New Amazing Lucky Blocks icon

New Amazing Lucky Blocks -----

A new incredible LuckyBlock plugin (900+ outcomes). Create your own outcomes with a fantastic GUI

=== GENERAL ===
  • Fixed warnings when loading plugin in Paper 1.12.2
  • Fixed textured LuckyBlocks not working in Minecraft 1.8-1.12
  • Fixed textures not working in Minecraft 1.21.1+
  • Added Minecraft 1.21.3 support
----------, Nov 6, 2024

=== GENERAL ===
  • Fixed bug in EntityTowerMenu: The next button wasn't working (Thanks to Triton for reporting)
  • Added Minecraft 1.21.1 support
  • Fix incorrect text color in some GUI items (For example in the RewardList menu and in the LuckyBlockType menu)
  • Now the plugin won't be disabled if it's used in an incompatible Minecraft version and instead a warning message will be shown
----------, Sep 22, 2024

=== GENERAL ===
  • Added hex color support for Minecraft 1.16+.
    You can use it like this: &#ABCDEF
  • Added water, lava and fire materials to BlockReplacingSphere (BRS) rewards. To select them, you have to click on a WATER_BUCKET (WATER), LAVA_BUCKET (LAVA) or FLINT_AND_STEEL (FIRE) like you could already do in Block Rewards
  • Improved WorldGuard integration
  • Improved durability management in the Item Menu of Item Rewards
  • Added direct download link in Spigot (You can still download the plugin file in GitHub)
=== BUG FIXES ===
  • Fixed bug with Block Rewards if the selected block was WATER, LAVA or FIRE
  • Fixed bug in EnchantmentMenu when clicking on an empty slot
  • Fixed enchantments not working as expected in Minecraft 1.21
  • Fixed bug in MiniVolcano reward: The mini volcano was been generated one block above the selected block
  • Fixed bug in ItemMenu when selecting the 0 inv slot in Minecraft 1.13+
  • Fixed bug when using /alb take command
----------, Aug 2, 2024

=== GENERAL ===
  • Added Minecraft 1.20.5/1.20.6 support
  • Added Minecraft 1.21 support
  • Added a new item: the SwappingBall.
    Shoot an entity with it and your positions will be swapped.
  • Added a new item: the ItemStealer (Thanks to AIGLE25 for the suggestion).
    Use it to steal items from other entities (including players), pick up items that are on the ground and take items from certain blocks like chests, furnaces, hoppers, etc.
  • You can find more info (including animations) here:
  • Added the flag schematic-paste, which will be registered when NewAmazingLuckyBlocks is loaded. This flag will be used to allow or not pasting the schematics of the Structure rewards (Thanks to AIGLE25 for the suggestion).
  • Added auto-rotation in Structure rewards (Thanks to AIGLE25 for the suggestion).
=== BUG FIXES ===
  • Fixed invalid version message not showing when using an incompatible Minecraft version
  • Added checks to avoid invalid speed values in AutoBow and MultiBow arrows
  • Fixed bug that could happen if a world with LuckyBlocks is reloaded
  • Fixed bug that would prevent players from breaking LuckyBlocks if other plugins cancelled the block break event
  • Fixed bug that happened when creating a new OutcomePack
  • Fixed bug that happened in Mohist server when removing a LuckyBlock recipe
  • Fixed bug that caused that Players weren't able to chat in a Mohist server
  • Fixed bug in LuckyBlock textures
  • Fixed bug in BlockReplacingSphere and Block rewards if WorldGuard was being used
  • Fixed bug that caused cooldowns of items not being updated when using /alb reload
  • Fixed bug in ShieldWand if withFloor was false
  • Fixed bug in FireWand that caused an exception if FIRE blocks fell inside a protected WorldGuard region with the flag BLOCK-PLACE in the deny state
  • Fixed bug in MiniVolcano that caused that some lava blocks were placed in protected regions
  • Fixed trap items not spawning centered
----------, Jun 21, 2024

