Improved RandomBlocks system: Now it works better (less lag)
Added a progress bar that will let you know how many LuckyBlocks are left to be placed. You can enable or disable it from the config
Now, you can stop the random LuckyBlocks placing task with the command "/alb randomblock stop"
Now, you will be able to remove LuckyBlocks using the command "/alb clear [world]". It will remove all LuckyBlocks of the normal world world. If no args are given, all LuckyBlocks of all normal worlds will be removed. Note that this doesn't work with special worlds
Added an option in the config to auto-generate random LuckyBlocks when a new chunk is populated ("created"):
Note that the 'radx', 'rady' and 'radz' parameters are relative to the block (8, 64 ,8) of each new chunk
WARNING: This can cause several lag problems if the 'blocks' or the 'maxTasks' parameters are large. If you don't want to take risks, left the 'enable' option in false