Added hex color support for Minecraft 1.16+. You can use it like this: &#ABCDEF
Added water, lava and fire materials to BlockReplacingSphere (BRS) rewards. To select them, you have to click on a WATER_BUCKET (WATER), LAVA_BUCKET (LAVA) or FLINT_AND_STEEL (FIRE) like you could already do in Block Rewards
Improved WorldGuard integration
Improved durability management in the Item Menu of Item Rewards
Added direct download link in Spigot (You can still download the plugin file in GitHub)
=== BUG FIXES ===
Fixed bug with Block Rewards if the selected block was WATER, LAVA or FIRE
Fixed bug in EnchantmentMenu when clicking on an empty slot
Fixed enchantments not working as expected in Minecraft 1.21
Fixed bug in MiniVolcano reward: The mini volcano was been generated one block above the selected block
Fixed bug in ItemMenu when selecting the 0 inv slot in Minecraft 1.13+