=== GENERAL ===
  • Added Minecraft 1.20.4 support
  • Added WorldGuard support
    • Players will only be able to use Special Items (wands and objects) if they have the USE permission in a WorldGuard region.
    • Besides, placed blocks or broken blocks by Special Items (ice bow, frost path wand, shield wand, dark hole, etc) will only be placed / broken if players have PLACE / BREAK permission to do that.
    • If the region has the BUILD flag enabled and the other 3 with default value, players will be able to use Special Items without limitations.
  • Added option in config to enable or disable environment protection to LuckyBlocks
  • Added per material probability in the "enabledBlocks" section in config (Thanks to SepticSid for the suggestion). Now you will be able to specify the probability of dropping one LuckyBlock or another for every material in the "enabledBlocks" subsection of the "DropOnBlockBreak" section.
    Warning: This could break your current config.yml file, so make a backup and delete it to regenerate it.
    In the new config comments there are instructions that show how to use these new probabilities.

  • DarkHole:
    Now a block list can be selected for block-stop-mode (Thanks to AIGLE25 for the suggestion) and an option to select if the hole is squared or not has been added.
  • MiniVolcano:
    Its code has been improved and an option to select if the volcano is squared or not has been added.
  • IceBow:
    Its code has been improved and an option to enable or disable the generation of the ice prison has been added (Thanks to AIGLE25 for the suggestion).
  • HookBow:
    Added an option to allow instant arrow shooting (Thanks to AIGLE25 for the suggestion)
  • Improved FrostPathWand code.
  • Improved AutoBow code.
  • Improved MultiBow code.
=== OTHER ===
  • Fixed bug when using chat inputs if there were other plugins that used them
  • Fixed bug that ocurred when adding or deleting outcomes manually from an outcome pack file (Thanks to amitexing for reporting it)
  • Added outcome pack name in error info when executing outcomes
  • Added more placeholders in the commands that are executed when a LuckyBlock is dropped
    • Placeholders that have been added: %x%, %y%, %z%, %material%, %data% and %luckyblock_type%
  • Added an option in the Outcome editor to select items from creative mode (Thanks to SepticSid for the suggestion)
  • Other bug fixes and improvements
----------, Jan 22, 2024

=== GENERAL ===
- Added Minecraft 1.20.2 support
- Added CustomModelData to all wands and objects.
This will allow you to use certain resource packs that use this value to show or hide textures. By default, this value is 1000 for all wands and objects, but you can change it in the config (Thanks to amitexing for the suggestion)
- Added the /alb luckyEvent command (Usage: /alb luckyEvent [luckyBlockType] [player]). If you use it, a LuckyBlock event will occur to the specified player as if a LuckyBlock was broken by that player
- Now, it's possible to modify the velocity of the arrows of the AutoBow item
- Added an option in config to enable or disable HomingBow arrows to follow invisible entities
- Added option in EntityRewards to select between Player and LuckyBlock locations (Thanks to AIGLE25 for the suggestion)
- Added a new channel in the Discord server ( #beta-releases).
There, you can download beta versions of the plugin to test them

=== OTHER ===
- Fixed small bug when selecting player in the /alb give menu in lower Minecraft versions (1.8 to 1.12)
- Fixed bug when saving outcome packs in Minecraft 1.20+
- Fixed StructureRewards not working when using FAWE (Fast Async WorldEdit)
- Fixed bug that occurred when trying to select an Entity in the EntityMenu
- Fixed bug in HomingBow when shooting arrows to players in Spectator mode
- Fixed small bug in HotPotato and EndermanSoup objects when using them looking at a block
- Fixed small bug when throwing multiple HotPotatos at the same time
- Fixed small bug when the MinMinecraftVersion field didn't exist in an outcome pack file
----------, Oct 30, 2023

=== GENERAL ===
- Added Minecraft 1.20.1 support
- Improved /alb give command
- Now, objects amount and wands uses will only decrease if gamemode is survival or adventure

=== OTHER ===
- Improved random generation system
- Fixed bug when using incompatible Minecraft version
- Fixed small bug in ES and HU languages
----------, Jun 20, 2023

=== GENERAL ===
- Added Minecraft 1.19.4 support
----------, Mar 20, 2023

I recommend deleting your old lang configuration (lang folder) and let NewAmazingLuckyBlocks create it again since some lang key names have changed.

