The lang.yml and the config.yml have been modified with a different structure. The messages and options are similar, but they are located in other sections. I recommend backing up your old config and lang files, let the plugin create the new ones and then copy the configuration and messages from the old files to the new ones.
New lang.yml and config.yml files
New command "/alb help <page>": Now this is the new help command
New command "/alb give <wands/objects/luckyblock> [amount]": This command replaces the "/alb wands" and the "/alb objects [amount]" and also adds the luckyblock give option
New permissions: the permission for these old commands mentioned before has changed into "amazinglb.give.wands/objects/luckyblock", but you can modify it like the old ones
There is a new section called 'prefix' which you can change
In the downloads page, I have added a file that contents two language files: Spanish and English. If you speak other languages and you want them to appear in that file, send me a private message.