4 new reward types have been added in order to create more sofisticated outcomes: Block Rewards, Lightning Rewards, DarkHole Rewards and MiniVolcano Rewards
Outcome packs have been added. By default there are 2: default_pack.yml and example_pack.yml, but you can create as many as you want using /alb menu. These new files will be generated in the folder "outcome_packs". This means that now you can edit default outcomes. The example pack is disabled by default, to enable it, change its pack probability to a number greater than 0.
Now, the MiniVolcano can throw blocks that will be converted into lava when touching ground.
Now, you can create skulls with texture in the ItemRewards.
Custom outcomes menu has been improved a lot.
ItemReward and EntityReward have been improved
Now, you can select non-living entities in the EntityRewards (i.e. Boat, PrimedTnt, Minecart, etc)