=== GENERAL ===
- Added Minecraft 1.19.3 support
- Added new world system
+ You can add or remove worlds to the world list like before.
+ But now, there is a WorldListType which can be DISABLED, WHITELIST and BLACKLIST.
DISABLED: NewAmazingLuckyBlocks will be enabled in all worlds
WHITELIST: NewAmazingLuckyBlocks will be only enabled in the worlds of the list
BLACKLIST: NewAmazingLuckyBlocks will be only enabled in the worlds that aren't in the list
+ You can change the WorldListType using the /alb worlds changeListMode command or from the /alb worlds menu

- Now, you can modify enchantments of enchanted books in ItemRewards
- Now, you can spawn angry bees and wolves in EntityRewards
- Added more options to the dropOnBlockBreak section in the config
Code (YAML):
# General LuckyBlock configurations
    # If enabled, when you break a block (not LuckyBlock),
    #   there is a probability that it dropped a LuckyBlock
: false
    # If enabled, LuckyBlocks will only be dropped in survival mode
: true
    # Disable LuckyBlock drop when using a tool with silk touch.
    # If this option is set to false, players will be able to break and place
    #   the same block whenever they want if they use a tool with silk touch.
    # So they will be able to get an infinite amount of LuckyBlocks
: true
    # Probability of dropping LuckyBlocks (between 0 and 100)
: 50
    # If enabled, the original item will be dropped with the LuckyBlock.
    #   If not, only the LuckyBlock will be dropped
: true
    # List of blocks where this mode is enabled.
    #   If the list is empty (enabledBlocks: []),
    #   and 'enable' is true then, all blocks will use this mode
    # You can find the material list here:
   - STONE
    - COAL_ORE
    - IRON_ORE
    - GOLD_ORE
    # List of commands to execute after dropping a LuckyBlock.
    #   You can use %bx%, %by% and %bz% to get the x, y and z coordinates
    #   of the broken block that dropped that LuckyBlock and %player%
    #   to get the player's name.
    # You should enter one command per line without the first '/'
    # For example: - say %player% got a LuckyBlock at %bx% %by% %bz%
: [ ]
- Added the /alb take command. It removes the items that the /alb give command gives

=== OTHER ===
- Fixed a bug related to TrapRewards in 1.19
- Other bug fixes and code improvements
----------, Jan 28, 2023

=== GENERAL ===
- Added NewAmazingLuckyBlocks discord server. You can find it at:
- Now each LuckyBlock type will be saved in a separate file
- Now you can remove LuckyBlocks by left-clicking on them with the LuckyTool
- A new configuration system has been created
All of your previous settings will be copied into the new config.yml file.
However, you will have to reconfigure the worlds with the /alb worlds command or editing the file data/worlds.yml
- A new language system has been created
Now all lang files will be stored in the 'lang' folder
To select one of them, you need to change the LangFile option in config.yml:
Code (YAML):
# Lang file to use. It must be inside the lang folder
: lang_EN.yml
- Expansion packs have arrived. They add lots of custom outcomes and LuckyBlock types to NewAmazingLuckyBlocks.
You can find them in the #➕expansion-packs channel of the Discord server
- Now you can change the icon of an outcome pack.
By default it is a CRAFTING_TABLE
- Now you can clone entity tower rewards
- Now you can use Player in entity tower rewards
- Now you can use the same entity multiple times in entity tower rewards

- Now you can choose the spawn_mode in ItemRewards:
DEFAULT: The item will spawn on the ground
ADD_INV: The item will be added to the player's inventory if there is space available. In other case, the item will spawn on ground
SET_INV: The item will be stored in a certain position of the player's inventory if that postion is empty. In other case, the item will spawn on ground
FORCE_SET_TO_INV: This is the same that previous case, but if there is an item in the selected position, that item will spawn on ground and the first item will be stored there

- Added teleport rewards. They will allow you to teleport a player to some location
- Added squid explosion reward. They will spawn a squid that will explode in few seconds. When it explodes, it will give custom potion effects to nearby entities

- Now you can configure offset in FireworkRewards
- Now you can configure isAdult, isTameable, isCustomNameVisible, health and slime size in EntityRewards
- Now you can modify equipment drop chances in EntityRewards
- Now you can use the player's name (with %player%) in entity custom name in EntityRewards
- Now you can select chests as trap materials in TrapRewards

