New Amazing Lucky Blocks icon

New Amazing Lucky Blocks -----

A new incredible LuckyBlock plugin (900+ outcomes). Create your own outcomes with a fantastic GUI

The probability update
  • Now you can change the probability of outcomes, from 0 to the number you want (100 doesn't mean 100%). This probability can be set in the file outcomes_probability.yml. The "content" section in this file is only to know the event which you change the probability (you can change that section if you want).
  • A new wand has been added: the Potion Wand. Potion-Wand.png
    It can throw potions depending on probabilities that can be set in the config.yml file. Each effect probability must be like this:
    - <effect-name>;<effect-time>;<amplifier>;<probability>
    • <effect-name>: the name of the effect
    • <effect-time>: the time (in seconds) of the effect
    • <amplifier>: the amplifier of the effect
    • <probability>: the probability of the effect (This probability doesn't depend on outcomes probability)
    Its important that you add the ";" between one section an the next (there are 3 ";" in total) to allow the plugin load the effects correctly.
----------, Apr 18, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 16,173
First Release: Nov 22, 2018
Last Update: Nov 6, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
21 ratings
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