜ Updated `Holograms` to the latest version.
  • CHANGED ➜ Updated the auto-updater API.
  • CHANGED ➜ This is more developer related. Made changes into the `IVoidEconomy` class, added more methods so as to emphasize certain parts of the code and separate them for easier use.
  • CHANGED ➜ Major changes in the `options.yml`and `default.yml`. Some paths have been relocated, others renamed and some have been merged together in a specific section.
  • CHANGED ➜ Purge command has been changed, and it will now purge unused data from 3 days and further.
  • CHANGED ➜ Permission `voidchest.limit.bypass` change to `voidchest.limit.*`
----------, May 12, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 912
First Release: Mar 29, 2019
Last Update: Sep 18, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
68 ratings
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