- Some menus have been improved

=== OTHER ===
- Now worlds will be loaded when the server is fully loaded
- Now you can toggle worlds (/alb worlds toggle <world/*>)
('*' means all worlds)
- Other bug fixes and other code improvements
----------, Sep 4, 2022

- Fixed bug with permission name in command /alb worlds (
- Fixed bug when executing structure rewards in Minecraft 1.19 (
- Changed wand keys in lang.yml
- Added an option in config to disable texture checking
Code (YAML):
CheckIfTexturesAreValid : true
(If this option is disabled, the plugin will load faster since it doesn't need to check if the URL of the textures is valid or not)
- Other bugfixes and code improvements
----------, Aug 11, 2022

It has been a long time since last update, but here is the 3.0.0 version.

=== GENERAL ===
- Added Minecraft 1.19 support
- Now you can use the LuckyBlock location in command rewards
with %bx%, %by% and %bz% (Thanks to Borchundra)
- The /alb clear <world> command is back.
It allows you to remove all LuckyBlocks from a world or
from all the worlds.
Note that this command will only work with the LuckyBlocks placed after this update.
- Now you can enable or disable block breaking in explosive bow.

- Now you can change the icon of an outcome.
By default it is a CHEST.
You need to remove the outcome_packs folder to generate the default icons.
- The ItemRewards menu has been improved.
Now if the item is a colorable item (for example a leather helmet),
you can change its color.
If the item is a potion, you can change its potion effects, potion color
and potion type (NORMAL, SPLASH OR LINGERING(Minecraft 1.9+))
If the item is a head, you can change its texture.
- New reward types have been added:
+ message rewards: Send messages to players (by TITLE, CHAT or ACTIONBAR)
+ effect rewards: Give concrete potion effects to players
+ explosion rewards: Generate an explosion with a concrete power
+ trap rewards: Give a trap to players.
Traps are pressure plates that will execute an outcome when a player press them.
+ block_replacing_sphere rewards: Replaces blocks in a certain radius
by blocks in a set.

Two new objects have been added:
- Hook bow: Shoots an arrow that will be used as a hook.
You can use left click to cancel the current hook
or right click to go flying to the target location.
You can also shoot the arrow to an entity.

- Hot potato: Throw it and it will explode in few seconds

LuckyBlock types
have arrived.
They will allow you to create different LuckyBlocks (thanks to IDefalt76).
Each LuckyBlock has its own material/texture, item name, item lore,
crafting, place permission, break permission and outcome pack list.
More info in the wiki.

=== OTHER ===
- Added plugin wiki:
- A discord server is being created for NewAmazingLuckyBlocks.
It will be available soon.
- Bug fixes and code improvements
----------, Aug 5, 2022

  • Added WorldMania support (Thanks to FirePower)
  • Added Dutch language to (Thanks to FirePower too)
----------, Feb 5, 2022

  • Solved a bug with the unicode characters in the lang.yml in Minecraft 1.8
  • Added Chinese-traditional language to (Thanks to SmailDot)
----------, Dec 27, 2021

  • Support has been added to Minecraft 1.18
  • Normal worlds have been removed. If you have some normal worlds configured, they will be converted to special worlds automatically
  • Now, if you enable the HeadMode, it will be checked if the Skull-ID exists or not
  • Added an option to enable HeadMode and use sponge blocks at the same time. In order to use that, set the "enable" option of HeadMode to "both" instead of "true" or "false" (Thanks to LoLMeCZ for the suggestion)
  • Added LuckyTool. With this tool you will be able to use any placed Lucky Block with right click if you enable it in the config (Thanks to swerck for the suggestion)
  • Added an option into config to only allow using Lucky Blocks with this tool. That means they cannot be broken otherway if you enable that option
  • Other bug fixes and improvements
----------, Dec 24, 2021

  • 4 new reward types have been added in order to create more sofisticated outcomes: Block Rewards, Lightning Rewards, DarkHole Rewards and MiniVolcano Rewards
  • Outcome packs have been added. By default there are 2: default_pack.yml and example_pack.yml, but you can create as many as you want using /alb menu. These new files will be generated in the folder "outcome_packs". This means that now you can edit default outcomes. The example pack is disabled by default, to enable it, change its pack probability to a number greater than 0.
  • Now, the MiniVolcano can throw blocks that will be converted into lava when touching ground.
  • Now, you can create skulls with texture in the ItemRewards.
  • Custom outcomes menu has been improved a lot.
  • ItemReward and EntityReward have been improved
  • Now, you can select non-living entities in the EntityRewards (i.e. Boat, PrimedTnt, Minecart, etc)
  • DragonBreathWand now is FireWand
  • Some bugs have been fixed
----------, Aug 18, 2021

  • A new object has been added: the Enderman Soup. It allows you to take a little jump in the air.
  • Another object has been added: the homing bow. When you shoot an arrow with this bow, it will chase the nearest entity in its radius
  • Now, you can set a negative number to the 'number of blocks' option of DarkHole to generate a hole that will go to coordinate Y=0
  • Now, it isn't needed to change the LuckyBlock material when HeadMode is enabled
  • Now, Lucky blocks are detected by their texture when using HeadMode
  • Solved a bug that occurs in legacy MC versions due to 1.13+ material IDs being used in default custom_outcomes.yml file
  • Added Minecraft 1.17 support
  • Added Turkish language
  • Other improvements and bug fixes
----------, Jul 20, 2021

  • Structure rewards have arrived.
    Now, you can create rewards that will paste a schematic file (.schematic or .schem).
    You can choose the location where it will be pasted (player location or lucky block location), wether or not existing blocks will be replaced and wether or not to place air blocks.
    In order to use them, you have to open the outcomes menu (using "/alb menu"), create a new outcome or edit an existing one and then select structure reward.
    There, you can select the schematic file.

    Note: the file must be located at the "schematics" folder of NewAmazingLuckyBlocks.
    Note2: .schematic format is for Minecraft versions 1.8-1.12 and .schem format is for Minecraft versions 1.13 and above.

  • Besides, you need to have WorldEdit installed in order to use them.
    If you are using Minecraft 1.8-1.12, download WorldEdit 6.1.9 (
    If you are using Minecraft 1.13 or above, download WorldEdit 7.2.2 (

  • Three new commands have been added in order to manage schematic files:
    • /alb loadSchematic <name>: loads a schematic file into your clipboard
    • /alb saveSchematic <name>: saves your clipboard into a schematic file
    • /alb removeSchematic <name>: removes a schematic file
  • Some bugs have been fixed
----------, Feb 15, 2021

  • A new reward type has been added: Sound Rewards (you can generate sounds with them)
  • The Ice Bow has been improved. Now, it will generate snow, it will freeze the water and it will solidify the lava. It will also extinguish the fire
  • Two new objects have been added: Multi Bow and Explosive Bow:
    Multi-Bow.png Explosive-Bow.png
    With the Multi Bow, you will be able to shoot multiple arrows at the same time and with the Explosive Bow, you will be able to shoot arrows that will explode when they touch anything
  • The custom outcomes menu has been improved.
    Now, you can edit any reward directly from the menu, clone it, test it and more.
    Besides, now you can set a delay for each reward using the delay option in the menu
  • Now, you can enable or disable the colours in the Console logger
  • Code has been optimized
  • Bug fixes
----------, Nov 21, 2020

  • NewAmazingLuckyBlocks_legacy and NewAmazingLuckyBlocks_1.13 have been merged into a single version: NewAmazingLuckyBlocks. Besides, the code has been optimized.
  • Now you can use /nalb to use the commands (apart from /alb)
  • Added an option so that there is a certain probability that when you mine a block it would drop a LuckyBlock (thanks to Ask3r) (of course, this won't happen with already placed LuckyBlocks)
  • Added an option to the "/alb randomblock" command:
    "/alb randomblock x y z blocks <true/false/force>".
    This new 'force' option is similar to the 'false' one, but with a difference: instead of placing LuckyBlocks randomly, it will scan the terrain previously to know where these blocks can be placed or not. This is very useful for Skywars maps. However, don't enter a big number of blocks, due to the terrain will be scanned lots of times and this can cause lag.
  • Improved the version system and the update checker (Now the version will be in the next format: X.Y.Z_R, where R is the version ordinal number).
  • Added a new object: the AutoBow.
    It will allow you to shoot arrows very fast. Any type of arrow (normal arrow, tipped arrow, spectral arrow) is supported and also, you can enchant it with Infinity, Flame and Unbreaking enchantments.
  • Solved a bug that when you get the LuckyBlock item with the HeadMode enabled, it was different sometimes that expected
  • Other bug fixes
----------, Sep 5, 2020

  • Added the new worlds system:
    • It will add all your worlds to the list in the config automatically. If you create a new world or you delete someone, it will be added/deleted to/from the config too
    • Now, the worlds are in the next format: <world_name>";"<world_type>.
      <world_name> is the name of the world and <world_type> is 'n' (normal world), 's' (special world) or 'd' (disabled world)
    • By default, new worlds will be SPECIAL WORLDS. This can be changed by setting the 'NewWorldsType' option in the config to 'n', 's' or 'd'
    • You can change world types directly from the config, using the command "/alb worlds set <world_name> <world_type>" or using the worlds menu with "/alb worlds"
    • You can see what worlds are normal, special, etc in the worlds list, using "/alb worlds list"
  • Added Minecraft 1.16 and 1.16.1 support
  • Added SoftDependency for UhcCore (Thanks to Itaquito)
  • HeadDatabase plugin is no longer needed in legacy versions in order to use HeadMode. Now, HeadMode will work like in 1.13 version in both legacy and non-legacy versions
  • Improved PlayerTracker. Now, you can choose a big radius (> 1000) if the 'detect player only' option is enabled and now, you can reset the default compass target by left clicking on it
  • Fixed permission in "/alb give" command
  • Fixed a little bug in the GiveMenu
  • Other minor bug fixes
----------, Jul 1, 2020

  • Added TAB-Completer to all commands. If you write "/alb " and then you press the TAB key, a list of all available commands will appear. This also works with all subcommands
    However, this will only work with players that have the required permission:
    Code (YAML):
    : amazinglb.tabcompleter
  • Fixed a bug related to the FrostPathWand when looking to a block that was in the negative X axis.
  • Other bug fixes
----------, Mar 26, 2020

  • Improved RandomBlocks system: Now it works better (less lag)
  • Added a progress bar that will let you know how many LuckyBlocks are left to be placed. You can enable or disable it from the config
  • Now, you can stop the random LuckyBlocks placing task with the command "/alb randomblock stop"
  • Now, you will be able to remove LuckyBlocks using the command "/alb clear [world]". It will remove all LuckyBlocks of the normal world world. If no args are given, all LuckyBlocks of all normal worlds will be removed. Note that this doesn't work with special worlds
  • Added an option in the config to auto-generate random LuckyBlocks when a new chunk is populated ("created"):
    Code (YAML):
    : false
    : 8
    : 8
    : 8
    : 5
    : false
    : false
    : 5
    Note that the 'radx', 'rady' and 'radz' parameters are relative to the block (8, 64 ,8) of each new chunk

    WARNING: This can cause several lag problems if the 'blocks' or the 'maxTasks' parameters are large. If you don't want to take risks, left the 'enable' option in false
  • Bug fixes
----------, Feb 25, 2020

  • A new object has been added: The PlayerTracker
  • PlayerTracker.png
  • It will allow you to locate the nearest player to you and also, the distance in blocks from that player to you.
    You can configure the radius of the tracker and if the tracker checks about other entites, in addition to players
  • Added minecraft 1.15 support
  • Now, you can use the "/alb give" command without args in order to access to the GIVE MENU. In this menu, you'll be able to give wands, items or luckyblocks to any player like the old commands. If you don't like it, you can always use the old commands
  • Now, you can divide the blocks that will be placed randomly (with the "/alb randomblocks" command) in packets, by setting the
    Code (YAML):
    RandomBlocks-PacketSize : 10000
    option in the config to a small number (i.e.: 1, 2, 5, 10, etc)
  • Fixed a bug related with the "outcomes_probabilities.yml" file
  • Other bug fixes
----------, Jan 2, 2020

There was a problem with the Frost Path Wand in the 1.9, 1.10, 1.11 and 1.12 minecraft versions.
Now, it is fixed
----------, Nov 3, 2019

  • Now, you can change the load, enable and disable messages of the plugin
  • The DarkHole and the MiniVolcano events have been added to the outcomes list.
  • The MiniVolcano event has been improved:
    • Now, it has a pyramidal shape
    • You can change the base and the 'LAVA' materials
    • Besides, you can change the height
  • The IceBow has been improved:
    • Now, you can disable the arrow knockback
    • Now, you can enable the 'protect structures' option so that
      ice blocks don't replace existing blocks
    • You can change the amount of ticks between one block and the next like in the DarkHole or in the MiniVolcano and also, the amount of ticks before the freezing (0 by default)
  • A new wand has been added: The Frost Path Wand.
    • It will build a bridge of ice blocks between your position
      and the block you are looking at
    • You can configure these options:
      • frostMaterial: the material of the blocks of the bridge (PACKED_ICE by default)
      • maxBlocks: if you are looking at a far place, this will be the size of the bridge (20 by default)
      • minPitch: this is the minimum Pitch value for the Player (vertical face movement) so as to generate the Bridge (-45.0 by default)
      • maxPitch: this is the maximum Pitch value for the Player (vertical face movement) so as to generate the Bridge (45.0 by default)
      • time-before-frostpath: time (in ticks) before the bridge starts to be built (0 by default)
      • time-between-one-block-and-the-next: time (in ticks) between one block of the bridge and the next (5 by default)
      • rows-of-blocks-each-time: how many rows of blocks will be placed each time (1 by default)
      • row-width: width of each row of blocks (It has to be an odd number)(3 by default)
      • other options: permission and limited uses
  • Bug fixes
----------, Nov 1, 2019

  • Now, you can change the block radius of:
    • the Shield wand
    • the DragonBreath wand
    • the DarkHole
  • A protect mode for the Shield wand has been added. If this mode is enabled, blocks generated by the Shield wand won't replace any existing blocks
  • Now you can use numerical material IDs to select the Shield wand material and also, you can select the MaterialData (This only works in NewAmazingLuckyBLocks_legacy). For example:
Code (YAML):
ShieldWandBlock : 'STAINED_GLASS' (White stained glass )
: '95' (White stained glass )
: 'STAINED_GLASS:5' (Green stained glass )
: '95:1' (Orange stained glass )
  • Compatibility with Multiverse worlds has been improved
  • Outcome creating menus have been improved:
    • Back buttons have been added in all menus
    • More configuration options have been added in ItemRewards menu (Name, Lore, Durability and Enchantments)
    • The command /alb return has been added. If you use it, you will be able to return to the last menu you opened
  • Bug fixes

----------, Sep 14, 2019

  • Now you can use special worlds:
    Code (YAML):
    SpecialWorlds-list :
    - world1
    - world2
    - world3
    - etc
    These worlds are worlds of SkyWars, EggWars, etc. That is, worlds that have to be reset every time.

  • Now you can use another type of reward in custom outcomes: Firework Rewards
  • Minor bug fixes
----------, Sep 3, 2019

  • A new outcome: random exp bottles will appear around you.
  • Now you can enable/disable the HeadMode info in the console (the enable and disable message).
  • Now you can create your own outcomes.
    In order to create new outcomes, you need to change the 'Main-probability' value in the 'custom_outcomes.yml' and the same in the 'outcomes_probability.yml' file to the probability that you want. Depending on these values, it will occur custom events or non-custom ones.

    Then, you can use the "/alb menu" command to use the GUI menu or you can edit the 'custom_outcomes.yml' file directly.
    If you want more information about creating new outcomes, you can read the tutorial "How to create new outcomes".
----------, Aug 2, 2019

  • Added support for minecraft version 1.14
(The NewAmazingLuckyBlocks_1.13.jar file works in minecraft 1.14 now)
(The HeadMode works the same as in 1.13)

More features coming soon
----------, May 4, 2019

  • Now you can change the probability of outcomes, from 0 to the number you want (100 doesn't mean 100%). This probability can be set in the file outcomes_probability.yml. The "content" section in this file is only to know the event which you change the probability (you can change that section if you want).
  • A new wand has been added: the Potion Wand. Potion-Wand.png
    It can throw potions depending on probabilities that can be set in the config.yml file. Each effect probability must be like this:
    - <effect-name>;<effect-time>;<amplifier>;<probability>
    • <effect-name>: the name of the effect
    • <effect-time>: the time (in seconds) of the effect
    • <amplifier>: the amplifier of the effect
    • <probability>: the probability of the effect (This probability doesn't depend on outcomes probability)
    Its important that you add the ";" between one section an the next (there are 3 ";" in total) to allow the plugin load the effects correctly.
----------, Apr 18, 2019

In this update lots of bugs have been fixed.
In order to give that stability to the plugin,
I've split it into two versions.
On the one hand the version "legacy", for those who use the versions from 1.8 to 1.12 of minecraft. And on the other hand, version "1.13" which as its name indicates is for those who use version 1.13 of minecraft (1.13.2 included).
In addition, in each version the way of using the Head Mode changes slightly. For this, I recommend looking at the mini tutorial of the main page of the plugin.
----------, Mar 11, 2019

  • Custom Head support (it requires the HeadDatabase plugin)
  • Custom effect time for regen and invisibility wands
  • Added option to stop DarkHole in case it detects a concrete block
  • Added break and place permissions for lucky blocks
  • Now lucky blocks can't be renamed in anvils
  • Now lucky blocks are protected from water and explosions
  • Bug fixes
----------, Feb 14, 2019

  • Now you can use the "/alb give" and the "/alb randomblock" commands from the console (You need to add and fill the [player] field in order to use these commands from the console)
  • Now you can set custom limited amount of uses for the wands (If the option is enabled, each time a player uses a wand, its amount of uses decreases one. After the specified uses, the wand expires)
The custom player head option which I was working on won't appear in this update, because of some problems that I mention HERE
----------, Jan 15, 2019

  • Added Multiverse-Core full support
  • Bug fixes
----------, Jan 2, 2019

In minecraft 1.13.x there was an error (java.lang.ClassCastException) that occurred when the Entity Phantom interacted with the Entity Player.
Now it's fix.
----------, Dec 31, 2018

  • A new object has been added: ice bow (It freezes any entity that you shoot at)
  • A new event has been added: obsidian block rain (It will rain some obsidian blocks above you)
  • Multiverse support has been added
  • Now you can specify the player that will receive the wands, the objects or the luckyblocks in the "/alb give" command
  • Now you can specify the name of the luckyblock in the config (NOTE: To avoid errors, you need to delete the text that is next to de LuckyBlock option. For example, if you have in the config:
    Code (YAML):
    LuckyBlock : SPONGE
    You need to delete the 'SPONGE' text and reload the server, so that the plugin can generate the new name option
  • Some bugs have been fixed
----------, Dec 31, 2018

The lang.yml and the config.yml have been modified with a different structure.
The messages and options are similar, but they are located in other sections.

I recommend backing up your old config and lang files, let the plugin create the new ones and then copy the configuration and messages from the old files to the new ones.

  • New lang.yml and config.yml files
  • New command "/alb help <page>": Now this is the new help command
  • New command "/alb give <wands/objects/luckyblock> [amount]": This command replaces the "/alb wands" and the "/alb objects [amount]" and also adds the luckyblock give option
  • New permissions: the permission for these old commands mentioned before has changed into "amazinglb.give.wands/objects/luckyblock", but you can modify it like the old ones
  • There is a new section called 'prefix' which you can change
  • In the downloads page, I have added a file that contents two language files: Spanish and English. If you speak other languages and you want them to appear in that file, send me a private message.
----------, Dec 28, 2018

  • Added 1.13.x full compatibility
  • Added the option to enable/disable the update checker
  • Bug fixes
----------, Dec 19, 2018

  • Now, you can select the amount of items do you want in the "/alb objects" command: "/alb objects [amount]"
  • Added 1.13.x compatibility (not 100%, there are some bugs that need to be fixed). So if you found any bug, please tell me it as soon as possible to try to solve it.
----------, Dec 17, 2018

- New Amazing Lucky Blocks now is compatible with minecraft 1.9, 1.10, 1.11 and 1.12
- Minor bug fixes
----------, Dec 6, 2018

There was a small bug with the stone sword when it appeared. Now it is fixed
----------, Dec 3, 2018

Now, the updater will tell you when there is a new update available when you enter in your server. This will only happen if you have the permission or if you are an op.
----------, Dec 1, 2018

This update includes an update-detector system that will allow you to know when there is a new version available.
----------, Nov 22, 2018

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 16,155
First Release: Nov 22, 2018
Last Update: Nov 6, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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